Sunday, June 08, 2008

Rhyme Time is Corrected

I am slowly learning how to move around in my blog, thanks to Angela. I thought I was following all her instructions perfectly, but discovered that after all my hard work, none of the poems (except for the two she labeled for me) were accessible from the link I posted. After many futile attempts to get it right, I noticed the URL I copied needed some characters deleted. Bravo! It worked. I guess one can teach an old dog new tricks.


Anonymous said...

I love browsing your blog. It looks really orderly to me! The listing of poems is great (along with each one of the poems!)

Anonymous said...

Sissy, Where is a poem for Ashton? I figure Callan will get his on his birthday, but Ashton isn't listed and he is 4:(

Peggy said...

Thank you, Sissy, for being on the ball. Ashton must have been lost when I was editing. He's now up and running. Yes, Callan will get his own poem in August.

Anonymous said...

I love it when I can be of help:)

Anonymous said...

Where's my poem? (The one you just made up on the spot.)....:)

angela | the painted house said...

Glad you got it all figured out! I can't wait for Callan's poem. I'll go ahead and stock up on the tissues now.