Thursday, July 31, 2008

Robbed Again

My business was broken into last night. This is the second time in five weeks. The dock high door in the back is caved in, and missing are a Dodge truck (probably met its demise at a chop shop), a plasma cutter, copper, and one of our bigger grinders. The thieves also punctured the gas tank of another vehicle and stole the gas. I was about to get in the shower when the call came. I dressed again and Robin and I drove to work.

If you have ever been the victim of a robbery you know how it feels to be violated. For decent people, it is hard for us to imagine taking the liberty to enter someone else's property and help ourselves. Most of us work, sacrifice and save to have the things we own. It never entered our minds to take from another person. Yet thieves walk among us and feel entitled to those things we worked so hard to possess.

I waited while the police filed the report and Robin did his best to secure the door. It was so damaged that he could only barricade it and hope it lasted through the night. I was so shocked and numb that I couldn't remember the alarm code or password. To be facing this nightmare again, only five weeks later, was too much.

I'm angry. I didn't need this added expense. I know how to tighten the belt when lean times come. I've had to do it off and on through the years. You all know where I buy my shoes. I used to shop higher-end stores for my clothing. I don't any more. I used to wear Lancome makeup and now I'm happy to get what the grocery store carries. I can make do. I've never been tempted to steal from others. Regardless of what I have or don't have, most importantly I have to live with myself.

Yes, I'm angry but I also pity the person who took the liberty to enter my business and rip me off. Because he will never know the satisfaction that comes from working toward a goal and attaining it. He will never know the sense of accomplishment in a job well done. He will never know discipline, integrity, character, or humility. He will bleed others dry for his own gain. He will appreciate nothing. He'll never feel the peace that comes from an honest day's work. And he'll always have to watch his back.

But most importantly, he has to live with himself.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cremation - Thinking Outside the Box

This topic might not be wise, considering that I had a heart attack 6 weeks ago. On the other hand, the Grim Reaper has a universal address book and GPS system and knows how to find each of us. The day will come, without fail, so we might as well have a sense of humor about it.

I don't like cremation. Are you listening, Robin, Ron, Allison, and Angela? I'm too old to think outside the box. Besides, I hate dust. I've lived with dust all my life. I can swipe a cloth across a table and a new sprinkling of dust appears within minutes. I don't want to become dust particles. I want to take up a plot of ground with a shiny metallic box in pale pink, and go down six feet. I want to cost money on the way out. In addition to dust, I've had enough of ovens, too.

Robin's Mom, Dad, and Sis reside in our home. It was freaky at first, but I've gotten used to them. They are still in cardboard boxes so it's easy to think of them as stored documents, old business transactions, or pictures. I'm beyond coming face to face with those boxes and wondering if Robin ordered something for me. I'm not curious, either. Not one bit. The first time I met "Dad", we were visiting Robin's rented storeroom. "Say hi to Dad. He's sitting on the riding lawnmower," Robin informed me. I almost wet my pants. We tried to send Mom, Dad, and Sis home with Robin's sister, Kate. We figured it was time. She didn't. So they remain with us, just waiting for the day when Robin returns to Tampa to scatter them in the ocean as they requested. Shark food. Makes me shiver.

My friend, Patty, wants to be cremated. I've begged her not to (assuming she goes first), that I need time with her in her recognizable form to say my good-byes. I don't know what to say if I'm standing before a cardboard box or jeweled case. I want flesh and bones. Patty doesn't like to see dead people, and she doesn't want anyone standing over her and saying, "Oh! Doesn't she look good!" I do. I want to look good for anyone who cares to come to my funeral.

I have no qualms with the tree-huggers or other practical people who opt for cremation. It does take up less space and tends to be more economical. If their mental psyche can handle it, go for it. Mine can't. I don't want to place a loved one in an oven and reduce to ashes the one thing that made them visually familiar to me. Bread goes in ovens, people don't.

