By Guest Blogger, Donna.
This morning I left home for work and I wasn't far from home when a car coming toward me blinked their lights several times. I started to slow down and up ahead was something standing in the middle of the road. What I saw when I got closer was the cutest baby goat. I pulled over so I could coax it out of the road. It came right up to me. It had a bell under his chin that made almost as much noise as he did.
I tried to get it to stay out of the road, but every time a car would go by, he'd start chasing it. He
turned down into some woods, but when I went by looking for him, he came back out and started chasing me. Let me remind you. This is a very small goat....someone's pet that is about to be run over. That is why I picked the little darling up and put him in the backseat of my car (not the new car thank goodness). I tried to find a house nearby with someone at home, but I wasn't successful.
turned down into some woods, but when I went by looking for him, he came back out and started chasing me. Let me remind you. This is a very small goat....someone's pet that is about to be run over. That is why I picked the little darling up and put him in the backseat of my car (not the new car thank goodness). I tried to find a house nearby with someone at home, but I wasn't successful.
I noticed on my cell phone that James had tried to call me. He was traveling with Quentin, his partner. I called him and he could hear my passenger "baaing" in the backseat. He couldn't believe what I was doing. They both got a laugh out of that. James started trying to tell me
what to do with the goat. I could take it home or to a vet not too far away. Whatever, but get to work. I noticed a truck going up a driveway to a house and I followed him. It wasn't his home.
He was just going there to visit. Anyway. Long story short. After the goat jumped out my car window, he offered to take him to find his home or at least where he'd be safe. This gentleman (about my dad's age) thought he knew where there was someone not too far away who raised goats.
what to do with the goat. I could take it home or to a vet not too far away. Whatever, but get to work. I noticed a truck going up a driveway to a house and I followed him. It wasn't his home.
He was just going there to visit. Anyway. Long story short. After the goat jumped out my car window, he offered to take him to find his home or at least where he'd be safe. This gentleman (about my dad's age) thought he knew where there was someone not too far away who raised goats.
Now my husband knows what to get me for my birthday.
That is too funny! You should have taken him home and you'd have a baby goat and one old goat. Sorry, James, I couldn't resist.
I wonder how many people would have only tried to dodge him instead of saving him? I think you deserve the Whole Foods gift card.
I think you deserve it too!
I didn't know goats chased things, like cars. That would be funny to see. Until he started chasing me, then I'd run!
Definitely a winner for the gift card! I can't believe you put this goat in your backseat!!! He (or she) didn't happen to leave any mementos in the backseat?
Now some women might have to muffle the voice of a male in the car while talking to their husband.....but NOOOOOOOOO......not our Donna!!!!
You are so funny, but I love you for rescuing the baby goat and trying to find out who the owner is.
LOL, did it really jump out the window????
BTW BB, you also deserve a card as you certainly made me happy today!
Donna, that is too sweet! Gosh, and how cute is that goat? I enjoyed your guest blogging!
THAT is the cutest thing I have seen since I put my kids to bed! I want a goat if it would stay that size.
Oops. I searched on the internet for a cute goat picture to add to Donna's story. I didn't realize y'all might think she just happened to have her guest blogging camera with her. Not her goat.
look! Donna took a video too!
Update....I called the home of the man who "got my goat" and his wife of 50 years answered the phone. We had a nice long chat. Turns out they are close neighbors of ours and we will get to know each other soon. I just wanted them to know that I'd gladly take the goat if they were stuck with it. The man had left it in the care of a family who had two little dogs in a fenced in yard. They watched them to make sure the dogs didn't kill the goat. They played. I asked her to find out if that family wanted me to take him/her off their hands. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and the goat I saved is even cuter than the picture.
OK, I should have added a footnote that the pictured goat wasn't Donna's goat. I will forever remember that all of you drag a camera around with you in case you have the privileged opportunity of being a guest writer on this blog.
The b**ch
I thought that was THE goat too.
Well at least you're nicer about it than Dee. I thought I brought her up better than that:)
No, That "V3nt3rs" is a hard stain to get out.
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