Our Girls Night Out was altered considerably due to heavy rains all day. Those traveling quite a distance found it too risky and I don't blame them. Absent were Donna, Shelley, Deborah, and Patty. It ended up being my daughters and me, which was still very enjoyable. We would have loved, however, to share the fun of being together with the others. Rain check?
Allison, Angela, and I feasted on Mexican food. Angela stuck to her rigid diet and had vegetable fajitas. Allison and I shared steak fajitas and enchiladas, and I, of course, pretty much emptied the chip bowl myself.
Angela was very moved by the card and money gift to indulge in a massage, manicure, whatever her heart desires. It meant so much to her to see all the handwriting on the card from the women in her life that she loves so much. With all she's been through, and all that is still ahead, she deserves this moment of pampering.
We tend to get a little goofy when we're together. Before we left the restaurant Angela made a visit to the bathroom. Allison and I followed and Allison held the camera over the stall and FLASH! You should have heard Angela squeal! Fortunately for her, Allison only managed to get a good picture of the interior wall. No straddling Angela. Darn.
We braved the steady sprinkles and were thankful that the downpour had ended by the time we went to dinner. Angela's trip is a brief one and we wanted to enjoy her to the limit. Thank you to Allison who insisted on treating the three of us to dinner. I really enjoyed my girls. I am blessed!
darn! That would have been a great picture! I'm still wondering on how she straddled the toilet while holding a baby.
How much money did Angela pay you to write that she stuck to her new diet???
Boo Hoo! I am so sorry I missed being with you three beauties! Which one is the mother?:)
I love all of you!
Cristal, you are a very bad girl:)
(I thought it too, but I'm pretty sure she stuck to it)
we had so much fun. Wish you all could have been there. The Steak Fajitas were sooooo good. I tried to keep it to myself while in the presence of Angela.
What a great time. How long has it been that just the three of you were together? Wish I could have been a fly on the wall and heard all the conversation....
Three beautiful woman....
Sorry I missed you lovely ladies! Angela I really wanted to meet you sweety. Hopefully we can do it again soon. Love all of you.
Hey DiamondDeb, I missed seeing you!!!! Soon!
That darn rain! I was so sad to miss the rest of you ladies, but glad to have some mom and sis time still. THANK YOU for the sweet card and "me" allowance. I think I will splurge for a pedicure and a date out with my baldy in a week or two when he feels better. How touching to be thought of by the special ladies in my life. Miss you all already!
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