Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Grandsons' Sleepover

Or how we survived the excitement of young boys ages 4, 5, and 6.

Thomas, Jude and Ashton had been counting the days until the sleepover. Ok, maybe only Ashton was actually counting, but the excitement was there for all three. They had so much fun playing together and were very good. I expected more noise, some fighting, and they were better behaved and quieter. The slot machine was a hit with all of them, but mostly Ashton. It amazes me how these boys can sit with all the cheap Happy Meal toys Papa Robin has accumulated and entertain themselves. Ah, the powers of make-believe.

A prelude to the sleepover included visiting with Randee, Angela, Callan, and Cristal while the boys played. Callan was introduced to all the hugs and kisses that the other kids get. I hadn't seen Angela or Cristal since forever so it was a great afternoon of catching up before being left alone with boys!

Dinner for these guys consisted of pizza with homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. They also feasted on mini frozen bullets in a rainbow of colors. The big hit of the night was when Papa Robin pulled out three head lights similar to the kind miners wear and presented them to the boys. They quickly placed them on their heads and ran through the house turning out all lights. We spread out three sleeping bags in the den floor, placed a lighted lantern on the mantel, then three lighted heads crawled in for the night. They were officially camping. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and sacked out on the sofa. Since we had other guests sleeping over I wanted to be close to the boys to make sure they didn't disturb anyone or walk out the front door. It's a good thing I was close by.

It was 12:30 when I heard the vomiting. It was Thomas. He was trying so hard to make it to the bathroom but couldn't. I helped him there where he continued to be sick. I finally got him settled in his sleeping bag again and began the clean-up. Did I mention we had pizza for dinner? I may never have it again.

There was another mess on the floor before I went searching for a bucket to keep by Thomas. That worked better, but he still managed to throw up on his pillow. I had my king size pillow so I got on the floor and shared it with him. Besides, he wanted to cuddle by this time. He was miserable. For the rest of the night, Thomas and I tried to keep him aimed at the bucket.

Morning arrived well before six. Three boys sat up in their sleeping bags. I informed Jude and Ashton that Thomas had been up most of the night sick.

Memaw: He got sick the first time at 12:30.

Ashton: a.m.???? That's early!

Jude: Maybe Thomas eats boogers. Boogers have germs.

Ashton: It's 6:00 exactly.

Jude: Ashton really knows his numbers.

I made funny face pancakes but Thomas didn't feel like eating. I called his Dad and he came to get him later in the morning. After the kitchen was cleaned, I began cooking eggs, potatoes and gravy for our adult guests, Robin's sister and brother-in-law Kate and Joseph.

Brian came for Jude and Ashton. We had clothes packed and sleeping bags rolled and they were about to walk out the door when Jude accomplished three perfect projectiles across the gray carpet after drinking red gatorade. So, now we had three kids with a virus since Sophia had gotten it Saturday morning.

Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. The last one to get it was Callan, who is number 15. All of Ron's family were sick, all of Randee's three kids, Angela and her two boys, Robin and I, my sister Donna, and Robin's son. We haven't heard if Kate and Joseph got it but it wouldn't surprise me since they stayed in my germ-infested house. I guessed that we all got it from being together Thanksgiving. My parents are still feeling well and show no signs of the virus bug. I told them they hadn't loved on their grandchildren enough or they would have it.

All in all, I so enjoyed my three older grandsons and watching them play together. It reminded me of the fun I always had with my cousins Linda and Brenda since we were so close in age. How they will love growing up together. We also enjoyed Kate and Joseph's visit and applaud them for their nerve to spend the weekend when knowing we would have a stampede of boys.

May I go rest now?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Germs Galore

So far, 12 members of our family have been struck by the Virus Bug. I guess there was too much hugging and kissing going on when we all met for Thanksgiving. I'm recovering and will post more when I'm fully recovered and have access to my computers - two are incapacitated - so that I can add pictures.

There is much to share about the sleepover with three grandsons, also a visit from the Virus Bug, and weekend guests. I'm totally lost without my computers, which is a whole other story. More to come.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving At The Farm

The family, food and fun was a hit, as usual, at the farm today. Sharing it with Angela, Ashton, and Callan was especially something to be thankful for. I don't know how my parents can produce such a feast for 30+ family members at 81 years old. The dressing, rolls, pies and all the traditional additions certainly still have the master's touch.

