Although none of us can explain the reason behind it, Jude has a big dislike of animals, and dogs in particular. He is not the animal lover that his sister Baylee is. While Baylee gives a bear hug to the biggest, scariest dog around, Jude keeps his distance. It's not that he's a big fraidy cat; he just doesn't like dogs. This five-year-old will ride the fastest roller coasters at Six Flags, but don't expect him to get near a dog. It won't happen. He isn't interested.
Last night Jude and his family went to a local school for Trunk or Treat. Baylee spotted a dog and ran towards it, just itching to get her arms around its neck. The owners welcomed her love for their pet and stood there, patiently letting Baylee slobber all over their animal. Then they spotted Jude and asked if he'd like to pet the dog, too. His honest, sincere answer surprised everyone and caused much laughter.
"No, I have dog and cat issues."
Explain that one to me, Jude, you smart little boy!
What a funny boy!!!
What an answer. He is quite a character!
I wish I could come up with a quick response like that! So funny...
He comes up with some doozies.
I just read the blog entry and the comments to Jude and he gave me 4 pieces of paper with "I love you" on them. (I "heart" U). He gave me envelopes and when I asked who I needed to send them to he wanted me to send them to "those ladies who think I'm funny". He is always on. Sorry mom, you don't get one for just writing the blog. he just wrote enough for the commenters. Expect yours in the mail soon.
Jude has always had a priceless sense of humor. More importantly, he can laugh at himself. That's a technique many adults haven't mastered.
I remember when we were visiting Angela and I'd bought him a winter coat with a hood. He thought he looked so funny and couldn't wait to crack up as he modeled it for everyone. What a boy. I love you, Jude, and it's ok if I don't get a letter. I have some of your love letters on my fridge already.
I want my letter!
Tell Jude not only do I think he's funny but very, very handsome!
Oh, I also told my parents what Jude said and they thought it was hysterical too!
OH BOY!!!! A letter from Jude. My first....I love you Jude. I agree you are very handsome....I'll be waiting....
Okay, now I'm feeling left out. Please, Jude, send Memaw another love letter. I think you are handsome, too!
Not only is he handsome and funny, what a heart he has. I love you too Jude. I'll be checking the mail!
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