Sunday, August 05, 2007

Hints From Jan

Jan: When I read Hints from Heloise this morning, I thought of you. Here it is:

Heloise Column: "When we became empty-nesters, I found that I was using the same two dinner plates, and they were showing wear. Likewise, linens, towels, sheets, etc., so I started removing from the top and putting away on the bottom. It has saved things from being used so often. Sharon, via e-mail "

Jan: Well, DUH.........I've done that forever, just following instructions from my Mother and Gama.

Jan: Another thing I do......when I get the last of something out of the cabinet or pantry (toothpaste, deodorant, coffee, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.) I write it on my list for my next trip to the grocery store. Then you never run out. Maybe I should re-phrase that "I" never run out. You would think after being married 36 years, I would have Ronnie trained right, but some how he sometimes still runs out of his after shave, electric shave or shop towels!!! Oh well, what is a Honey-Do list for anyway! Ha Ha

Thanks, Jan. I keep a grocery list, too. But I've been known to take the list with me and still forget one of the items on it. Maybe it's an age thing. Or maybe it's because I don't want to dig my reading glasses from the bottom of my purse, and the squinting at the list doesn't always work.

Also, I seldom have to rotate dishes and linens. With just the two of us, the stack of plates dwindles by the time the dishwasher is full. And I wash towels once a week so that stack has dwindled too. I'm always ready for a change in pattern when I put clean sheets on the bed, so those get rotated as well. What I'm actually saying is, I don't make a conscious effort to be Suzie Homemaker. I just follow my own routine.

Fortunately, Robin is a believer in lists. Unfortunately, he tells me to put something on the list. I have to remind him that the list is on the refrigerator and he can add to it as easily as I can. Of course when he does write something, I have to decipher it. Cat food is written as cat "phude" and often there is a suggestive remark on it that I discover on the aisles of the grocery store. I just continue shopping and pretend I never saw it.


Anonymous said...

How old is he?

I have more important things to do that to give equal time to my dishes! If my dishes get put away, I'm happy. Over the roll or under the roll... Just put another roll in the vacinity of my bathroom so I don't have to drip dry.

Anonymous said...

Randee, you are refreshing. I have so many quirks -- needing things to be done a certain way. Freedom is good.

Anonymous said...

I too wish I didn't care which way the toilet paper goes. But I do and I say it goes OVER the roll, who's with me????