We just had to snap this picture when we saw both of our boys sharing the same chair. Weasil was there first, then Parker jumped up and took his place on the afghan. So adorable.
Parker is used to being snuggly with other housecats. Weasil not so much. Weasil is showing some tolerance for the orange lug who has moved in. Most of the time he passes Parker without acknowledging him. Gratefully, he has passed the spitting stage - somewhat.
The funniest thing about this furry pair is when they reenact the V8 commercial. Parker will come up to Weasil and sit down, facing him. A short staring match begins. Then, Weasil bops Parker on the head and Parker runs. All in all, they are finally co-habitating nicely. They both sleep with us now. Weasil assumes his position next to Robin and Parker prefers the afghan at Robin's feet. I get my side of the bed to myself until morning, then Parker is all over me, wanting to eat.
And, 4 times lately Parker has jumped in my lap and made himself comfortable. It just melts my heart. The camera will be handy the next time it happens. The picture will be just for Angela. Parker and I love her so much.
I can't wait for the day our 4 cats sit like that, even if they do look annoyed. Although it's been nearly a year. My bet is it won't happen.
I like how they sleep on Robin's side of the bed. How convienent for you!...that is until morning.
Parker looks so much more relaxed now. It hasn't been that long since he has been with you and he is really making progress. He is such a good boy, and so is weasel. Do I love these cats or what!!! I won't even get into the attention Puddy get here. I keep thinking (and my brother keeps reminding me) if only my Dad could see this.....
I love you Parker and Weasel...oh yeah and you two peggy and robin....lol
sorry too instead of two...lol
Oh, I'm so glad they are "trying" to connect. I was just telling Clayton today that I would love a Parker snuggle right now. Thank you for giving him a good home!
I love it when animals get along. I have to keep my dogs separated. That is quite a chore. Glad you are enjoying your new kitty.
Is it cruel that you put such a cute cat (parker) up against...well, Weisel?
They look so sweet.
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