I didn't even touch the camera during this family time. My arms were either full of Sophia or Callan, or wrapped around my other grandsons when they slowed enough for a hug. So, I didn't get many pictures, but I'm grateful that Robin snapped a few because he, too, was inundated with kids.

Watching Thomas, Jude and Ashton play was a preview of what our sleepover will be. Plenty of noise and rough boy play. It's a good thing we are reinforced with Mother's good food. Our strength should be present. I hope Robin's sister and brother-in-law who are due to spend the weekend with us are reinforced too.

Our one good picture of the day's activities shows four generations. I'm so proud and blessed to be able to share such a picture.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Visitors

We were surprised and delighted this morning to answer the door and find Ron, Thomas, and my new "granddog" on the porch. Buddy is adorable! He just snuggled in my arms after giving me a quick doggie kiss in the face. He's part Mastif and Lab, a handsome little guy. Thomas is so proud of him and the whole family is enamored.

Later, Brandee, Charlie and the twins came for a short visit. Riley and Jordan enjoyed playing with Papa who has a way with kids. Getting on their level helps. They are talking up a storm and both were a lot of fun. They see us seldom since they live in West Texas, but were ready with hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Justice Is Served

Yesterday the self-proclaimed prophet of the FLDS Church was sentenced five years to life in prison for arranging marriages with minor girls. He still faces charges in Arizona where his community of believers are located.

This jerk forces young girls to marry older men and demands that disgruntled wives remain with their abusive husbands and learn obedience. Nothing from God is forced. God wants us to come to him on our own with a heart that is open to him. Living in fear and abuse in a so called Christian environment is not of God.

Kudos to the women who had the backbone to testify against this demon. He taught fear of the outside world. Those who ventured far from their boundaries were at risk of being doomed to hell. The outside world was so contaminated that heaven would be lost to them. I believe there is no evil in the outside world that can match the evil of one who exalts himself to power in the name of God. The same goes to televangelists who enjoy a lavish lifestyle with offerings from the poor. If the coffers are full, use the money to help those in need!

Perhaps Warren Jeffs can experience his kind of abuse while serving his sentence in prison. He is most deserving.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Fascinating Read

Allison bought me a book she thought I'd enjoy reading. It was one of those that can't be put down. It is read during commercials, late into the night, and while dinner is simmering on the stove. It's called Escape and it's Carolyn Jessop's story of her life as a Fundamentalist Latter Day Saint (FLDS) and how she escaped her polygamist lifestyle. FLDS is an offshoot of the Mormon church.

It answered many questions I'd had about polygamy. I just can't imagine a plural marriage. We all know that marriage to one person is hard enough without throwing a few more spouses into the mix. My opinion had been that having multiple wives was not unlike having a wall shelf full of trophies. The age-old fascination with variety. I discovered that it is much more than that. It is about building the ego and attaining power and making oneself into a god. And all in the name of God.

If something went wrong in Carolyn's life - and it did often - then it was because she was being punished for not being obedient enough or surrendering her will to her husband. His approval, his likes and dislikes, and his authority were all that mattered. He was the only one to have an opinion and final say in his large household.

Granted, submission is Biblical. But the Lord has strong and solemn expectations for the husband also. He is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. What couple could find fault with a relationship such as that? They would be in complete harmony with each other. It's the way God meant for marriage to be.

Where some religions fail is teaching that the husband always has the last word, that his decisions are final. A wife is not expected to submit to a husband who is asking her to do something that the Bible teaches against. Women have minds and reasoning powers too. We alone will face the judgment based on our own actions. Therefore, total submission to a husband who is not always asking God's direction in his marriage and daily affairs should not expect a wife to blindly follow him.

As the book described incidences that were so foreign to God's teachings on marriage, it cleared up some of my questions about the practice of polygamy. And my heart went out to Carolyn and the other women who were trapped in a community where they had no voice. I applaud her courage and determination to escape. I suggest that all of you read this book for a better understanding of what still goes on in this modern world in 2007.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Venison Anyone?

