Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jude - the star

Guest Blogger - Dee

When we arrived at church today Jude had an unusual way of greeting everyone. He broke out in song, I don't know where he gets it from. Upon walking in the door he started singing "Hark, the Harold Angels Sing". Well, I guess he was in the right place at the right time because the pastor said that we did not have special music lined and would Jude like to sing for church today. So, after the Children's story, unbenounced to Peggy Poet he took the mic and sang his song acapella. The church applauded his beautiful song and I was so proud of how brave he was. I think we have a public speaker on our hands. The cutest part came to when he ran back to the pew where memaw met him with open arms. In a voice louder than when he had the mic he said "Memaw! Did you hear that singing"? The church really laughed at that - why did I cut off the camera so soon? He got many compliments after church and I could see his chest swelling with pride.


Anonymous said...

HE IS A STAR!!!!! Got his beautiful voice from his beatiful mom....

angela | the painted house said...

That is SO CUTE!!!! And he does it like it is no big deal. I'm so glad that you had your camera, Dee!

angela | the painted house said...

Where are the Christmas photos? C'mon, I wasn't there...I'm dying!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Loved it! Allison-it won't be long before you'll be doing duets together.
Hi Peggy, I'm a friend of Allison's who reads your blog and enjoys seeing Allison and her kiddos! I found you through Angels's blog.
Anyway, this seemed as good a time as any to introduce myself and tell you I enjoy reading what you write.

Peggy said...

Welcome, Becca! I hope you will be a frequent visitor.

Sara said...

Jude's buddy, Brayden said, "Is that REALLY him Mom? I need to give him a present!"

Anonymous said...

Randee, you should have had Jude sing for me yesterday. Very good!