Turning 15 means she is now a candidate for drivers ed. When I think back to that year of tamping a make-believe brake pedal on the passenger side while her Dad polished his driving skills, I can't help but feel that justice is being served. Drive him everywhere he wants to go, Camryn!
Camryn will be a sophomore this school year and has signed up for many required and elective subjects. She sings in the choir and has chased more than a few balls on the soccer field. She has a level head on her shoulders that will serve her well. She hasn't admitted to me that she is boy crazy and I feel more comfortable believing she isn't. More than enough time for boys!
Happy birthday, Camryn. I'll have your strawberry ice cream made before you know it.
Pretty girl. Congratulations on getting those braces off. I know it feels so much better. Happy Birthday Camryn! Love you!
15, unbelievable....I remember holding you at your Aunt Donna's house. So sweet, and now grown up and even sweeter.....I want to see a picture of your smile minus the braces....
Happy Birthday beautiful girl. I can still remember having you over at my house and you spending the night and me doing your hair in the morning and making you smell like a rose.
I want to see pics of the new and improved grill.
Happy birthday, Cam! I hope you had a fun day celebrating YOU!
Happy Birthday Camryn! I got my braces off days before my 15th birthday and it was the best present ever. But don't your teeth feel really BIG now?
Thank you guys! It feels sooo werid with no braces now! and yes, my teeth feel HUGE! its so diffrent! when they took them off, i wanted them back on because i wasnt used to it at all and it felt so weird! But thanks memaw! I love you!!
- Camryn
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