Thursday, March 27, 2008

In The Lap of Luxury

I caught Parker in the act. He found a comfortable place to rest - atop Robin's spare pillow that I keep at the foot of the bed after making it. Who can resist a soft feather bed? I might be asked to change the pillowcase once this picture is posted.
But, admit it. Parker is adorable!


angela | the painted house said...

I miss that boy!

Yeah, I'd change the pillow case even if he all adorable and such.

Hug him for me.

Anonymous said...

How cute is he?!!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute.

We've got 2 cats that must sleep/lay on pillows, even if the pillow is tucked in under the comforter. Nothing but the best for them!

Anonymous said...

He looks like he has put on some weight. Probably thought, how nice of them to put this pillow out for me. How did react when Angela came? He's so cute