Thursday, June 12, 2008

Slumber Party!

Robin had to go to Houston on business and you know me, I never pass up an opportunity for a slumber party. Patty eagerly packed a bag and rushed right over. We had Mexican food for lunch, came back home so I could check in at the office, then off again to shop.

We hit a few stores and either shopped or just looked. I shopped for Parker and Weasil and got their Father's Day gift for Robin. Our evening was spent in front of the TV with national and local news, and a few games and some reading.

You should have heard the laughter as Patty and I played who wants to be a millionaire online. We got very close to the big bucks, I am proud to say. But the laughter erupted as we lost three times on the first question. For the most part, we did fabulous. If I didn't know the answer, Patty usually did, and vice versa.

Robin had the camera so we had Patty's husband Dave take some pictures of us. He had trouble loading them last night due to computer problems, so no pictures at this time. I hope to post some later.

My endorphins were elevated as we laughed the night away. Just what the doctor ordered.


Anonymous said...

You two have so much fun together even as adults. Yes you are adults:)

When is girls night out?

Anonymous said...

That was Donna.

Anonymous said...

Donna's right, it's good to know you can still have so much fun at that age. I mean, uh, even as adults. :) haaaaaaaaaaaa

That sounded like a lot of fun!!