Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'll Be Saying "Merry Christmas"

I never bought into the concept of being politically correct. In fact, neither did God. He's unshakable when it comes to where He stands on certain issues. There are no gray areas. He tells it like it is. If it's wrong, it's wrong. If it's right, it's right. His blueprint for life applies to everyone. He doesn't favor a select few. With God, it's all or nothing.

Now that Christmas is upon us we are hearing from a "select few" how wishing someone a Merry Christmas violates their right to religious freedom. Religious freedom allows each individual the privilege of serving God as they see fit, or ignoring Him all together. It's a right readily available to us all, but some want their views legislated to affect everyone. So, we are told that we should wish each other "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". Somehow that is supposed to abolish the celebration of Christmas so that non-believers, or those who serve a god in another form, won't get their feelings hurt.

I certainly believe in religious freedom for all. There are many different churches and belief and none of us should be forced to observe a certain one. God does not force. He gives us the free will to accept Him or reject Him. Yet, our country was based on "one nation under God", and I see no reason to change it for a select few. We all have a God. I recognize the God of heaven who sent His Son to atone for my sins. Others may have a god of material possessions, a god that grows with each new purchase. It still gives us the freedom to choose our God.

What are we supposed to say to store clerks who ring up our purchases? Christmas trees are on display everywhere we look. Wreaths adorn doors and walls. Carols emit from speakers and "Christmas bells are ringing". Is it not Christmas? If not, what are we celebrating?

Being politically correct is not of God. He wants us to call sin by its name. He wants us to help our neighbor. He wants us to have love for all mankind. He encourages self-denial so our focus can be placed on those in need. He commands that we have no other gods before Him. He does not say that 2007 is a year when everything is good, based on individual preferences. He has not proclaimed that sin is no longer invading our homes and communities. What's wrong is still wrong. What's right is still right.

God's perfect blueprint is still available to us all and I'll still be saying "Merry Christmas".


Anonymous said...

The stores sure do enjoy the financial benefits from the sales at Christmas. Wasn't it Wal*Mart who went back this year to wishing Merry Christmas because sales went down last year. They were saying Happy Holidays. Pigs.

Anonymous said...

I like to see the day someone "corrects" me when I say Merry Christmas. I know I will be wrong in my actions!

angela | the painted house said...

Mother, you have always been one to go against the grain...like, say, enjoying funerals.

I think people are finally seeing how ridiculous all that Christmas diluting is. The silliest to me was the "holiday" tree. Which holiday during December? Hannukah? No. Kwanza? No. CHRISTMAS, people. Most people, I'm sure, who celebrate Christmas anyway aren't particularly religious. And aren't most of our customs and traditions rooted in some religion, Christian, Judean, or Pagan? Bottomline, Christmas can be a little much even for us Christians--the glitz, the hustle, the burden--hardly what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

I will never stop saying Merry Christmas!

Sounds like Wal-Mart is all about the money.

And I remember Angela telling the story of you "enjoying" the funeral. It's making me laugh right now!!

Anonymous said...

Amen Angela!!!

Anonymous said...

Angela, please fill us in on "enjoying funeral" story. I may have heard it but I don't remember.

Anonymous said...

Angela, get your own blog.

love you.

Anonymous said...

Dee, lol!