Today would have marked Chezzy's 72nd birthday. He passed away when he was the age I am now. I thought it was too young then, and it really seems so now that I have reached this time in my life. I have a hard time imagining him at 72, but had he been here with me through those passing years I'm sure the changes that aging brings would have been so gradual as to go unnoticed.
In truth, there was no age difference between us. Even though he was born over fourteen years before I was, he was so young at heart that one hardly realized he was almost another generation ahead of me. He was fun, tender-hearted, loving - all the things that keep us young. The cultural differences weren't felt either because Chezzy's heart had always been in the United States of America.
Just recently an old customer asked me about "Blondie", Chezzy's nickname for Allison. He seemed surprised that she and I have such a close relationship and asked, "isn't she your step-daughter?". When I told him no, she is my daughter, he was further amazed that Chezzy's big heart had loved Allison like his own child. He said he always talked so fondly of her and with so much love that he assumed Blondie was Chezzy's own daughter. In reality, she was his own daughter. It's further proof of the heart that was bigger than Texas. That same love extended to my son, Ron, and many others who had the privilege of knowing him.
This week, another customer told me that if my machine breaks down again, he will gladly punch our parts at an affordable price because "Chezzy really helped me get started in my business and I never forget a deed like that".
What a beautiful legacy this man left behind. And how loved he was by all of us. Ron, Allison, Angela, and I will never forget what he meant to us. We will rejoice with him someday and introduce him to all the precious children he never got to meet. How much he has missed! How much we have missed. He is always in our hearts.
So sweet.
I never got to meet him but reading what you wrote makes me want to cry. What a wonderful man he was! And that's so sweet and loving for him to love Ron and Allison like his own children.
He was very handsome too. Was that picture at Niagra?? Was he tall? Is that where Angela gets her height?
Cristal, the falls are in Brazil. I can say the name of them, but can't spell it.
Chezzy was 6 feet tall. I'm surprised that with his height and my 5'3" that Angela grew to within 1/2 inch of her Dad's height.
When he asked me to marry him, he said he was marrying my children, too. He lived up to every commitment. He was really special.
That is such a nice tribute, Mother. How I miss him. I was trying to do his accent the other day to Ashton and I could even get it right--it has been too long.
I can get the accent but I have to start every mimic with "Blondie".
How wonderful to have had him in your lives. One day, we will all meet again, what a reunion.
I'd love to go to Brazil. Everything I see on TV looks so beautiful. Do you still keep in touch with his relatives over there?
How old were Ron and Allison when y'all got married?.....I know, I'm asking a bunch of questions. I guess I'm just nosy.
Angela, I want to hear his accent. And now I'm wondering if he ever heard your donkey impression??
Cristal, Ron and Allison were 5 and 3 when we married. They both stood up with us.
I keep in touch with Chezzy's uncle in Brazil. The others don't speak English that well and my few words in their language would not provide much communication.
We went to Brazil as a family when Angela was two. Major cities we visited were Sao Paulo and Rio. Angela has dual citizenship since her Dad was born there. I should get those important papers to her.
Wow, dual citizenship! Didn't know that.
Dual citizenship! Cool! I didn't know that. So she can take a trip there whenever she likes? Ang, can I come along???
That's so neat that Ron and Allison stood up for y'all.
Those are two cities I want to see.
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