The Great White Hunter came home a hero today. His head and chest are a little bigger, too. He got a buck this morning and it's concealed in the two ice chests Robin is posing beside. I'm taking his word for it. He didn't want me to view the contents and that was fine with me. I have no desire (and neither do you) to see a once beautiful deer after it has been field dressed.

Robin will cut out the best parts and give the rest away. I won't be dining on Mr. Buck because I have a mental block about most meats. More than likely, his son will cook it for him and they will share the thrill of eating this poor little woodland creature.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not against hunting. I'd have to be a vegetarian to say I was against hunting. Not just a vegetarian, but someone who also shuns leather in all its forms. But I don't have the stomach to take out a deer or even a cow and I do love indulging on filet mignon once in awhile. I'm the one who has to be far removed from the slaughter and all the ugly processes that finally bring the animal to the meat counter. I don't want to eat something I just saw walking through the woods or pasture.

Robin also brought home another little trophy. It's the skull of a bobcat. He found the carcass and decided he wanted its head. The head was boiled for about three hours to remove all hair, skin, and other decomposed parts and the stench was horrendous. He knew not to bring it to my kitchen for the boiling process. Now, he has to bleach it white and reaffix the jawbone and the teeth that separated from the skull during its hot bath. He's especially proud of the two large fangs which he pointed out to me through its plastic bag. Don't ask me where it will end up once it has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. I'm even afraid to ask.

Robin's not through hunting. He has tags left for another buck and two doe. So don't fret, the slumber parties aren't over yet.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Slumber Party, Week 3

Patty arrived last night with Italian food galore. We had manicotti, pastas with garlic and mushrooms, salads, lots of French bread, and two cheesecake slices. Yes, we pigged out, then relaxed with books, magazines and puzzles.

Today was fun and relaxing. We got a slow start, making a point not to rush into any activity. We lunched at Chili's and as you can see from the picture of Patty, a Jamaica Man was sitting behind her. Enlarge the picture for a better view of the braids. Very interesting.

Our next stop was Barnes & Noble where we selected more reading material and Patty bought a Christmas CD by Celtic Women. Although we didn't choose the topics that we are shown with in the pictures, we thought the subject matter might be fun for the camera. Yes, we are 14 again when we're together.

Our last stop was Wishes & Dreams where we browsed and Patty bought some Christmas decorations for her home. She is shown holding a sign we saw there that described our slumber parties perfectly.

It was back home to change into pajamas and read, nap, eat pizza, and watch TV. Allison and Baylee stopped in for awhile to join our girl fun. Next weekend will be for family as we celebrate Thanksgiving and the arrival of Angela and her boys. I am so looking forward to their visit. The slumber party mania will continue the following weekend, providing that Robin is ready to rough it in the wild again. We love hunting season!

Happy Birthday, Jan!

Jan, another dear friend from my high school days, has finally caught up with me in age. She is celebrating her birthday today and deserves a wonderful one. She's a very outgoing and friendly lady and loved by all.

Jan surprised me and stopped by the office yesterday. She brought peanut M&Ms for her addict friend and shared brownies she'd made for a party she'd attended earlier in the day. Our visits are always interesting and fun as Jan is full of life and laughter.

Jan plans to spend part of her birthday with family at Lone Star Park. Her treasured granddaughter Maisye loves horses and they will watch the races together. I'm sure a delicious meal will be thrown in there too.

Happy birthday, Jan, and thank you for sharing your special brand of sunshine with all those around you! You are precious!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Simon Says Book Review 2

Here's the judge's commentary on Simon Says, Book Two.

Plot: 2

Grammar: 4

Character Development: 2

Cover Design: 3

What did you like best about this book? This book, like the first, kept the reader caring about Ellis and her eventual well being. The story of Simon's demise remained complicated and interesting, and Drake's involvement in the story added a new twist. Ellis' relationship with her doctor and eventual re-awakening was a satisfying ending after a long time with Ellis and her family. Simon's downfall and the reintroduction of Kit were interesting plot elements that were gratifying. The writing was very good, and the plot kept moving without sacrificing all that had been built in the first book. Every element of the plot was nicely tied up and the ending of the book was a satisfying reward for a long, interesting read.

