Allison hung streamers and colorful balloons while Jude wrote me a welcome home sign. I was presented with two small bags of peanut M&Ms, stating it was Memaw's turn to have the treat. Then, Baylee quickly asked, "Will Memaw share?" Yes, of course I shared. Sophia was just happy to see us, as usual, clinging to both Papa and me.
I had some meaningful get well cards and e-mails, lots of phone calls and special visitors. Thomas accompanied his Dad to the emergency room and promptly filled in the doctor as to my condition. "Memaw is a little bit, uh, old, and she eats a lot of chocolate." Had I consulted Thomas first I could have saved myself a lot of money. Another Thomasism as he studied the heart monitor with some alarm. "The lines are going like this." (He did his fingers like I was flatlining.) "I'm scared. It looks like the D word." I assured him the doctor would take care of me. And finally, one Peggyism, as I was taken to have the stents placed in my heart: "Please tell my husband when this is all over that I really do have a heart."
Allison went the extra mile and brought in a dozen of huge bakery cookies for the nurses that cared for me. Inside the box lid she wrote, "Thank you for caring for my mom." All the nurses were very grateful for the goodies and came back for more. I thought this gesture was very, very thoughtful. Thank you, Blondie. This picture of my new heart is not easy to see, but I can tell you that the before and after pictures are worlds apart. The before picture looks like a dark, desolate moon surface, where as the after picture shows a vibrant road map with distinct pathways. No more collapsed arteries. My blood is flowing easily and my circulation and skin color have improved.
This is a good time to remind all of you to never ignore the pain and signs of a heart attack. Like so many before me, I thought the pain was acid reflux or heartburn. I was having an episode daily for 3 to 4 weeks that lasted only a couple of minutes. I went online and researched my symptoms. The only thing I found that matched all my ailments was unstable angina, which the doctor confirmed. Another thing that threw me off was that the pain in my jaw, shoulder, arm, and back were on the right side and a heart attack is more commonly felt on the left. Mine was still a heart attack and it can manifest itself in slightly different ways depending on the individual and their gender. So, please do not ignore a burning in the chest (it might not be heartburn), or pain in the jaw, face, shoulder, arm or back, regardless of which side it is on. See a doctor immediately. Many have died who believed it was heartburn and would pass. Fortunately, I'd researched it and called my doctor to see him. He recognized the signs and told me to go to ER instead.
This was my home away from home the last four days. I must admit, I enjoyed my stays there in the 1970s much more because this is where I welcomed both of my precious daughters, Allison and Angela. Our Jude the Dude was born there, too. A hospital can be a place of extreme joy or sadness. I thank God that my experiences here had great results.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. I ask for continued prayers as I make some drastic changes to my lifestyle. My friend Patty came over when I got home from the hospital and gave me heart-healthy magazines that focused on diet. She also brought dinner from Boston Market, lots of steamed vegetables and a chicken. We have enough food to feed us all week!
All of you are awesome and I love you!
I love you and am so glad you got in when you did. That was so thoughtful of Randee to get the goodies for the nurses. Hopefully day and night nurses got some. I recommend the talapia with mango salsa next time we meet for girls night out. I am SO ready.
Baylee, Camryn and Thomas were born there too, Right?
Glad you are home. You look beautiful and your skin looks better every day. Amazing how some blood pumping through your veins will make your complexion look better.
You don't look like a woman who just had a heart attack and spent days in the hospital. You look wonderful. I hope you are getting lots of rest. I wish I could be there to help. I'm glad that you are home!
I can't emphasise it enough, God is Good.
Your color does look better and of course your heart looks perfect. It just needed a little pep talk.
Randee that was really sweet of you to do for the nurses.
I can bet the kiddo's were happy to see their memaw. I know they are the light of her life.
Love you BB
I knew I'd forget someone if I started mentioning the births at this particular hospital. But I definitely remember getting my two girls there.
Glad you're home, Peggy. You look really good and I'm sure you'll be feeling much better in days to come.
Boy, I'll take your admonition to heart if I ever feel that kind of pain. By the way, I get the "Heart Healthy" magazine -- it's good.
Thomas' remarks were so cute!
Happy you're home and feeling better!
I wrote a long comment but the "blogger" was down. Sooooo....
I CANNOT believe you just got out of the hospital!! You look amazing!!
I'm so glad you're home and able to rest and sleep in your own bed. I hate hospitals. You don't get any peace or quiet in there.
Thomas is too cute! What did the doctor say to him??
I thought you were going to be in the hospital for a week so I didn't get you a card yet. Ooops! So be checking your mail in the next few days!
I consider you a part of my family and I am so grateful you're ok and WILL be ok. Now then go look up some yummy vegan recipes! I wonder if they make vegan peanut M&M's??
I love you!!!
I'm sooo glad you are home! It was a shocker that you got so sick the day after we were together. Maybe we laughed too much?
It's for sure God isn't ready for you to leave this earth...me neither! I'm loving you more as each day passes.
Sharon, had we not laughed so much and elevated our endorphins, I'm sure the heart attack would have been worse. Laughter is healthy. Let's do lunch again very soon.
You look fabulous as always. We've been praying for you!
I'm so glad you called that doctor when you did!
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