Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas At The Farm

The fourth and final Christmas of the year was held today at the farm. Absent was of course, Angela and her family, Robin and Mike stayed home sick, and James was busy with his horses.

Mother made a Mexican feast, a chocolate cake, 10 pies, peanut patties and fudge. There were about 40 loaves of bread in their freezer for those of us who needed a "Nanaw's bread" fix (sorry Angela). So, as is always the case at the family gatherings, there was plenty of good food, laughing and visiting, and the ever-present Pannell Jabs. Oh, I love my family!

My parents had a special gift for all of us. They had converted all their home movies to a DVD, which we watched while there. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and all us kids were on there. We enjoyed watching a series of Easter celebrations, camping and skiing at the lake, and a final episode of my parents heading for the bedroom on their 14th wedding anniversary. My mother was quite the seductress.

Tomorrow I hope to take down the tree and clean the den, wash dishes in the broken dishwasher (I haven't had the nerve to open it and face the smell of old water) and shop for a new one. I always love Christmas and this one was great. I also love getting my home back to normal once the fun is over. Now, it's countdown to Bandera! Thirteen days!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Home For Christmas -- Except For Angela

I finally had Christmas with my kids last night which is something I always look forward to with great glee. The hard part is that this was the first Christmas in 32 years that I haven't spent with Angela here as part of the brood. She and her family were missed and we all mentioned how much we wish they could share this joyous moment with us.

Candice's boyfriend, Robert, joined us this year. He's in one of the pictures with my pretty girls. Buddy, the new Mastiff puppy, came along for the utter delight of Baylee. She was by his side all night long. Thomas is usually hanging onto his puppy but he enjoyed the huge distraction of cousin Jude. The boys always share this excited embrace when they are together.

We had the traditional country breakfast and homemade cinnamon rolls even though we ate at the dinner hour. I thought of Angela more than once as I gobbled down enough cinnamon rolls so she wouldn't feel left out. We even called her voice mail and wished her a Merry Christmas and told her she was missed.

The highlight of the evening was the untimely death of my dishwasher. It overflowed and drenched part of the kitchen, but no harm was done. We will shop for a new one on Monday. Of course it didn't break when it was just Robin and me here. It had to fall apart when packed with the dishes of 13 people and when my sink was already overloaded with pots, pans, skillets, cookie sheets, bowls, a griller, etc. I washed and dried three separate loads and still haven't touched what is in the deceased dishwasher. Now, what is the slogan for Maytag? I guess that isn't fair since it has served me for 18 years.

Shaggy Ron and his wife Leiann are in one picture, and me opening my gifts from Angela, and random shots of the excited grandkids.

Angela, you WILL be here next year!

Jude - the star

Guest Blogger - Dee

When we arrived at church today Jude had an unusual way of greeting everyone. He broke out in song, I don't know where he gets it from. Upon walking in the door he started singing "Hark, the Harold Angels Sing". Well, I guess he was in the right place at the right time because the pastor said that we did not have special music lined and would Jude like to sing for church today. So, after the Children's story, unbenounced to Peggy Poet he took the mic and sang his song acapella. The church applauded his beautiful song and I was so proud of how brave he was. I think we have a public speaker on our hands. The cutest part came to when he ran back to the pew where memaw met him with open arms. In a voice louder than when he had the mic he said "Memaw! Did you hear that singing"? The church really laughed at that - why did I cut off the camera so soon? He got many compliments after church and I could see his chest swelling with pride.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Fun With The Twins

Jordan and Riley are two now and really getting into the opening of presents. They've made so many Santa Stops that they knew exactly what to do when gifts were placed in front of them. They laughed and played with Papa and had a grand time. They are too cute.

And I included a picture of my camo jacket, although the pink isn't too vivid in the picture. I love this jacket!

Two Christmases down and two to go. Sorry, folks, it's not over yet.

Monday, December 24, 2007

My Husband's Gift

Robin and I always enjoy a private, intimate Christmas Eve together, just sitting in the floor by the tree and opening our gifts to each other. He has thrilled me many times with his thoughtful gifts and his childish enthusiasm about Christmas in general. Even though he gave me a perfume set I wanted so badly (like I needed more), and surprised me with an antique iron and a cute camo jacket with pink and pale green, the simple gift he gave me means the most.

Robin knows I like tea sets and he's given me two on separate occasions. They are placed on a beautiful platter with the matching teapot, sugar, and creamer. I don't use them, but I love to look at them. This time, he bought me a child's ceramic tea set. I thought at first that it was a joke since he knows I like them and he thought it might be funny to give me a play set. But no. His intentions were honorable.