How can the author improve this book? Like the first book, book two continued to follow Ellis' almost blind love of her marriage. More complication on the part of Ellis without further vilifying Simon would be helpful to the forward movement of the plot. In many ways, what happens in the novel is gratifying to the reader, but also pretty expected. Problematizing some of the story line might help to keep the reader engaged and surprised by the story. Drake's awakening to his father's behavior might have been better taken coming from his mother, and also allowed Ellis (and the reader) to better understand her choices. Everything falls into place at the end very neatly, and quickly. Slowing this down might help, as well. This story seems more of a romance than a mainstream novel, although elements of both are obviously present.

There you have it, an objective opinion of my books by someone who doesn't know me, someone I didn't give birth to, someone I didn't grow up with and shared a bed, someone who is a Best Buddy, someone I don't share a bed with now, and finally, someone who is neither friend nor family who might feel compelled to say something nice. I'm proud to reveal that the areas of weakness I saw in my own books were pretty much what was pointed out to me in the commentaries. The compliments weren't expected and I appreciate them very much.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Simon Says Book Review

Almost a year ago I entered my novel in a writing competition and I received the results in the mail today. I understand the dynamics of a contest since I've submitted poems to poetry contests in the past. The best is chosen, but that doesn't mean other books, or athletes, or artists are no good. It simply means the best is chosen and the best is determined based on the judge's personal tastes and understanding of the industry. Since this was my first attempt at a novel and a new experience with the publishing industry, I had no big illusions about winning, but of course we all hope to place.

Simon Says competed in what the editor called "a particular fierce competition" with many entrants and many good books. There was one grand prize winner and nine category prizes. Those of us who did not place received a certificate of participation and a judge's commentary. I was excited about the critique and looked forward to hearing the good and the bad. I hope what I learned will help me in future writing endeavors.

I will now share the judge's commentary on book one. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning poor and 5 meaning excellent, this is how the judge rated the following:

Plot: 3

Grammar: 4 (this authorizes me to correct Cheryl and Cristal)

Character Development: 3

Cover Design: 4 (Hooray for Angela!)

What did you like best about this book? This story is heartbreaking and realistic, allowing each character the opportunity to be multi-dimensional. The love between Agnes and Ellis is well written and helps the reader to move through the story at a good pace. This is a long novel, yet the writing is so good that it moves quickly. Simon's character isn't purely evil, and we are able, through understanding his past and his own thoughts on his behavior, to see why he makes some of the choices he makes. Ellis is lovable and loyal, and she is difficult to remain distance from. Her love for her husband, her aunt, and her family makes her both compelling and complicated as the novel unfolds.

How can the author improve this book? The first chapter, that seems to lay down the unfolding of the relationship, is difficult. While it helps to draw the reader in, it might be too much information up front, particularly because Ellis' breakdown is hard to understand as we finish book one. Simon, while complicated, at times seems too dastardly for the terminally nice Ellis to love. She is so blinded and loyal that it becomes difficult to understand why she continues to choose to stay. While the death of her family is, of course, a driving force, it doesn't seem to change in any way (even in her own mind) enough to allow for the length of time Ellis continues to make the same choices for the same reasons. Her aunt is a good way to help us understand her choices, but she doesn't seem, right now, to fulfill those character duties.

I appreciate this critique and any comments the rest of my blog sisters might have. Tomorrow I will share the judge's commentary on book two.

Patty - Lady Luck

I forgot to mention one exciting episode of our slumber party weekend. There was so much going on that this just slipped my mind.

Saturday night when I went to get ice to make the ice cream for Sophia's party, Patty bought $12 worth of scratch-off lotto tickets. When the kitchen duties were done, we sat down with our coin and got ready to scratch. Pat held up 6 tickets in each hand and asked me which ones I wanted. I chose the ones in the hand nearest me and we commenced to scratch away.

Patty's first ticket revealed a $50 win. Mine revealed a loss.

"I've changed my mind," I told her. "I want those tickets."

"Noooooooo," she said. "You had your chance. I let you pick the ones you wanted."

