Or how we survived the excitement of young boys ages 4, 5, and 6.
Thomas, Jude and Ashton had been counting the days until the sleepover. Ok, maybe only Ashton was actually counting, but the excitement was there for all three. They had so much fun playing together and were very good. I expected more noise, some fighting, and they were better behaved and quieter. The slot machine was a hit with all of them, but mostly Ashton. It amazes me how these boys can sit with all the cheap Happy Meal toys Papa Robin has accumulated and entertain themselves. Ah, the powers of make-believe.
A prelude to the sleepover included visiting with Randee, Angela, Callan, and Cristal while the boys played. Callan was introduced to all the hugs and kisses that the other kids get. I hadn't seen Angela or Cristal since forever so it was a great afternoon of catching up before being left alone with boys!
Dinner for these guys consisted of pizza with homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. They also feasted on mini frozen bullets in a rainbow of colors. The big hit of the night was when Papa Robin pulled out three head lights similar to the kind miners wear and presented them to the boys. They quickly placed them on their heads and ran through the house turning out all lights. We spread out three sleeping bags in the den floor, placed a lighted lantern on the mantel, then three lighted heads crawled in for the night. They were officially camping. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and sacked out on the sofa. Since we had other guests sleeping over I wanted to be close to the boys to make sure they didn't disturb anyone or walk out the front door. It's a good thing I was close by.
It was 12:30 when I heard the vomiting. It was Thomas. He was trying so hard to make it to the bathroom but couldn't. I helped him there where he continued to be sick. I finally got him settled in his sleeping bag again and began the clean-up. Did I mention we had pizza for dinner? I may never have it again.
There was another mess on the floor before I went searching for a bucket to keep by Thomas. That worked better, but he still managed to throw up on his pillow. I had my king size pillow so I got on the floor and shared it with him. Besides, he wanted to cuddle by this time. He was miserable. For the rest of the night, Thomas and I tried to keep him aimed at the bucket.
Morning arrived well before six. Three boys sat up in their sleeping bags. I informed Jude and Ashton that Thomas had been up most of the night sick.
Memaw: He got sick the first time at 12:30.
Ashton: a.m.???? That's early!
Jude: Maybe Thomas eats boogers. Boogers have germs.
Ashton: It's 6:00 exactly.
Jude: Ashton really knows his numbers.
I made funny face pancakes but Thomas didn't feel like eating. I called his Dad and he came to get him later in the morning. After the kitchen was cleaned, I began cooking eggs, potatoes and gravy for our adult guests, Robin's sister and brother-in-law Kate and Joseph.
Brian came for Jude and Ashton. We had clothes packed and sleeping bags rolled and they were about to walk out the door when Jude accomplished three perfect projectiles across the gray carpet after drinking red gatorade. So, now we had three kids with a virus since Sophia had gotten it Saturday morning.
Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. The last one to get it was Callan, who is number 15. All of Ron's family were sick, all of Randee's three kids, Angela and her two boys, Robin and I, my sister Donna, and Robin's son. We haven't heard if Kate and Joseph got it but it wouldn't surprise me since they stayed in my germ-infested house. I guessed that we all got it from being together Thanksgiving. My parents are still feeling well and show no signs of the virus bug. I told them they hadn't loved on their grandchildren enough or they would have it.
All in all, I so enjoyed my three older grandsons and watching them play together. It reminded me of the fun I always had with my cousins Linda and Brenda since we were so close in age. How they will love growing up together. We also enjoyed Kate and Joseph's visit and applaud them for their nerve to spend the weekend when knowing we would have a stampede of boys.
May I go rest now?
I cracked up at Jude's comments about boogers and Ashton really knowing his numbers. I'm still laughing!
ME TOO! Never a dull moment....I also heard that Baylee said her horses were throwing up! You should be in the guiness book of records for the most sick members in one family at the same time!
Like I said before, glad I was in Florida this time!
that was me Cheryl, they changed the identity thing on me....
I know Cheryl, why "nickname"??
I'm sure red gatorade vomit was fun to clean up! It's surprising Jude and Ashton slept through Thomas throwing up. Or maybe they were too exhausted after playing at Memaw's. Ashton was still commenting on the slot machines Sunday afternoon.....surprised you didn't wake up to the sound of quarters dropping Sunday morning!
Jude does listen!!! I tell him that about his boogers all the time but I am so glad he heard what I was saying. It is funnier comming from a 5 year old.
Thank you, Memaw, for attempting such a grand feat! The boys did have fun--even with the stomach virus putting a damper on things. So sorry about the gatorade. Juliet threw up orange gatorade at the NC house...and there is still a hint of orange on the carpet after professional carpet cleaners. Have I mentioned how much I hate carpet???
It was so good seeing you. Love you!
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