Baylee is having a sleepover with us tonight and she is having a ball and entertaining us as well. I was surprised when she agreed to lay in my bed with me for a rest, and we both ended up falling asleep. I'm not surprised that I fell asleep, but that she did.
Once awake and rested, we made cupcakes in preparation for our tea party. Using the Valentine theme, we made strawberry cupcakes with strawberry icing, all very pink. We had mini M&Ms and red and white sugar sprinkles for decorations. I was disappointed in the M&Ms. They came packaged in a big pink Valentine bag, yet when I opened the individual packs they were in primary colors. They don't look like Valentine decorations but they taste the same.
Baylee's excitement grew as we opened the new box of porcelain teacups and saucers with a fairy motif. She thought they were "so cute!". I washed them, hunted down hats for us (I own these two only), dressed Baylee in her tutu and we were ready for our tea party. What a grateful child! She kept telling me I was the bestest Memaw and I make the bestest tea parties. It's been a wonderful day of bonding and laughing.
Before she fell asleep for a nap she was singing softly beside me. She made up words as she went. "When I have a little rest we will make cupcakes for our tea party." Simple things seem to thrill our children. I'm sure spending the time together meant the most. I know it did for me.
I polished Baylee's fingernails and toenails in a pretty pink that she selected. I thought it was so sweet how she'd run to Papa to show off her fingers and toes. He responded appropriately by telling her she was so beautiful and asking her to stand still while he grabbed the camera. Funny how such a little girl wants that male acceptance. Our daddies and Papas have an important job in making their girls feel special.
Gotta go. My little houseguest just informed me she was ready for our sleepover. She's getting sleepy.
I miss my little girl. She looks like she is having so much fun. I love that smile.
I'll share this with your blog readers - I washed and styled Baylee's hair last weekend and she said "I got to go show Dada how soft my hair is". So as she made her way into the living room where dad was I followed close behind to motion to him to say something about her hair. While I was getting his attention she said "knock knock"
Brian: "who's there?"
Baylee: "Soft Hair"
Then the "Ooo's and Ahs" and "so pretty" followed.
She lets you know that she wants the compliments.
Just when you think you have seen it all.....Here comes the cutest yet! It looks like you had a super time. Once again I am envious....I love all the grand children but I will be honest, there is something about Baylee that adds a little sugar to the pot. Maybe it's because she reminds me so much of her mother.
Robin, you are a trooper to put on the hat and enjoy the moment with such a sweetheart. Your a good Papa. I know Memaw was having a hard time containing herself from constantly hugging and kissing her.
What a fun time for all of you.
Such a cute, sweet girl...yes...just like her mother.
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