My son, Ron, is having a birthday today but I won't divulge his age. It would date me horribly. Let's just say he is at a "holdin'" age and will hit a biggie next year. I feel older just typing that!
Ron is my firstborn, my only son, and my valued employee. I'd wanted a girl and in those days the sonogram was not perfected or even offered. I had to go through the rigors of labor (what is an epidural?) and wait until I pushed him into the world before I knew the gender of my baby. At that point, I was asleep and was told later that I had a boy. I don't remember feeling any disappointment at hearing the news. I was just anxious to see him.
A nurse was pushing my bed down a hall to take me to my room when another nurse bent over me with my new son. I fell in love! His big blue eyes were open and blond hair framed his face. I knew I'd never seen a prettier baby in my life. And I'm sure that's not just a mother speaking.
I was a mere 19 years old when I became a mother. That has its advantages and drawbacks. Ron and I pretty much grew up together. Having more maturity and experience would have helped me a lot in the parenting department. However, when I became a Memaw I was young enough to crawl on the floor and give pony rides. I know Ron got the brunt of my inexperience, but he turned out pretty good after all.
Two qualities I love the most about Ron are his sensitivity and his sense of humor. He can be very sentimental and he's not afraid to show his love. But I do remember his first day in school when I knelt by his desk to tell him bye. I think he was afraid I'd kiss him and he quickly reached under his desk, out of view, patted my knee and said, "bye, Mom". My baby was growing up. But that stage didn't last long. In his teens it was not uncommon for us to shop for school clothes and he would walk through the mall with his arms around me. His grandma and aunts know very well, too, what those arms feel like.
His sense of humor is out of sight! He loves practical jokes and can mimic anyone in both speech and mannerisms. Since we have worked together for over 24 years, I have been the recipient of many of his jokes. We've had several funny pictures that we hide so the other can stumble across them. I have found them taped to the toilet seat, in my files, in the lid of the coffee pot reservoir - you name it. I also drove home with a bumper sticker on my car that was so embarrassing that I won't mention it here. We both laughed so hard over it, in spite of my humiliation.
Ron has blessed me with three of my grandchildren - Candice, Camryn, and Thomas. What a joy they have been and how thrilled I am that Ron enjoys being a father and taking his family camping, to the lake, repelling. and motorcycle riding.
As an employee, Ron's talent has been perfected. He can design any part, put it on a machine, and produce a masterpiece. Many of our customers brag about the quality of our work. I give full credit to Ron for that. I merely write the checks.
Happy birthday, Ron, and my prayer that God will bless you with many more. You have brought so much joy and happiness into my life and I love you with all my heart.
Peggy, what a wonderful tribute to Ron!!! He does have a great sense of humor!! I always enjoy listening to his quick wit. I shall never forget one visit (1972 or 1973) to Ma & Pa's house on Addington when Ron laid across my lap and let me rub his back the entire time we were sitting on Ma's sofa. He was just a youngster but I have been smitten ever since!!
You are so special. Funny, loving and such a devoted father....oh yes, and handsome too. Even with half a head of hair, I would be proud to annouce I know you!!!!
Have a great one, and I love you~
Happy Birthday, Bro! Love you!
Rita, I'll let you rub my back:)
Happy Birthday Sweet Ron! I love you so much!!!
Happy Birthday Ron! I asked Sophia if she loved you and she said "Yace"
He does have a sense of humor..although i make it better :) I guess i learn from the best!
"The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering-galleries, they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity."
~Jean Paul Richter
Happy Birthday Ron!! You've always been sweet and nice to me!
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