Friday, August 03, 2007

Ulcers Are No Fun

When I left work yesterday I had the beginnings of a nice ulcer attack. It eased some as I drove so I went on to the grocery store as planned. Then the pain got worse. Never full blown, but even a little ulcer pain is uncomfortable. Doing payroll and closing out a lousy month in sales is what triggered it. It took four acid reducers during the evening to help me get comfortable enough to fall asleep.

One reason I am mentioning this is because Angela has a similar personality to me, meaning she gets the nervous stomach and uptight when things aren't going well. So, a word of caution to my baby girl: Being strict about meeting self-induced deadlines is not worth the pain. You don't want to end up like this. There are many days ahead to get things done, but only one YOU. Take very good care of my daughter and my grandchildren's mother so we can all have a happy life. Your plate is full right now, but it's temporary, and no one is holding you to a completion date. Take time to smell the roses. I love you, Punkin!


Anonymous said...

That's right take time to enjoy your lifes little moments, they are the ones you will cherish.Your Mom is a wise lady, even if she let's ant eat her cookies.

Anonymous said...

LOL Lou!

Angela your mom is right. Take care of yourself and that sweet baby (what's his name?) We need to get back on that subject again. I met a boy named Jayce at the reunion.

Anonymous said...

DITTO from me too! The house will be standing a long time. Try to just enjoy putting it together at a slower pace.

angela | the painted house said...

Thank you to all for your concern. I'm definitely going to put myself or the baby in danger. But some things just have to be done--believe me, I'm not going for perfect here. Just dust free, clean, and organized. We will make some headway this weekend with Clayton's dad here to help Clayton with the handyman stuff. And the painting should be done by the first of next week. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

When I'm stressed I get stomach problems too which is NO fun so take care of yourself Angela! And my new little nephew! I'm glad to hear things are coming together.