8:30am ish - my mom calls to tell me she has been up since 4am with vomiting, pain on one side and she will be going to the doctor.
840am ish - my mom calls a little more frantic. She called her primary care physician and asked for an immediate appointment. When she told the Doctor her symptoms the Doctor told her to call 911 - this was heart related. She waited for her hubby to get out of the shower and they were on the road.
845 ish - I start placing calls all over letting everyone know that mom was going to the hospital.
1030 - my husband comes home from work to watch the kids so that I may go to the hospital and see my mommy.
1115am - I get to the ER and they suspect there was no heart attack but it was an "episode" that we should be concerned about.
by the afternoon the cardiologist had come in and after reviewing her EKG determined she did in fact have a heart attack. Large? Small? Doesn't matter. When you hear those words about someone you love - your best friend - your kids mema who hung the sun, moon and stars it hits you like a knife in the chest.
The Doctor told us - by this time it was Robin, Ron, Thomas and myself - Mom should be prepared for a catheter procedure and he would place a stint when he found the blockage causing the problems. About 2 hours later the procedure was over and mom was resting well in the cardiac unit.
This comes on the heels of the passing of a very dear friend...from a heart attack...YESTERDAY! He was young, vibrant, sweet and just a great person.
The thought of loosing my mom gives me panic attacks. My mom is one of my best friends. I talk to her every day, more than once a day. I can tell her anything and know I will still be loved and she will not pass judgement of me. I cannot imagine my life without her. I hope that this is the wake up call we all need to live cleaner, healthier lives. Yes, this might mean no more eggs, potatoes, gravy and homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. But we will have something so much better, another day, another Christmas with our mom. I'm sure AT&T's phone lines were burning up all day but I also know the lines to heaven were on fire with my mom's name on the lips of those who love her.
The doctor showed us pictures of her heart before and after the stints were placed in there and it was amazing how much blood was being blocked. Mom will be in the hospital until Sunday or Monday. Please pray for her and the strength to make the health changes necessary so that this never happens again.
guest blogger - Dee
Hang in there Peggy! You'll be fine. You've got so many people praying for you! I love you and I hope you have a quick recovery!
PS. I'd offer to smuggle you in some peanut M&M's but I'm afraid I might be tackled by someone who insists you change your diet or something. :)
Hey BB...You better knock this hospital thing off!!!! I just might have to move back to Dallas sooner than later (now don't use that as an excuse to stay in the hospital longer).
I love you Bestest Buddy. Randee and Angela are keeping me informed. Of course lots of prayers being said. Just rest and try not to think of anything but today. You do your best, God does the rest so trust in Him.
Once again, I am going to cry now for happiness that God said, NOT YET....
Your one special person..
Peggy, I'm praying for you too! I just finished a book with the title Passionate Prayer by Brenda Walsh, I love that! I will be passionately praying for you!
Wishing you a very speedy recovery!I'll be sure to say those Jewish prayers of healing -- every little big helps!
I'm praying for you often, Peggy. You have a great family that will give you much support and love.
As far as the "changes" you'll have to make, you can do anything you set your mind to!
I'll call when you feel better.
My sweet Sissy, no more scares, okay? I love you so much! Thank you Robin for getting her to the hospital! Thank you Randee for being such a sweet daughter/niece. Love you too!
Thank you all for the prayers. It means so much to me to have such a network of wonderful people who believe so strongly in the power of prayer.
Thank you to Ron, Allison, and Angela who either stayed by my side or phoned often with words of love. I love you three so much.
Dee, your words in this post have touched me so much that I think I can forgive you for that deathly picture of me. That's how ugly a heart attack is, folks!
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