We scratched our second ticket. Nothing. Patty showed me that she'd won $2 on her third ticket. Mine was nothing. Then, Patty showed me she won $1 on the fifth ticket. All six of mine continued to be losers.

I moaned and groaned some more about my lousy luck and Patty reminded me again that I got first pick. Finally, I got over being a sore loser and told her she was very deserving of the $53 she won. I just hope she needed it more than I did.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sophia's Birthday Party

I was so proud of our little birthday girl today. She kicked her legs with excitement as she saw people coming through the door that she recognized. She had no idea that the party was in her honor or that she'd open presents. She was just happy to see her home fill with friends and family.

Her Mom, Allison, did a wonderful job making chimichangas with an avocado dipping sauce, rice, a big fruit bowl, and chips and dips. She even extended herself to making a second birthday cake when the first one came out of the oven and failed due to a lack of baking powder. Allison pulled out ingredients for a second try and couldn't remember if she'd added oil and water to the second cake or if it was the first one she remembered adding it to, so she added more and it, too, failed. I asked why she didn't try for a third time and she assured me she was going to but had run out of eggs. Fortunately, I brought ice cream and cookies for dessert. And there was cake left from Sophia's family celebration on Wednesday.

The big hit for the kids was the bouncey house Allison and Brian rented for the day. The kids had a ball jumping and sliding down the inflatable slide. I got in on the fun and soon there was a new game called, "let's jump on grandma". I was tackled and crawled over and had several sets of bare feet in my face. We had so much fun and the kids' laughter was music to my ears. I've noticed the soreness is already setting in and I have a feeling it will be a chore crawling out of bed tomorrow. Grandma isn't as young as she used to be.

All the mothers were shown by Allison how to make tutus for their daughters. That went over very well. The moms had fun choosing the colors and putting it together, and the girls looked adorable in their new costumes. Allison had many colors to choose from and an assortment of ribbons and bells. It was such a neat activity for a little girl's birthday party. Kudos to my creative daughter!

Sophia wasn't into the unwrapping of gifts but the contents of the packages really grabbed her attention. She got a lot of neat toys and clothing and was very sweet about sharing her new treasures with her guests. She's a precious little girl and deserved this wonderful first birthday party. We love you, Sophia.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Slumber Party, Week 2, Part 2

We decided to share a picture taken of us when we were 14. That would be way back in 1964. We haven't changed a bit, huh? We still act 14 when we're together. The only difference is that we're no longer boy crazy. Been there, done that.

Today was full. Patty is the early bird and I must be the worm. She took this picture of me this morning while she was having coffee and wide awake and I was still in slumberland. I finally pulled myself from the bed, dressed, and we headed to lunch. Yes, it was almost lunch time by then. We had fun shopping and browsing and picking out Sophia's birthday presents for her party tomorrow.
We found fabulous sales at Kohl's and I walked out with a denim skirt and khaki capris and only spent $14-something. We got home and Patty noticed that the sweater she bought for me still had the plastic security tag on it. It hadn't sounded any alarms when we walked out of the store. So, we had to get back in the car and drive there again. Guess what? It sounded an alarm when we walked in the door. Fortunately, the young man who checked us out was still on duty and he gladly removed it. We were able to walk away without an embarrassing incident that involved police and handcuffs.

Then it was to IHOP for a light breakfast meal and back home to make goodies for Sophia's party. I made chocolate ice cream and chocolate chip cookies while Patty wrapped the gifts. Now, it's time for reading, relaxing, and most likely a lot of laughing.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Slumber Party, Week 2

OK, are you ready to learn what Patty and I did this weekend, something we felt was mighty bold for us two grandmas? We suffered through a second piercing in our ears. We both chose a zirconia stud that was placed right above the earrings we were wearing. Allison joined the fun evening with us and did a great job as our photographer. One pictures shows us with our goodie bags that proclaim "Just got my ears pierced at Claire's". Our sack included, besides the solution we will need to apply for six weeks, a discount coupon for our next shopping trip and a sucker. We feel so special.

From there, the three of us went to Cheesecake Factory and had dinner. It was Patty's and my first visit and Allison had an array of menu selections to recommend. The portions are large, so we decided to order two sandwich plates and an appetizer. The food was delicious and the company was outstanding.