My final wishes have been made clear in this post. Let me return to dust the natural, slow way. I don't want to be stored on a shelf in Robin's office with Mom, Dad, and Sis. I don't want my kids fighting over me. "I want Mom." "No, it's my turn to have her ash." "You can have my turn. I don't want human dust mites floating all over my house!" And when the afternoon sun filters through a window, illuminating the airborne particles, I don't want anyone to ask, "Mom, is that you?"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here's the Proof

It never hurts to document the reasons behind why work isn't getting done. If I leave my office, Parker helps himself to my desk chair. And we don't disturb our pets. Why is that? We will sleep in an awkward position before we will move our pet from their comfy one. Robin and I will comment on how cramped we slept because of the cats, yet neither one of us makes any attempt to move them out of our way. We aren't alone in this. I've had this discussion with other pet owners and it's the same story. We let our furry critters have first pick. I don't have an answer for this, but I can tell you that since Parker has my office chair, I moved to the laptop to post this.When he isn't taking ownership of the chair, he's usually on my desk. Being the organized person that I am, I keep tidy stacks on my desk with the hopes of getting to them soon, sorting, posting, and filing. After Parker has used a stack for a pillow, or chased the mouse he brings to me, the piles are scattered. This is further proof of why I stay behind.
But I have found a way to disturb Parker without him knowing that he's being disturbed. I just ask him if he wants a treat. He will get up and follow me anywhere.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Conquered Fear & a Beautiful Smile

The fear of water is a thing of the past. My grandchildren have learned that a day in the pool is lots of fun. Baylee shocked us all by jumping off the diving board. Dad was close by in case she needed him, but she managed to jump quite often without expecting him to catch her. Her Mom suggested that she get a running start on the diving board before jumping, and she did. We were so proud of her courage, but no more than she was!
Jude spent most of his time snorkeling with his face in the water. He also jumped off the diving board to shouts of praise from his cheering section. Both kids have become fishes! Jude, of course, is a shark, his current fascination. He can tell you anything you want to know about them. This kid has cat and dog issues, but he absolutely loves sharks. I'm confused.
And here's our beautiful Camryn with her braces off! Look at that dazzling smile! I'm very tempted to put her and Candice under lock and key.
I got to spend a lovely afternoon with Camryn this weekend. We were at a home party of a friend and I hope she enjoyed being with all of us "old ladies" as much as I enjoyed her. She's adorable!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Baylee and the Ant

This is the heartbreaking story of a little girl who loves animals and a Mom who kills them. Anyone who knows Baylee knows she wouldn't hurt a fly. She might punch her brother in the nose and tease her little sister, but she wouldn't harm one of God's helpless creatures. She adores everyone's animals and cries when she has to leave them. They love her back. I know of one dog that stares after their van until it disappears from sight, while Baylee is grieving in said van because of the Baylee/dog separation. When she visits my sister's home she is enamored by the horses, dogs and kitten. You can't pull her away from them without a fight. This is why this story is so heart-wrenching.

A smiling, happy Baylee walks in to her Mom and announces, "I have a new pet!"

Allison looks down at an ant crawling up Baylee's arm. Quickly, she reaches for the ant and ends its little life between two of her fingers while Baylee looks on in horror.

The tears start raining down her face. "You killed my pet!"

"It was an ant. Ants can sting you," Allison told her.

"But he loved me!" Baylee wailed.

Now, I agree with Allison. Loving an ant is carrying the animal love affair to an all new high. What if Baylee has the same attraction to a wasp, a rattlesnake, a skunk, and others in the animal kingdom that aren't pet-friendly? Not all critters want to be cuddled, nor do we want that kind of relationship with them. So I do understand Allison's alarm. But she still killed Baylee's pet.

Baylee is almost four and I'm afraid she will always remember when her mom callously killed one of her pets. The memory of a tiny life being snuffed out in an instant will haunt her forever. She may develop a fear of her mom's hands, hands that at one time had been tender and soothing, hands that had done so much for her. This one action could erase all the good they had done.

I'm afraid Baylee will need therapy as she carries this violent act with her. I'm sure the next time she finds an ant in the yard she won't be so eager to show her mom.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sweeter than Honey

Even though my leg had gone to sleep and my numb arm was being used as a pillow by this hefty guy, I thought it was a Kodak moment. This is his favorite spot whenever I sit down. If I'm not there, Parker settles for Robin. He's so sweet, but doesn't realize he weighs a lot!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Vacations with Friends are so Much Fun!

