Friday, August 10, 2007

I stand Corrected

Boy, do I have egg on my face. I get so high and mighty about my ability to memorize how a word looks, and then spell it correctly. My kids have at times asked me how to spell certain words and I am constantly correcting Cheryl for words she messes up so badly that she ends up writing "whatever". And I usually know which form of a word to use when dealing with words that sound alike or closely alike. Words like effect and affect, and advice and advise. I've actually made fun of my best friend for asking me for a receipt for a delicious meal I prepared.

So imagine my shock (and pride) when my daughter, Randee, told me I had used the wrong word in one of my posts. It was the "Spam" post where I said "peaked your interest". I remember sitting there, wondering if I should use peaked or peeked. Never did it enter my mind that the correct word is piqued. I realized my mistake when Randee modestly called it to my attention. Of course it is piqued! Where was my brain when I was writing that piece?

"Imagine me finding one of your mistakes," she told me.

I'm very proud of her for catching that embarrassing absence of brain cells on my part, and I do stand corrected. Way to go, Blondie.


angela | the painted house said...

Titer, I am amazed.

Anonymous said...

go ahead make your blond jokes. Let me help you out:

randee gets her hair high lighted now.

Peggy said...

I'm not "Legally Blonde", so no jokes for me. My roots are now gray!

Anonymous said...

WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sp???? lol lol)

Anonymous said...

You and my Mom could have a spelling bee between the two of you. She's always correcting us too.

Anonymous said...

I think it is wonderful to allow people to correct you. Please correct me if you ever need to. OOPS I think you're not supposed to end the sentence with a preposition:)