"I thought you might like to have a tea party with your granddaughters."

How sweet is that? It totally melted my heart. And, yes, I would love to have a tea party with my little girls. So, come on over! Papa can stand back and enjoy our party.

Thank you, Baby.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Short Countdown to Bandera!

An unexpected chain of events found me happily scrambling to reserve the condo in Bandera. Cheryl's husband will be out of the country most of January and she wanted to close their business during that time and spend it with me in Texas. I'm excited to report that not only is the condo reserved, but Cheryl's airfare is carved in stone!

She arrives January 10, and we head out for Bandera on the 12th, to return the 19th. She will go back to Florida on the 21st. That's 11 whole days with my BB! We're already getting giddy with excitement. What a special time to look forward to after all the busy preparations for Christmas.

We are thrilled to be adding another friend to our condo fun this year. Patty will be joining us for the trip and she is already deciding which books, games, and pajamas to pack. I warned her that we do nothing and nothing sounded great to her. I'm so happy to include Patty since she also does so much for me. I am truly blessed to have two fantastic friends. They are always there with a helping hand and a listening ear. I love them both so much.

Countdown to Bandera! Three weeks from tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Funeral Story

Donna has requested that I flaunt my stupidity and embarrassment and relive The Funeral Story. I will oblige, only because she is such a special sister and she will forgive my ignorance.

The year was around 1990. Ron had just begun dating Leiann and we had met her wonderful parents. News came that Leiann's grandfather had died and the services would be held in Itaska. Ron planned to attend and I asked to ride with him to show the family my support.

All went according to schedule until we all gathered in the cemetery. Leiann's parents were so appreciative that we had traveled the distance to pay our respects. They thanked me profusely and I said "you're welcome" until I ran out of things to say. Next, when they thanked me again for coming, I told them I enjoyed it.

Oops. I knew that didn't sound right the second it slipped out of my mouth. On the way home I decided to confess to Ron how his mother behaved at the funeral.

"They thanked me for coming and I told them I enjoyed it."

"You didn't!" he yelled.

"Yep. I told 'em I enjoyed it. Granddaddy died and I enjoyed his funeral."

Ron forgave me and even chuckled about it later. I felt terrible about it and shared my misery with others, hoping to gain some sympathetic understanding. No, it's turned into a big joke instead. I enjoy funerals. Any funerals I've attended since, my kids ask me if I enjoyed it or tell me it must have been the highlight of my day. Doesn't take much to amuse me.

There you have it. The day I discovered what really melts my butter.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Night With Our Teenagers

Robin and I had so much fun this evening with Candice and Camryn. They wanted the second piercing in their ears (and I hope the final one) for Christmas so we took them to get stabbed. While there, they were allowed to choose new earrings for Christmas, both a card of 9 stud earrings for when the ear heals, and a pair of cute danglies or hoops for the original piercing.

Both girls were real troopers and Candice didn't come close to fainting like she did the last time. Two ladies pierced their ears simultaneously so they wouldn't have to dread the second stab. The girls were excited and pleased with the final result. I have them each a spray bottle to use with their solution. I found it works best that way.

I told the lady in charge that I have three more granddaughters so I might be back someday. She asked their ages and when I told her 1, 2, and 3, she said this was the best age, less traumatic. I informed her that my daughters will wait until the girls are older and able to care for their ears and make the decision to pierce.

The girls chose Chik-Fil-A for dinner and we visited over our sandwiches. As we were leaving the parking lot we could see the Chik-Fil-A cow inside with his sandwich sign asking people to eat more chicken. Oh! I wish I'd gone back inside with the camera. The girls would have looked adorable with the cow on the blog. Every situation is a blog consideration.

What a fun night with our beautiful girls!

I'll Be Saying "Merry Christmas"

I never bought into the concept of being politically correct. In fact, neither did God. He's unshakable when it comes to where He stands on certain issues. There are no gray areas. He tells it like it is. If it's wrong, it's wrong. If it's right, it's right. His blueprint for life applies to everyone. He doesn't favor a select few. With God, it's all or nothing.

Now that Christmas is upon us we are hearing from a "select few" how wishing someone a Merry Christmas violates their right to religious freedom. Religious freedom allows each individual the privilege of serving God as they see fit, or ignoring Him all together. It's a right readily available to us all, but some want their views legislated to affect everyone. So, we are told that we should wish each other "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". Somehow that is supposed to abolish the celebration of Christmas so that non-believers, or those who serve a god in another form, won't get their feelings hurt.

