Monday, October 01, 2007

The Taming Of A Cat

This is Mama Cat who has taken up residence in the yard behind our offices at work. Three cars and a boat are kept there and they have provided shelter and a maternity/delivery space for this homeless gal. I turn to mush where cats are concerned and her plight touched me deeply. I began buying food and supplying water. The process of getting acquainted and building trust has been slow, but very rewarding.

When I first saw Mama Cat, she was jumping in and out of the boat, and I suspected she had kittens there. She did, and they scattered when I approached their boat home, being as wild as the mama who gave birth to them. Well, a Mama Cat needs nourishment, right? I began dumping food on the patio and it would quickly disappear. The day came when she would hear me open the door and come running, keeping a safe distance between us. Once I walked away from the food, she would come forward, hissing all the way, and begin eating. I often sat there and talked to her while she ate. She would be fine as long as I kept a few feet away.

The day finally came when she would walk right up to me and wait for me to pour the dry food from the bag. The first time I gently touched her head, she spit at me. I didn't try to touch her again for a few weeks. Now, she has stood still, though rigid and guarded, while I stroke her head. She's still scared but we've come a long way. She knows my voice and will come running, knowing a meal will be offered.

When she finishes eating, she will lay under the car where she can see me and I talk to her, tell her she's a pretty girl, a sweet girl, and stretch out my hand in the hopes that she feels comfortable enough to come to me. She hasn't yet. But while I talk, she opens and closes her eyes like cats do when they don't have a clue what you just said, but they recognize the soft, soothing tone.

Mama Cat and I have made progress. Although I've used the word tame, I don't think cats are ever tamed. It goes against their nature. They only appear that way when it suits their needs. I've taught them to beg for treats, which they do, because the humiliation they feel is worth the end result. Usually, even though they know what you want from them, they act indifferent and do what they want to do. A cat will sit in the doorway of the bedroom, wanting desperately to claim their favorite spot on the bed, but stubbornly ignore your invitation until enough time has passed that it looks like their idea, not yours.

It's that very personality that draws me to cats. I identify with their independent air and I'll-d0-as-I-please attitude. In time, I'm convinced that Mama Cat and I will be best friends. I have something she wants - fresh food and water. Yes, I'm being used. But in return I feel a calming effect just being in her presence. We'll get along fine. She is, after all, a miniature woman in a fur coat.


Anonymous said...

LOL LOL They are minature women in fur coats! What should we call the males though? Minature men under a fur blanket? Yep, and they probably had their hit if catnip to boot! Males are all the same....

That's how we acquired Puddy Tat. Sitting under our car after the hurricane. But now I would take my last breath for her (AND WE ALL KNOW I AM!!!!)

It would be nice though if Mama Cat started trusting you enough to bring her home...She sounds like a woman who just wants to be loved..

Anonymous said...

I've got 4 more you're welcome to feed anytime. They'll even hiss at you too.

But I do love cats too!

Anonymous said...

I love cats too. I have a male cat who likes to run up behind you and grab your calves. Sometimes with claws out and sometimes not. He loves to jump out at me. He was one of four kittens that just showed up. We are suckers for strays. I hope you can bring her home soon. I know that is what you are working toward.

Anonymous said...

Donna, can you train the cat to hunt rattlesnakes?

Oh, is Durant, OK on the
Eastern side of OK? The reason for asking is that I saw a show about Bigfoot sightings in Eastern OK. I had to call my Dad, who's from there, to tell him. He hadn't heard of it but the show said there are A LOT of sightings and even the State Police have seen "him". Keep your eyes open!!

Peggy said...

Bigfoot in Oklahoma? I hope the rattlesnakes get him.

Donna isn't far from the Texas border, so that would be Southern Oklahoma???

All the strays come to our back door at home to be fed. Robin takes food out there twice daily. The word has gotten out that we have a soup kitchen for cats.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty girl. Such an attitude!