Monday, June 16, 2008

Robin's the Do-Gooder

Robin was the Do-Gooder in our home during this Do Good challenge. I came in second, only because his good deed gave me the opportunity to pass it along. Neither is Whole-Foods-Gift-Card-worthy. While I would love to buy some eggplant cutlets for one of Angela's delicious sandwiches, Robin would have no idea as to what to do with such a gift card. Give him one for Academy and he's there, with ideas galore. Give him one for Whole Foods and he's totally in the dark. So, we have no expectations of winning this contest, but Robin's actions, and later my own, have made three people extremely happy, myself included.

Robin and I have a condo reserved in Galveston for late August. While in the area a few months ago we visited the resort to make sure we were happy with our choice. The units are new and beautiful and each one painted in a soft pastel color. There are many on-site amenities such as miniature golf, pool table, swimming pool and beach access. Movies and table games can be rented from the resort's office, and crafts and other activities are scheduled for the guests.

Now the negatives. The resort is 15 miles from all the action in Galveston. Stores and restaurants are few. The condos sit on such a sprawling amount of acreage that it's quite a trek to the swimming pool. And though it has beach access (across the road), it still requires driving, parking, walking over a bridge and sand dunes to reach the water's edge. And no pier to fish from.

Robin, who loves the action, the people, the fishing, the live activity of a vacation, feels this location has little to offer him. So his Do-Gooder action was to offer it to me and my friends, Cheryl and Patty. He stated that since we love pajama days, books, table games, and all the rest we can get, this resort and its remoteness would be perfect for us. I tried to curb my excitement as I made sure he was willing to give up that week with me in Galveston. He assured me he'd be bored.

Now my good deed comes into play. I contacted Cheryl and Patty who were bouncing off the walls at the thought of another condo week of doing exactly what we please. I admit, my good deed was totally selfish, even though it brought smiles and squeals of excitement to my recipients. But to be perfectly honest, don't we all feel some extreme satisfaction in knowing we have made someone's day? Am I being that selfish when I've made two people very happy? Even though I share in it, too?

No matter how I try to justify my actions or take credit for the opportunity I had, it was Robin who came across as the Do-Gooder. But don't bother throwing his name in the hat. A whole food to him is merely a German chocolate cake that hasn't been cut.


Anonymous said...

Now that's funny.

Have fun girls!!!! As long as you can grocery shop on the way there, you all are set for a great time!

Peggy said...

Sissy, you might as well ask your taskmaster if you can have a week off with "the girls". We'd love to have you. The only requirement is that you're lazy.

Anonymous said...

This is definately a gift card winner to me!!!! Sissy, I too have to think of way to go without feeling guilty, but I can guarantee you I will do my best to think of something. Another BB week, unbelievable.....

angela | the painted house said...

Wow! That sure was generous of Robin! And I know you ladies will have tons of fun again!

Anonymous said...

That was sweet of Robin.

hmmmmm, wonder what HIS plans are??

Peggy said...

I don't care what his plans are as long as I have a girls week. I'm not being rude or mean, but girls vacations are so much fun. We enjoy the same things.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I could be lazy, but a trip like that would put about 10 pounds on me. I know what I'd be doing. Thanks for the invite, though.