Remember the good deed Robin did when he offered his portion of the condo week in Galveston to my friends? Well, that long-awaited trip is only a month away. Joining me will be Patty, Donna, our niece Shelley, and we're positively begging Cheryl, Deborah, and Allison to go with us. Patty and I will be there the entire week, while the others can only stay through the Labor Day weekend since work and kids in school are considerations. And, why, you ask, are vacations with friends so much fun? Oh, let me count the ways!

- No one comments on your shapeless nightshirt. They are just glad you're wearing one.

- No parts of your anatomy are grabbed as you pass by.

- No time spent on a smelly pier with bait and flopping things in ice chests.

- No cooking! Praise the Lord!

- No one crowding you in bed. We keep strictly to our own side.

- Makeup is optional.

- Shampoo is optional.

- No "oink" sounds when you stuff a pastry in your mouth.

- Reruns of Golden Girls instead of the sci-fi channel. How many times can one person watch Alien???

- Shared interests, making day planning run smoothly.

- No one cares how you look in a bathing suit.

- No one expects you to wear a bikini. Your friends understand muffin tops and surgical scars.

- Conversation, conversation, conversation!

How much more convincing do you ladies need? Come on! Let's go!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Celebrating with Rita

My sister-in-law, Rita, is having a birthday this week. Since she's in town for a few days instead of at her paradise country home, I decided it was the perfect time to celebrate. We met at El Fenix and indulged the senses.Being with Rita is always quality time spent. She is an amazing woman. I admire her for many reasons, but the top ones are: how she has cared for her ailing mother for many years now, being the nurse and nutritionist, and being the most caring daughter anyone could imagine. I admire Rita for her faith that spills over into my own life and blesses me. She is always ready with encouraging words and I know all of us are in her prayers. I love Rita for all the extras she does for us, like sending cards, or pictures she has taken, or articles she feels will interest us. And I thank Rita for being a loving aunt to my kids and for spoiling Ron when she filled in for me at work. She's been a blessed part of our family for many years and I can't imagine her not being there.
Happy birthday, Rita, and thank you for loving me like a sister. Donna and I treasure you like one, too. You have a big heart and a bigger place in our hearts. I love you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mama Mia!

Debra and Karen joined us tonight and we hope they will again.
This is Jennifer, a neighbor of Allison's, with my lovely daughter.
Patty and I look like we're having way too much fun.

Can you believe my luck? Another night out with the girls? So soon? Yes, I'm on a roll! Tonight a small group of us went to a dinner theater to see Mama Mia! We ordered our meal, sat back, ate, and enjoyed the show. Our "Dancing Queen" waiter even entertained us with a few hips and booty moves. We had a ball! I could really get used to this girls night out stuff. Check in tomorrow night. I just might get out again.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Welcome, SITS Sisters!

It is an honor and pleasure to welcome you to my blog and to have my books mentioned on SITS. I salute Heather and Tiffany for the beautiful way they have brought the blogging community together. Kudos!

I am excited about my novels and pleased to share them with you. Feel free to click on the link under the books on the left and read about me, the books and a preview. Simon Says, books one and two, are sold by me in a set or can be ordered online through the publisher or book retailers. Both books are approximately 500 pages long and are one complete novel. Book two completes the story.

My $40 set includes: Signed copies of Simon Says, Books One and Two
A Simon Says Bookmark
To order, please e-mail me at, with your name and address.

To order online at AuthorHouse, go their link and pay $14.99 + shipping for each book.

The prices at book retailers vary, but most are $21.99 + shipping for each book.

My daughter, Angela, from the painted house, did the artwork for both my books and I'm very proud to show them off. Thank you all for taking the time to let me introduce Simon Says!

Now, some humor - my son-in-law, in his satirical fashion, proving that men enjoy sappy books, too!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sissy!

