Sunday, March 09, 2008

Yes, I'm Embarrassed

I've become well known around these parts and, sadly, it's not because of my books. Our doorbell rang a few nights ago and Robin went to answer it. I don't respond to knocks or bells unless I'm expecting someone or recognize a car, but Robin's curiosity gets the best of him. He opened the door to a very familiar face, the pizza delivery man. Robin told him we hadn't ordered a pizza so the driver checked his address again.

"Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you. It's for another address on your street, but when I saw the street name I figured it was for you."

Does that tell you how much pizza is consumed at our house?

This isn't the first time I've been embarrassed about being well known by the local pizza establishments. Years ago, when my children were in school, I'd reward myself with a pizza for lunch on Fridays IF I had met my cooking and cleaning goals by noon. In those days, we had to call in the order and pick it up ourselves. It got to where each time they answered the phone and heard my voice, they would say, "Peggy, the usual?"

So, it's not a secret that I'm hooked on pizza and could eat it every day and not get tired of it. I've toned it way down since marrying Robin, but he still says he's never eaten this much pizza before in his life. I do a fair share of cooking, but at least once a week after a full day of work, I place an order to people who have become my intimate friends. They know my eating habits.

And even though it is embarrassing to me, I will answer the door when I know pizza is on the other side of it. But usually by then, Robin has door duty because I'm already in my pajamas.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny. My kids yell and scream sometimes when the bell rings and say "PIZZA!". No it's just someone selling magazines.

Anonymous said...

I love Pizza as well. No one will deliver to us or we'd be having it at least once a week.

I wouldn't answer your door either after what happened to you years ago when you were reading the Charles Manson book.

Anonymous said...

That was one nice thing when the boys were here, they ran to answer the door, especially if it were pizza!

angela | the painted house said...

I haven't had a pizza delivered in years...because then I would have to tip and that would break Clayton's bank.

Anonymous said...

Clay is cheap.

That's too funny!

But now you must blog about what happened while reading the Manson book.

Anonymous said...

Cristal,you need to have your husband at home when you read what happened to Peggy while reading the Manson book.