I certainly believe in religious freedom for all. There are many different churches and belief and none of us should be forced to observe a certain one. God does not force. He gives us the free will to accept Him or reject Him. Yet, our country was based on "one nation under God", and I see no reason to change it for a select few. We all have a God. I recognize the God of heaven who sent His Son to atone for my sins. Others may have a god of material possessions, a god that grows with each new purchase. It still gives us the freedom to choose our God.

What are we supposed to say to store clerks who ring up our purchases? Christmas trees are on display everywhere we look. Wreaths adorn doors and walls. Carols emit from speakers and "Christmas bells are ringing". Is it not Christmas? If not, what are we celebrating?

Being politically correct is not of God. He wants us to call sin by its name. He wants us to help our neighbor. He wants us to have love for all mankind. He encourages self-denial so our focus can be placed on those in need. He commands that we have no other gods before Him. He does not say that 2007 is a year when everything is good, based on individual preferences. He has not proclaimed that sin is no longer invading our homes and communities. What's wrong is still wrong. What's right is still right.

God's perfect blueprint is still available to us all and I'll still be saying "Merry Christmas".

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Birthday Dinner

The Birthday Boy decided last night that he'd treat me to Steak & Shake and I'd treat him to Steak & Ale tonight. I complied since it's his birthday. Robin enjoyed lobster while I devoured a mushroom-stuffed filet. Since he was wearing his blinking 60 pin, everyone knew it was his birthday. And how old he is. Our waiter brought him a French Silk Pie on the house. Robin enjoyed it but I'm sure his appetite is more geared toward French Silk Stockings.

Having his birthday and Christmas in the same month is hard on me. Robin is difficult to buy for and I have to come up with ideas for two occasions. In a short period of time. He wanted new house shoes and a Coleman lantern, which he got. I'm not sure he will want what I'm giving him for Christmas.

All the birthday fun is over, the yard will be cleared tomorrow of the black balloons and banner, and we will again turn our thoughts toward Christmas. I think I've got one happy birthday boy. (Italics generously supplied by my erratic laptop who is getting a mind of its own.)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Birthday Hunter is Home!

And Boy! Was he surprised! I knew he was almost home so I waited in the yard next to his birthday sign. I waved my hands as he came around the corner. The pictures that follow show him in front of his sign, birthday banner, the tree of black balloons and streamers, and his German chocolate cake. He told me this was totally unexpected and it thrilled him that I had gone to so much trouble.

Tonight, another picture as we prepare to leave for dinner and Robin will be wearing his blinking "60" birthday pin.

Robin Is 60!

Happy 60th birthday to my husband, Robin. He was a mere babe of 50 when I married him and I can't believe he has already reached this milestone. However, it helps knowing he is the "new 60" and has aged gracefully. I'm proud to say he showers several times a day, uses deodarant, brushes his teeth, and is very particular about how he looks. He must not be too old yet.

On this very special day I'd like to recognize Robin for the man he is. When we started dating he had his mother living with him. When she needed him, he drove to Alabama and moved her and her possessions into his home. I'm happy to say I got to spend some time with her before she passed away two months after we began dating. She was so used to Robin's kidding with her that she once asked me not to leave her alone with him. There was a distinct twinkle in her eyes as she said that. I love him for taking this responsibility seriously.

Robin is a gentleman. He opens doors for me and compliments me all the time. He treats me like a lady. And he doesn't fart! Not even when he's around the guys at the deer lease. He believes certain things are private and not to be shared. So, no fanning the covers at our house.

Robin has endeared himself to me the most in how he relates to my grandchildren. Actually, they aren't my grandchildren, but our grandchildren. He freely accepts their hugs and kisses and tells them he loves them. He is Papa to them and I love him even more for that. It's not unusual for him to come home with unique little gifts for them. He has Baylee tied around his little finger and she does him. They all enjoy laughing and playing with Papa. He gets on their level and he's so much fun!

And I love Robin for the love he shares with me, the support he gives when I'm down, the many ways he has always been able to pull a laugh from me, and how he beams when I do. He loves to hear me laugh and I think that shows what a loving, yet simple, man he is. I love Robin because he follows the rules. He drives the speed limit, pays his bills on time, and runs his business in an ethical manner. In so many ways, he is my hero.

Happy birthday, Baby. I'm proud to be spending this special 60th celebration with you. Maybe the changes in you have been so gradual as if not to notice, but I really don't see that you look any different than you did when I married you at 50. Keep up the good work. I love you so much.