This is a personal birthday tribute to my beautiful sister, Donna. If the rest of the world wants to read it (OK, my few loyal readers), that's fine, too. I just want her to know how much she means to me. So, if you can't handle sappy (like I have any male readers), you might want to come back tomorrow.

Donna, you are an incredible sister! As our past together strolls down memory lane I am reminded of the huge part you have always played in my life. I'm thinking about the years we shared a bedroom, talking and laughing through the night, grateful for the plastic sheet on our bed, "breastfeeding" our dolls that were lined up on the headboard, harmonizing (you) through a medley of songs so that washing dishes became a tolerable chore, splashing in the lake and water skiing together, swapping clothes in our teenage years, sharing secrets and dreams, and cementing ourselves into a sisterhood and friendship that would be a blessing for life.

I'm remembering good times and bad times, and all the times we were there for each other. When you were down, I tried my best to come to your rescue, always believing in you, always admiring you, always loving you as only a sister will. And through my past and present heartaches and trials, you have stood beside me with unwavering support and love. You have always gone the extra mile for me, no matter what the circumstances, and I love you for it.

And as if I couldn't love you more, I found out I actually could when I witnessed what an amazing aunt you are. You did so many fun things with my kids, endearing them to you forever. Thank you for all the fun trips, the sleepovers, the sincere interest in them, and, yes, bringing Angela home at midnight when she realized Mom and Dad weren't there. All three of my kids grew up loving their Aunt Donna. Thank you for wanting to share in their lives. I know I was proud to share my loving sister with them.

I know we both have areas in our lives that we'd like to forget ever happened, but that is true of everyone. No one is perfect. But what I love about sisters is that we accept and don't judge. It's so on the mark what is said about pointing a finger. There are three fingers pointing back at us. Thanking you for looking past my mistakes and loving me as your sister, regardless.

And thank you for everything we have shared over the years, all the songs we sang with your beautiful alto voice bringing in the harmony, all the laughter, the times we were privileged to be the other's maid or matron of honor, all the fun and all the tears and all the sussies! You are my treasured Sissy.

Here we are on Father's Day with the first man we ever fell in love with.
Donna and Deborah at one of our Girls Night Out. How special having a friendship that began in the 3rd grade!
Donna and Deborah when we had our slumber party at my house. Girls just want to have fun!
And, finally, my favorite picture of Sissy. It shows her beautiful smile, her fun side, her knee-slapping I-made-a-funny that she is known for. Have a wonderful birthday, Sissy, and know that your big sissy loves you with all her heart. You are beautiful inside and out and that is true beauty!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Girls Night Out

The Birthday Girl in her sparkling tiara. Donna looks royal! The birthday tiara is compliments of Patty.
Paula, Paula, and Donna the Birthday Girl.
Patty, Deborah, Peggy, and Allison.
The party's over but what fun we had! Donna even brought party favors for all of us. How neat is that?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Joys of Marriage

Sometimes it takes a crisis for it to really hit home that our life partner is important to us. Too often we get in a comfort zone and stop trying to be the person our partner fell in love with. Then something big comes along and we start to ponder what our life would be without that person we married.

Robin and I experienced this four weeks ago when a heart attack woke me from sleep. Neither of us wanted to admit what was happening. It was acid reflux, indigestion, something very annoying but not life-threatening. When I called my doctor to make an appointment and he told me to go to the hospital emergency room instead, reality began sinking in. It was serious.

Robin quickly ushered me to his truck and he backed out of the driveway at lightening speed. I knew the fears going through my own mind, but I wasn't sure what Robin was thinking. I knew he was scared, even though I usually see only the jokester in him, the little boy who wants to have fun, the man who doesn't care for the serious side of life. I know what I'd be thinking if the situation was reversed. Fear would be gripping my heart at the thought of losing my husband, losing another husband, too early in life. Was I driving fast enough? Will we get there in time? Should I have called an ambulance instead?

I'm sure all those questions and concerns were whirling around in his mind as he drove with a purpose, but his words came out in a different way.

"Are you still with me?" he asked.

"I'm here."

"Hang on, Peggy."

"I will."

"We'll be at the hospital soon."


