This wretched creature was discovered on my sister's front porch. Fortunately, it was her husband, James, who happened upon it and not Donna. Not that I wish any ill will to James, but perhaps men handle snake discoveries better than women do.
Donna had heard a few taps at the front door, but dismissed it as being one of their pets. Shortly after, she heard James yell and run in a side door. He told Donna there was a large rattlesnake on their porch and needed her help in keeping an eye on it while he got something to kill it with. Ron, a friend of theirs, was working on their property that day, which was a blessing. He managed to get the snake off the porch so James could shoot it.
The rattlesnake measured at 52 inches and had ten buttons on its tail. We believe it was the buttons tapping against the front door that Donna had heard a few minutes earlier.
This is not their first encounter with rattlesnakes. One killed their beloved dog a few years back. They have also seen them in the garage and other areas around the house. They own many acres in Madill, Oklahoma, where their home is located. Rattlesnakes have always been a problem, and one that concerns me every summer, knowing my Sissy is so close to them.
This latest visitor convinced them to put a for sale sign in their front yard. My advice to them is to keep quiet about the snake infestation, unless some weirdo comes along who enjoys rattlesnake hunting. In that case, they have the perfect selling feature.
I'm so thankful James and Donna were protected from this horrible menace. Those things are nasty! And not just nasty, but extremely deadly. Keep your eyes on the ground, you two!
Yes, that was really a scary moment. James screamed like a girl! Yes, we have decided not to vocalize this snake story in our town.
Haven't ya'll heard about those strange "Okies"? They actually have a planned Rattlesnake Hunt and Festival each year. Your snake story may be a great selling point----further reason to get the heck out of dodge!!!!
That's another reason we need to head toward Texas. Those Okies!
Great idea! Can you send my Mom the memo, too?
that thing is big!
Welcome back, Shelley and Camryn. Too bad you came back to such an ugly picture.
I'm screaming! I'm screaming! I HATE snakes. But I must ask a stupid question...what are "buttons"?
Peggy, now that Angela has logged off for a while you're going to be my sole entertainment. You have big shoes to fill! haha
Cristal, buttons are the rattlers on the tail that make a noise before they strike. I'm with you, I can't stand snakes and they are at the top of my fear list.
I do have big shoes to fill! And I'm all out of material, unless something pops into my head or someone gets another snake. Hopefully, not you or me.
Or me, Sissy!
Shelley, I'll started to work on Jan.
Everyone -- send entertaining stuff to the editor!
This is not the aitken's first encounter with snakes. I would have been out of there "at first sight" years ago.
Yikes!!! Thank goodness you didn't open the door and step on the porch. You may have been it's next victum. I am terrified of them. We found one in our shop next to the motorhome once and Ronnie killed it. My brother in law asked what kind it was, I said heck if I know, a dead snake is the only kind of good snake!
Am so glad you are ok.
Well, this blog got your friend, Jan Tucker's, attention. It's been a while since we have heard from you, Jan. Welcome back. Sorry, Peggy, that's your job.
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