My mother is a beautiful 82 years old today. Her spunk and sense of humor have survived the years very well. She's an amazing woman who raised five children and is still married to their father, and has been for 63 years. That must be close to a record in this day and age.
I guess Mother is known the most for her cooking abilities. She can put on a feast for the masses and look fresh and polished in the process. Even if she makes a mistake with a recipe it turns out to be a masterpiece and one she will repeat, mistake and all. That happened recently when she added cornmeal to her whole wheat bread when she grabbed the wrong canister. The result? Excellent crunchy toasted bread with a good flavor. I don't think she knows how to fail in the kitchen. Sadly, I didn't inherit her culinary skills to that limit.
Mother still loves to tease and laugh. Often she has succeeded in embarrassing us with her friendly nature. I remember times during my teens when she would honk and wave at the boys on the street while I crouched in the seat or hit the floorboard. I wonder if it would have been as funny to her if I had been the one doing the flirting. I did my share, but not in the car with her, I'm sure.
Mother has always been the best Nanaw to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. None of the kids have ever felt too big to spend a weekend with their grandparents. Instead, it was an event to look forward to and still is.
My mother is generous and feeds the multitudes, prays for each member of her family and extended family, and helps those in need. She believes in us and encourages us. I am blessed to have her as a mother and I know each of her children feel the same way.
Happy birthday, Mother. We love you and wish you many more birthdays ahead. Now, if you'll bake your famous chocolate cake we will come share it with you. I'd leave off the candles, if I were you.
Happy birthday, NanNaw! We love you!
And, Mom, it looks like you got busy last night on your blog!
Happy birthday my beautiful, funny, talented mother! I love you!
Happy Birthday, can't say it enough. Your a special woman....
love you
Love you nanaw! You are the best.
Happy Birthday!
That's so funny that she would honk the horn at the boys while you're ducking and hiding in the car!
Mother wants everyone to know that she only honked and waved at the boys since we were in an older car that embarrassed me. She wasn't trying to rob any cradles.
And, Mother loves all of you for remembering to wish her a happy birthday. Each of you touched her heart.
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