"Remember, Peggy, I can't cook."

What? I'm having a heart attack and his biggest fear is that I won't be around to cook his meals? I turned to him and saw both the playfulness and the concern in his eyes. It was his safe way of saying he wanted me around. Unlike me, a woman, who would have cried and told him I couldn't live without him, he said the same thing but in totally different words. I think.

Thankfully, we came through the crisis together and stronger than ever before. Dr. Robin makes sure I rest often. If he sees signs that my heart is fluttering or if I look pale, he turns off my office light and demands that I go to bed for awhile. The guy wants his meals.

In return, I continue to cook for him. He's getting things like turkey bacon now instead of that pig stuff. Who knows, maybe he'll learn to cook.

A Jude-ism

My grandson, Jude, age 6, had this conversation with his mom.

Jude: "Does Aunt Donna live in Oklahoma?"

Mom: "Yes, she lives in Oklahoma."

Jude: "Does she live in the stick or the box?"

The above picture says it all. Art Linkletter was right, "Kids say the darnest things."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Where's My Stimulus Check?

I received my notice last week that I could expect my economic stimulus check by July 11. Woo Hoo! Like many Americans, I planned to pay on some bills instead of being frivolous with the money. Besides, BOGO ended last week. But July 11 came and went. Today I received two letters from the IRS. I opened the first one and was delighted to learn that I had overpaid on my personal income tax form for 2007! Don't you just love that? You reluctantly sign that check for the IRS only to learn you sent in too much. That's the kind of letter I like to get. But the next sentence wasn't as happily received. It explained that since my company owes penalty and interest to the IRS that my "refund" would be used to offset that debt.

The IRS and I have been bickering for over two years about unreasonable penalty and interest that I believe should be reduced. Once in awhile I will reach a very pleasant representative who tells me it is time to get an IRS advocate. They are employed by the IRS but are there to listen to your pleas and try to work out a tolerable solution. So I called and got myself an advocate, only to be told I needed to go through an appeals process first. Whatever that is. So the matter of penalty and interest is still not settled and my refund has been applied accordingly.

Now, the second letter from the IRS. It informed me that they had graciously (my word) applied my long-awaited stimulus check to my company's penalty and interest debt. The government giveth, and the government taketh away. I honestly believed the stimulus check, the one we don't have to claim as income on our 2008 taxes, was in a class by itself. I was unaware that the IRS could keep it and apply it elsewhere. Yes, I knew they could do that with my refund, but a stimulus check?

Of course, now I'm at this point where I don't even want to win the lottery. I'd just get my hopes up, make plans for the money, and face some catastrophic event that would swallow it whole.

Happy Anniversary, Angela and Clayton!

Look at these two young kids! And no, neither set of parents had to co-sign on this marriage, but we would have. A lot has happened in 12 years that keeps these two stuck together like glue. See Angela's blog for the details.

Happy Anniversary, and God's blessings on the many years ahead.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts

I agree that desserts would definitely be a boost to my mental health, but would do damage to my physical health, which is trying hard to remain in the spotlight. I had to deal with heart flutters all last week so the cardiologist increased my beta blockers. That's scary in itself since it also lowers blood pressure and mine has always been low enough.

But beta blockers are also good for those of us who have suffered a heart attack. It slows down the heart and relaxes the blood vessels that have been working overtime due to stress hormones. I looked back over this past week to find the cause of the added stress on my heart and there it was, plain as day. Would you care to guess? OK, here's a little hint. It's a non-profit organization.

But before everyone rushes to the podium with sermons on the tips of their tongues, please consider where I'm at right now. Closing the place down would cause much more stress right now. There are too many unknowns either way, I admit. I've researched the effects of too much stress hormones and I feel my best course of action right now is to focus on ways to reduce the stress through walking, exercise, and journaling. My sister-in-law Rita was over today and brought me a new journal, an eye mask, and a fragrant set of gel, mist and lotion to help me relax in a soothing bath. I was surprised and told her I'd just read that journaling was a good stress reducer. Often answers appear when our thoughts are put to paper.