Now, let's celebrate!

Slumbering Again!

Robin went hunting again this weekend and that called for another slumber party. I picked up Patty after work and we relaxed with coffee for awhile, then babysat for Jude, Baylee and Sophia while Brian and Allison dined at the Cheesecake Factory for their anniversary. The kids wanted funny face pancakes and I ordered a pizza for Patty and me. The girls were smitten with Patty and Sophia reached for her each time she passed by and Baylee would sit with her and talk. I had to laugh at Baylee when I was sitting there enjoying my gum, popping away, and she told me, "Memaw, you're supposed to eat with your mouth closed." I was duly corrected.

Patty and I made a huge final dent in our Christmas shopping. It was cold and windy and even though we complained as we rushed through crowded parking lots with our treasures, it did add to the Christmas spirit. We enjoyed Mexican food for lunch, something we've mentioned a lot here, but our husbands don't care for the food and we take advantage of it.

Tonight I practiced making bows with the bow maker Allison bought for me. One turned out pretty good and the others need more practice. I also spent a great deal of time making a German chocolate cake for a special birthday you will read about here tomorrow. Those cakes call for a lot of time and ingredients. It's the closest thing to a masterpiece I will ever do. It will surely end up here with the birthday person holding it proudly.

Robin called tonight and he got another deer. That's two this season. There have been times when he doesn't see one at all during hunting season so he's quite proud of himself. This one is a doe which is better meat, but doesn't carry the macho image like a twelve-point buck. I don't see that it matters since a perfect aim is required for both. Must be strictly a male thing.

Time for bed. Tomorrow is a full day with birthday festivities.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Jan

Santa Jan stopped by my office today and she was all decked out in Christmas cheer. She breezed through the door with her Christmas shirt, earrings, Santa hat, and a bell around her neck. In her sack she had - of course- Peanut M&Ms, and a needlepoint coaster she'd made for me with my initial on it. What a sweet, thoughtful friend!

She'd just returned from her old job where she presented her handmade coasters to many co-workers. Since Thanksgiving she has made well over 30 of them. Busy Santa! I don't think she had elves to help her. Everyone at her old job just can't stand that Jan is retired, happy and stress-free. I envy her for that, too!

Thank you, Jan, for the special treats and especially for your friendship. You are always a joy. And happy birthday tomorrow to your granddaughter, Maisye. Wow, 11 years old and a little doll. Love you, friend.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Christmas Cheer Calls For Welfare Reform

Last Saturday night Patty and I were watching a news channel that had a special on "Canadaville". Canadaville is a new community in Louisiana, developed by Canadian Frank Stronach, to help Katrina refugees get back on their feet. His concept is very interesting.

Canadaville sits on 800 acres and has a capacity to house up to 280 families. Rent is free for the first five years but there is a catch. The residents must be employed and commit to a certain amount of hours of community service work. I think it's a wonderful idea. It's helping the refugees get back on their feet while they build their future again. Living rent-free and employed enables them to accumulate possessions that were lost and save some money. It's helping without giving it away and it preserves the dignity of those receiving the help.

After watching this program, Patty and I wondered why our welfare systems doesn't work in a similar way. If an able-bodied person applies for welfare, why not give them a schedule that lists the times and locations for community service? Why just give the money away if the person is physically and mentally able to work? What's wrong with a welfare reform that helps the individual help themselves?

There are too many people who are dealing with real infirmities who need the checks and food stamps and Medicaid. Those who need it are being robbed by the lazy or those out to beat the system. Offering the financial assistance in exchange for community service would separate the needy from the lazy. I don't particularly like my tax dollars going to support someone who thinks we all owe him/her something. We don't.

As the Canadaville program ended, they said something like this: Let's give these people a hand up instead of a hand out. Makes perfect sense to me.

Monday, December 10, 2007

All About Allison

Or the Triple A Club. First of all, I want to wish her and Brian a happy anniversary. Today is their 12th year of married life. This union has produced three precious children - Jude, Baylee, and Sophia. These lucky kids have two loving, involved parents who dote on them, instruct them, and love them to pieces. They are indeed blessed.

The wedding 12 years ago had a Christmas theme and the most beautiful bride I'd ever seen (7 months later I'd feast my eyes on a bride equal in beauty when Angela tied the knot with Clayton). Allison looked radiant on the arm of her Papaw as she came down the aisle. As her mother, I felt so proud. She and I already had mileage with Brian. They had dated for a long time, he spent weekends at our home, he was a pallbearer at Allison's Dad's funeral, and he literally had to date three, single, lonely women. Officially adding him to our family meant a lot.

