Saturday, June 14, 2008

Do-Gooders Contest!

Since most of you who read my blog also read my daughter's blog you already know there is a Do-Gooders contest going on with a prize of a Whole Foods gift card. The contest ends at midnight on Monday, June 16, with a drawing the next day.

Here's what you have to do to enter: go to Angela's blog site and read the directions. A Do-Gooder is someone who has done a good deed for another, known or unknown, family, friend or stranger. She has listed many examples of a good deed.

Go there now and be thinking of something special you can do for someone else. You never know the blessing you may be showering on another. I'm sure God will lead you to someone who needs to be touched by kindness.

Happy Do-Gooding!

1 comment:

angela | the painted house said...

You are a good blogger! Thanks for the link!