Then there's my temperament. My reaction to stresses in my life might be overly exaggerated due to my doomsday approach to life. I get overwhelmed easily. Chores ahead of me look bigger than they actually are. I may try to fit five big things into my daily schedule, only to find there was time for ten. And more than likely, the due date on a bill hits me harder than it does most people. By now, you might be thinking I need my own little padded cell and you are probably right.

Pretty much what I'm trying to say is I know my limits and I'm pacing myself right now. When the danger signs hit, like last week, and last month, I'm paying attention. I need to consider the long-range effects of stress, and I will. But I also want some immediate gratification, too, like in the form of desserts.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Yesterday Once More

Did I mention we met in the 6th grade?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Juliet!

My 7th grandchild, my 4th granddaughter, Juliet, turns 3 today! Now that she is old enough to grasp the concept of birthdays, treats, and gifts, I can assure you she is excited about today.

One of her first birthday arrivals was a card from her great-aunt Rita. I'm told she carried it around all day and showed everyone. Don't you just love remembering a girl who is so appreciative?

Our Juliet is like a delicate porcelain doll with perfect little features. She reminds me of a princess, which happens to be a fascination of hers. She's into anything that is Disney Princess. When I visited them in May I brought her a sticker book with all the Disney beauties and she had such fun with it. I think she will like what I gave her for her birthday since it's along the same theme. She'll be watching for the Big Brown Truck today.

I love to hear her enthusiastic singing, her infectious laughter, and how she loves wearing Memaw's perfume. She is a girlie girl and I love it!

Happy birthday, Princess Juliet. You will always be our princess. I love you so much and wish I could spend this special day with you.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy Birthday, Camryn!

This gorgeous girl is my 15-year-old granddaughter, Camryn, who is enjoying a birthday today. And as if a birthday isn't exciting enough, Camryn got her braces off today! I can't wait to see her new smile. I just can't imagine it being any more perfect than her smile has always been.

Turning 15 means she is now a candidate for drivers ed. When I think back to that year of tamping a make-believe brake pedal on the passenger side while her Dad polished his driving skills, I can't help but feel that justice is being served. Drive him everywhere he wants to go, Camryn!

Camryn will be a sophomore this school year and has signed up for many required and elective subjects. She sings in the choir and has chased more than a few balls on the soccer field. She has a level head on her shoulders that will serve her well. She hasn't admitted to me that she is boy crazy and I feel more comfortable believing she isn't. More than enough time for boys!

Happy birthday, Camryn. I'll have your strawberry ice cream made before you know it.

Talk About a Coronary!

The medical bills are coming in. I've only received three of them, but believe me, they got my attention. I know personal finances should remain personal, but I want some sympathy here. So here goes. The grand total so far is $56,883.75. Yes, I feel another heart attack coming on.

In the itemized section of the hospital bill it lists "Invasive Cardiology" and its cost at $39,532.32. What is that all about? Are stents that expensive? My cardiologist already billed me for placing them in my heart. I didn't get a real good look at the room I was in for the procedure, but I do know it wasn't along the lines of the Ritz Carlton. Besides, room and board appears on its own line.

Pharmacy alone was over $3,000. If I wasn't a drug addict when I entered the hospital I must be now. Using $3,000 in drugs during a four-day period sounds like a serious problem to me.

Now the good news. Since I am self-pay, which means I have no insurance coverage, all the parties involved have reduced my bill to around $36,000. It's a significant drop, but I'll still need to sell my house and my soul to meet the bills. May I remind you, I'm still paying on a hospital stay and surgery that I had almost two years ago.

All of this brings me to this question: why would anyone send bills of this magnitude to a heart attack victim? The shock factor is enough to send anyone into cardiac arrest. Shouldn't some illnesses be treated for free since the patient is too fragile to even open the envelope, let alone look at the bottom line on a bill? Have we become that insensitive to the health needs of our American citizens?

Shame on you - hospitals, doctors, radiologists - for saving a heart attack victim, only to push her into having another one.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Monkey Butt

I thought I was being original. Having come from a family whose biggest claim to fame is their sense of humor - often warped and sarcastic, always spontaneous and on target - I really thought my comment was quick-witted and one of a kind.

