Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Grocery List

I had to laugh when reading Angela's blog about her dour mood while shopping for the perfect Christmas tree. She was struggling with kids and a husband who never tires of the same old jokes. I'm married to one of those, too.

His arsenal of tiring jokes is endless. One that is popular with him is my grocery list. He will write all sorts of silly things on there, some that I only notice as I'm squinting at my list as I hurry down the aisle. He may write "kat phud", reminding me that our outdoor foster cats need a bag of munchies. Or he may write "a case of K-Y Jelly", hoping I will burst into gales of uncontrolled laughter as I shop. Doesn't happen.

This morning I grabbed my grocery list as I left home and noticed right away the familiar print, a signal that Robin had again been tampering with my list. The first item I wrote down was "shortening".

Under it, Robin wrote, "no it's not!"


Anonymous said...

I chuckeled!

Anonymous said...

Or is it chuckled all you spelling and grammer experts!

Anonymous said...

The first time hearing it made me laugh...

If you get tired of the jokes, I'll send Sid over, he is in a constant singing mode...with his own personal lyrics to fit his own personal music, need I say more???

Anonymous said...

That was funny. Although I'm still traumatized over the last post and Angela's comment.

angela | the painted house said...

I don't get it. Maybe I'm just burnt out from this weekend.

angela | the painted house said...

Speaking of K-Y...

Anonymous said...

Angela, get your mind in the gutter.

I thought it was pretty funny and not predictable at all.