It was 33 years ago today that I moved into my home as a young bride. This house is full of a lot of memories that are very dear to me. These walls have seen many changes, both in the family that resides here, and the interior appearance.
I had the thrill as a young 24-year-old to pick out all the colors for carpet and wallpaper, and all light fixtures, cabinet/drawer knobs and handles, and mirrors. It was an exciting experience. The house was finally finished and ready for us to move in on July 15, 1974, just one month after our marriage. There were many trees in the back yard, but none in the front. We planted the crepe mytles in memory of Chezzy's son who died in a car accident, and an oak tree, and three pines. They are so large now that they obscure the front of the house!
Being 1974, you can imagine the color scheme. The carpets were avocado green, with an orange shag in the playroom. The kitchen wallpaper was a busy, bold pattern of large green, yellow, and orange flowers. Now, 33 years later, the kitchen is on its third wallpaper design and in need of a fourth. Actually, I hope to remove the wallpaper all together, texture the walls, and add a delightful color of paint.
We did a total remodeling in 1989 and 1990. All the earth tones were replaced with pastels in blue, pink and green. I went crazy with the country look, which I am so tired of, but it will have to do until medical bills are paid. The pool was added in the fall of 1979, and it, too, is in need of repairs. Any home, no matter what the age, is subject to repairs.
A few times I've thought about selling this house and buying something else, but the sentimental attachment I feel for this home takes over and I dismiss that idea. It's the only home Angela ever knew until she entered the dorm and college life, then married. My entire marriage to her father is cherished within these walls. My ups and downs, my transitions from wife, widow, to wife again. My young mother status to that of a middle-aged grandmother, about to see the arrival of her ninth grandchild.
This is the home where my three children got their learner's permit, dressed for their first date, had numerous sleepovers, scurried to the den on Christmas mornings, and graduated from high school and college. This house has prepared for three weddings with nervous brides and mom, and the pool which once gave hours of enjoyment to my children and their friends, now welcomes my grandchildren. I've always wanted a home with a history. I have it now.
Robin and I have spent the past nine years together in this home. Occasionally, we will discuss a possible future beach house or country home, but for now we remain content. As our life changes, our needs might change, too. A move to another house might happen someday. We never know what the future holds. I do know, however, that it would be hard to say goodbye to home.
Note: Part 3 of Our Story will appear tomorrow. Thank you all for your comments and interest.
skinny dipping in the pool when Ron and Dad were at work! Jumping off the 10 foot book cases in the living room while you and dad take a nap. Keeping my room spotless and loosing my "flower" in my room at 15 to Ronnie Langley. KIDDING!!!!! YUK YUK!!!
IKNEW IT! I KNEW IT! So these kids weren't all that perfect after all!!! On the other hand, I know for sure Randee was lieing about her spotless bedroom.......Come on Angela give me so more details.....but don't bother Ron, I heard all about you!!! That house sure does have the memories... Sounds like another book to me Peggy!
Let's see...peeling wallpaper in the half bath and completing my first mural, playing two square in the cul-de-sac, cleaning the playroom as a surprise for Mom, learning to cook in the kitchen, playing the Quiet Game on Sabbaths, sweeping the driveway after Dad edged, mowing the backyard, hiding from the Orkin man, helping Mom fill the house with Coomer's treasures, revealing my breasts to the Pastor--unfortunately not kidding.
Randee--you really took the joke too far with Ronnie...GROSS!
That was a sweet post, Mom, can't believe it! Someday I, too, hope to be in a house 33 years and longer! Right now we are doing good to beat 4 years.
Dee, I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap! (or is it your typing fingers that need washing?) I hope no flower has ever been lost in this house!
LOL, Angela. I'm sure the pastor appreciated the view. That's another reason why no one should show up without calling first.
what?! im so confused. What flower? and angela, what?!?!
Candice, pay absolutely NO attention to your aunts! They are just being funny, and Angela thought her friend was at the door when she opened it with her blouse unbuttoned. Or maybe she had the hots for the pastor.
A Letter to Ronnie Langley:
Since my efforts to erase your name from my previous post I must offer you my deepest and sincerest apologies for adding the words “Yuck, Yuck” at the end of my not-so-humorous joke. You must understand that when our paths crossed you were just a mere boy at a time in my life when boys had cooties and germs. Don’t get me wrong, the time I jammed a pick-up stick into your ear, piercing and bursting your eardrum meant as much to me as I’m sure it meant to you. I can still hear your mispronunciation of “Bogo King” (Burger King) ringing in my ears (drums still in tact). I am sure, Ronnie Langley, that you are an up-standing citizen sitting at your computer Googling your name surprised to see that my family and I still remember that sweet boy who played with my brother almost 30 years ago. Nothing like that Brian Q (I’ve learned) who was caught by my mom propositioning me for unspeakable acts. Please accept my apologies, Ronnie, and my best to you and yours
lol lol It's not gonna work Randee. Your A-- is grass.. AND ANGELA!!!!! Sweet Angela. I would have loved to seen the look on your pastors face! These stories are better than the ones I heard of your brother! Candice you and I should cover our eyes!
LOL! Allison and Angela, y'all are hilarious!!! Which pastor was it? Do I know him???
If ever there was a pastor NOT to flash my breasts, it was him. And it happened not once but twice. No wonder he kept popping by the house for an impromptu visit. And, NO, there were no "hots" for this pastor. I hope not to burn in hell for the scandalous and naughty fantasies this tall and gangly teenager might have planted in his head.
Angela, how did it happen the second time???
Why did you hide from the Orkin man? Or was it because he saw your boobs too?
And did the pastor want you to sit on the front row every Sabbath??
LOL, Cristal!!!
I've been wondering about the second time too!
Angela, were you not taught to be dressed when answering the door???
Where's Donna? She needs to get into this too!
Boy, I go away for the weekend and you all go nuts:)
Sissy, I remember when you and Chezzy shopped for your home together. I was pretty jazzed about it myself. What a lovely home it was and what a great bunch of kids who passed through it. I enjoyed all their friends I got to know. I use to visit you every week and I miss that. I even miss you paying for my movie ticket to take the kids for the weekend. That doesn't surprise you does
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