Robin had been sitting in bed with coffee and the morning news. When he finally rose to take a shower, his red backside reminded me of a baboon.

"You have monkey butt," I told him.

We both laughed and the joke has continued. If we sit too long, we get monkey butt. Since I honestly thought this cuteness had originated with me, imagine my surprise when I learned that Monkey Butt had been marketed. I should have known. Sometimes I think of a funny comeback, only to discover it was so simple, so elementary, that it had originated long ago and by many before me. Such is the case with Monkey Butt.

Robin walked in after shopping recently and sat this bottle in front of me. It's Anti-Monkey Butt Powder, complete with a red-bottomed baboon. I was shocked that someone had stolen my phrase. And turned it into a money-maker. I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

Anti-Monkey Butt Powder boasts that it is good for "butt busting" activities like motorcycling, bicycling, truck driving, and all kinds of sports that can leave a damp feeling in the drawers. Just sprinkle a little Anti-Monkey Butt Powder on the affected areas and stay dry and red-free for hours. Why didn't I think of that?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Dinner's Ready at my House

In pre-heart attack days these chicken breast strips would have been breaded and fried, and served with mashed potatoes and gravy. Yummy on the taste buds but not so good for the ticker. So today I marinated the chicken in a little olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and garlic. Then I broiled them instead of frying. Oh, this Southern Girl loves her fried food! But thankfully, chicken is not one of my favorite foods so broiling it was no big deal. Actually, the marinade helped to disguise the fowl taste.

I put the chicken over a bed of Parmesan Couscous, and added a medley of Asian vegetables and home-grown tomatoes with a hint of onion, lemon juice and olive oil. It may not be totally heart healthy, folks, but I'm learning. I've also gone through a whole box of oats and more is on my grocery list. Our usual Sunday morning fare is a Sara Lee pecan coffee cake and it has been replaced by oatmeal. No wonder I had a heart attack.

Camryn and Our Birthday Tradition

Camryn will be turning 15 this week so we set out to enjoy our birthday lunch and shopping. This is always a fun time for us. I get to re-visit my teenage years through her and she gets to experience a good dose of humility by being seen out in public with her grandma. She handled it very well!

She chose to have lunch at Fridays and our waitress treated us to a big dish of vanilla ice cream, topped with chocolate syrup and whipping cream, in honor of Camryn's birthday. We didn't know if we had room for the ice cream after a big lunch, but we managed to clean the bowl.

Let this picture be a reminder to all you mature ladies out there to never share a picture with a 15-year-old. It doesn't flatter you. Not at all. Actually, the age thing came into play when we entered the restaurant. The greeter asked if we wanted to sit in the bar.

"We're too young," I told him.

"She may be too young, but you aren't," he rudely replied. Then, I guess it hit him how awful that had sounded and he offered to card me. Too late, buddy, you already blew it.

After lunch, the fun part began. Shopping! Camryn had fun trying on clothes and picking out earrings. She ended up with 10 pairs of earrings, sandals, a pair of denim shorts, and a cute top. Notice the worn spot on the shorts. I could put my finger through the threads. I asked if they were defective.

Camryn just smiled. "It's the style, Memaw."

Man, I could make a fortune if I still had all the thread-bare shorts and jeans I discarded when a hole appeared.

I enjoyed my day with my beautiful girl. And if we think she's beautiful today, just wait until her actual birthday when her braces come off. I hope to document that moment with a picture.

Thank you, Camryn for a perfect day. I love you!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Jude...and Sophia in the Spotlight

Sorry I didn't add any words to this masterpiece last night. I was having ulcer pain and couldn't get the video placement and my writing to cooperate. However, the video pretty much says it all.

Jude enjoys having special music. He's a real showman who is comfortable performing for others. Right after his song the pastor asked if I wanted to give my testimony about my recent heart problems and I informed him that I put it in the newsletter instead, and that I write better than I speak. So Jude didn't inherit any spotlight tendencies from me. Angela is right, he is definitely Allison's son.