Before Allison left she changed the ringtone on Patty's phone. She's no longer a Barry Fanilow after his recent political remarks and friendship with Rosie Girl, so the Copabana ringtone had to go. We believe entertainers should entertain and leave the opinionated remarks to us middle-aged women. Now, Michael Buble croons "Let It Snow" when there's an incoming call.

It's late and we're just now having coffee. It might keep us awake, but it doesn't matter. That's what slumber parties are for. Check in tomorrow for another update, just don't check too early.

More Birthday Fun

Sophia had a wonderful birthday celebration with her family. She enjoyed going to lunch and playing in the indoor play area at a local mall. Besides an older girl pestering Sophia and knocking her down, she had a good time. The fun really began in the evening when she was presented with her first birthday cake. As is the custom in our family, the child is allowed to damage the cake as they see fit. You can tell from the picture that Sophia was really into it.

The beautiful birthday banner was painted by Sophia's Aunt Angela. She's made all the kids their own personalized banner and it's a hit every year. This one shows a bowl of chocolate ice cream which symbolizes the treat I make for all my grandchildren's birthdays (with the exception of those who live too, too far away, but I did give them a freezer and the recipe). Isn't Sophia adorable in front of her beautiful birthday banner?

This weekend, more slumber party fun and a final salute to Sophia with pictures and details of her first ever birthday party.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Sophia!

My first year with little Sophia
Oh, how she stole my heart!
I melt when in her presence,
There's so much love that she imparts.

She has such a gentle temperament,
I've seldom heard her cry.
She's so filled with contentment
That few tears are there to dry.

How sweet to kiss her silken cheeks,
To squeeze her chubby thighs.
And see the innocent pleasure
In her blue dancing eyes.

It thrills me how she kicks her legs
When I come into view.
I'm as putty in her tiny hands,
Just knowing she loves me, too.

What could be more wondrous,
What joy could be as great?
As loving little Sophia,
My grandchild number eight.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing
Sophia into my world.
My life is ever richer
With this precious little girl.

For Sophia with all my love, Memaw

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Slumber Party, Day 3

There wasn't much to day 3, but relaxing just the same. We chatted over two pots of coffee before Patty left at noon . The rest of my day is designated to laundry and possibly washing camping dishes once the Great White Hunter comes home.

The picture of Weasil, our foster cat, in bed with Patty is to show the only male allowed at our slumber parties. And, alas, the end to the first weekend of hunting season, woman style. We had a great time and more is to come!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Slumber Party, Day 2

The fun continues. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera on our outings, so no pictures of the day's events, other than our reading this evening. Of course we looked at shoes, and browsed through a few other stores. Lunch was at Jason's Deli for a salad bar feast. We also fit in a nap and ordered in pizza for dinner.
We drooled over many perfume sites online and searched for a favorite of ours during our high school years. We couldn't find it, so I did a search using just the name of the perfume. We found it! A company still makes Jungle Gardenia by Tuvache. The site said it would flood us with memories of the 60s. Pat's is ordered and if we discover it is truly the fragrance we wore, we will order another one. A girl can't have too much perfume or too many shoes. I could go on, but I won't.
Tonight we watched Uncle Buck and laughed a lot. Then, it was more reading. At times we're doing our own things (Patty might be reading while I play on the computer) but relaxation is the name of the game here.

We have a special day planned for next weekend. We are going to do something that is a little over the top for two grandmas and we are so looking forward to it. The presence of my camera is a must. Look for the fun pictures as Patty and I . . . !!
Oh, Robin called, did not get a deer, so he will go again next weekend (yippee) while Patty and go to . . . !

Friday, November 02, 2007

Slumber Party, Day 1

Ah, the fun has begun!! Patty treated us to a deluxe pedicure which was so relaxing having our feet and legs massaged. Patty chose a hot pink polish and I was painted with a brownish mauve. We went to my home for Happy Hour which consisted of a pot of coffee. Then it was off to indulge in Mexican food. Pajamas are on now and we plan to talk, laugh, read, play games, whatever strikes our fancy.

We just love hunting season!