I am here to carefully advise anyone and anything - don't mess with Clayton. For that matter, don't mess with Angela, either. They have a Powerful Force on their side, One you don't want to mess it. God and His entourage of angels have surrounded their home and they are protected. Anything that threatens them will be eradicated. That includes lymphoma.
In the short time since the diagnosis on Clayton confirmed the presence of lymphoma, an impenetrable barrier of supporters have encircled them. Heaven and earth have come together to fight and protect. The outpouring of love and concern and prayers have been awesome. But then, Clayton himself is awesome.
I clearly remember one December night in 1995. I had just gone to bed when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Clayton asked if he could come in. He knelt by my bed and asked for the engagement ring that Angela's Daddy had given me in 1974. Angela had wanted my ring set for her own marriage someday and the thought of them on the finger of our daughter thrilled me. Clayton explained that he wanted to have them sized and then ask Angela to marry him.

Allison had married Brian just two weeks before. We were all still recovering from the stress and excitement of planning a wedding. I looked at him and asked, "Another wedding? We just finished one!"
But Clayton and I both knew I was excited about the prospect of him marrying my baby. I'd known him long enough to believe completely that he could be trusted with my daughter's love. And I knew Angela thought the world revolved around Clayton and that she loved him deeply. I eagerly handed over the rings and felt the butterflies in my stomach as I imagined the happiness Angela would soon experience as Clayton proposed to her. None of us have ever regretted that day.
Through the years my respect and admiration for Clayton have grown. He disciplined himself to get through medical school and his residency to become the wonderful, caring doctor he is today. He proved to be a loving husband to Angela and a very involved father to their three children. Their family is a team, working together to make it all run smoothly. I've always been in awe of them, but no more than I am at this moment.
This past week, Clayton and Angela have grown so much in my eyes. Sometimes we have to be knocked down before we realize how strong we are. Then, once the shock starts wearing off, we get into a survival mode and the gloves come on. Clayton is prepared to fight the monster that has invaded his body and Angela is like a protective lioness, ready to pounce on anything that threatens her family. They have adopted a whole new lifestyle that includes healthful diets and breaking any old dietary habits that might have existed, not that there could be many. And they are armed with God's presence and promises, and all the friends and family who have rallied around them.
This fight isn't new for Angela. She lived through the agony and uncertainty before and she knows how important it is to pray and trust in God. She knows how to rally and she knows how to fight. That experience will work in their favor.
Of course, we all ask the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?". I don't know the answer. My usual explanation is that we live on planet earth, not in heaven, and bad things happen here. How comforting to know, however, that we are never alone with our bad things. God is only a prayer away and many friends and family remain close.
I have faith that Clayton and Angela's family will be back to normal in no time. I regret that they must deal with a setback, but it is only a temporary detour. They are surrounded by GOOD and nothing can harm them. Don't mess with Clayton, or Angela. The gloves are on and they are ready to fight.