I hope you noticed when Jude's voice cracked and he had to cough to clear his throat, he didn't miss a beat. He hurriedly said, "I'm all right", and continued his song. It's as if he's been groomed for this his whole life. He has a special gift.

And since Sophia became mobile, she won't sit still. While her mother was filming Jude, she decided to share in the spotlight with probably the hopes of stealing some of it from Jude. As you can see, Jude didn't let a little distraction interfere with his performance. Sophia is the typical little sister, stepping in when she shouldn't.

Good job, Jude. You make Memaw proud! And all the rest of the family, too, of course.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!

What's a July 4th without burgers, hot dogs, and swimming? Ron made his killer burgers with grilled onions, avocados and mushrooms, and Allison tempted our sweet tooth with Hello Dollies and a cool strawberry dessert. The pictures say it all.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Whole Foods, Here I come!

I was told I'd be getting a Whole Foods Gift Card in the mail but I hadn't expected it to be so generous! And I didn't even have to do a good deed to get it. I just had to have a heart attack. It might help, too, that I'm Angela's mother and she's trying her best to make sure I'm around for babysitting duty for years to come. Not that I get to babysit that much.

Angela had already sent me pages and pages of food ideas to get me heart-healthy again. Putting me in Whole Foods without a little instruction is like giving me an engine to overhaul. I don't know what I'm doing. But she knows which foods I enjoyed at her house and what my favorites are that need a little more health and a little less fat and cholesterol. I'm anxious to make my grocery list and go inside Whole Foods like I know what I'm doing.

I think I failed to mention that my cardiologist said the best thing for me is to move in with Angela and Clayton where I will be fed meals that will help me regain my health. And because of my age and experience, he thought they would benefit from my wisdom on raising kids, handling finances, and planning for the future. He assured me I'd be a blessing to them as I managed their home so they would have more time to cook healthy meals for me to enjoy. I detected a hint of envy as he revealed how fortunate Clayton must feel to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. He sounded so confident that this new arrangement would make everyone happy.

Or I can go to Whole Foods and select the items Angela suggested.

Thanks, Punkin! I'm sure my shopping spree will be easier after all your help. I'm ready to sink my teeth into an eggplant sandwich. Yum!

Oh, Happy Day!

Clayton is having his 7th chemo treatment today and his oncologist presented him with great news: this is the last one! Praise God! It was expected that he would have eight treatments but since the cancer is gone and he has responded so well, his oncologist decided there was no need to poison Clay's body any longer with chemo. This is exciting news since the treatments were making him sicker and sicker.

To Clayton, Angela, Ashton, Juliet, and Callan: Welcome back to your normal life! May God continue blessing you as He has through this trial. You passed the test!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I Have a Good Heart

Yippee! I just got a clean bill of health from my cardiologist. He doesn't need to see me again for 3 months. I can slowly resume normal activities (that's all Robin heard) and he suggested that I walk 5 days a week and build up to an exercise regimen. He also suggested that I eliminate stress and fill my body with only good things. He was proud of my progress and complimented me on what a loving family I have that held a vigil at the hospital. Yes, I told him, they are wonderful!

The doctor explained my periods of brief symptoms and how they led to a heart attack. For the three weeks prior, the pain I felt was my artery trying to collapse on me. When it finally did, the pain became constant and the heart attack happened. He said I was very lucky that the artery could be opened and functioning again. There is some permanent damage, but it shouldn't affect my quality of life. As he sent me off, he reminded me that I'm still a young woman with a lot to live for and many more years to do it in.

We spent a small fortune on groceries last week. I bought almost every kind of vegetable and many kinds of fruit. I also got 100% whole wheat bread (I love whole wheat, but usually don't do the 100%) and Boca burgers for those times when I need a hamburger splurge. I've made my oatmeal and devoured three kinds of berries, and peaches and bananas. My body's in shock! But it will adjust.

I'm encouraged by the visit today, although I'm sure I will feel another heart attack coming on when all the medical bills arrive. For someone who is never sick, all of a sudden I owe a small fortune on healthcare. But at least I have a good heart.