So, happy anniversary to Allison and Brian and be assured babysitters are standing by to allow you two an evening out on the town. I love you both.

Now, a glowing account of the Kindred Voices concert last night. All the ladies looked lovely in their festive attire, as you can tell from the group photo. I love to hear them sing! It's always such a treat for me. Not only do their voices blend in unison, but I have a soft spot in my heart for each one. All solo parts were done to perfection. Hannah, the baby of the group, has a spectacular voice and excellent control. Joyce sang her traditional Christmas song as beautifully as ever. Allison and Tammy sang my favorite song, Breath of Heaven, and both their solo parts were excellent. Good job, ladies!

My date for the evening was Jude. He brought along a toolbox full of note pads and a pen. He drew microphones for everyone in the audience and took food orders (for the fellowship dinner that followed). Nothing shy about this boy. I wrote I heart you on his palm and he did the same to me. So sweet. He also gave me more art for the fridge. One note tells me he loves me and the other has his name so I "won't forget who he is", like I ever could.

Allison, as you can see, looked beautiful in her new clothes. She received many compliments on her outfit and shoes. She looked precious and I know she felt as beautiful as she is in all our eyes. She even raised her top a tiny bit and showed her singing group what Aunt Donna bought for her. It was a great night and an uplifting way to enter the Christmas season.

Again, happy anniversary to Allison and Brian. I'm waiting for the babysitting call!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Happy Birthday, Angela!

My heartfelt birthday greetings to my youngest child, Angela. If I were spending this special day with her, this is what she’d receive:

- Breakfast in bed after sleeping in late.

- A chorus of “happy birthday to you” by all family members.

- A long, relaxing foot massage.

- Free babysitting services while she indulges in a manicure, pedicure, and full body massage.

- An early dinner at her favorite restaurant.

- Homemade ice cream and birthday cake, indulged in while I bathe the kids and get them to bed, coaxing Callan to feed from a bottle.

- A long, relaxing bubble bath.

- A good back “sashing” at bedtime.

But since I’m not there, I nominate Clayton to take my place and I know he will do a fabulous job.

On your birthday, Angela, I want to thank you for the wonderful daughter you have always been and continue to be. All three of my children have added their own dimension to my life and you are no exception. I value and cherish your love and devotion. I respect and admire your Christian character. I’m proud of the high standard you set for yourself in the academic world, even though it exceeded my own expectations. You were always a step ahead of what I truly wanted for you.

Thank you for being a loving and nurturing mother to three of my grandchildren. They are richly blessed to be able to call you Mom. And I am honored to call you my daughter, and I love you with a mother’s love that has no end or limits. I thank God for bringing you into a home that felt it needed no more children. God definitely knew best.

I love you, Punkin, and have the best birthday ever.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Allison treated herself to a pedicure and here are her pretty toes dressed in the beautiful shoes Patty bought for her. She is styling!

A Day Of Girl Fun

We awoke this morning to coffee and more chatter. It got even livelier when Allison arrived, ready to spend a day with adult conversation. Brian stayed home with the kids.

Our first stop was Kincaid's Hamburgers in Arlington Highlands. They boast about their good hamburgers and we weren't disappointed. Adding the fries and onion rings was the icing on the cake. After lunch, we looked through the many shops in the Highlands and purchased a few holiday gifts.

The most fun was pampering my baby, Allison. My money was refused, but Patty and Donna made her look fabulous. Allison selected a beatiful ensemble of black pants, a silver camisole and black dressy jacket for the concert she will perform in tomorrow night. She chose some winter white beaded stappy heels with silver accents. While she was trying on clothes and Donna and I were visiting, Patty grabbed the box of shoes and went to the register. When Allison got ready to buy her clothes she was looking for the shoes that Donna and I were supposed to be guarding. Here comes Patty with them in a sack, already paid for. Such a sweet friend!

Then, to make Allison feel even more feminine and sleek in her new threads, Donna found a store that sells Spanx and bought her a body shaper. We all drooled over the assortment of Spanx and wondered how good they would make us look. I'm the proud mother who gets to see her at the concert all gussied up. She will look beautiful! We all had fun pampering the baby in our group.

Tonight it's just Patty and me and we will spend the evening in pajamas with pizza and books. What a glorious weekend we had and we so look forward to the same group of women getting together again soon. Deborah has invited us all over to swim in her heated pool sometime in the spring. What fun that will be!