It was a big day at church for Allison's kids and I was out of town and missed it. Jude got to help take up the offering. With an adult helper by his side, he stopped at each pew so the members and guests could drop in their tithes and offerings. Let me mention now that Jude is a very smart boy and knows the value of a dollar. Or as he calls it, floppy money. After all the money was collected, he walked back up the aisle to have it blessed with a prayer. Then, instead of handing his loot to the deacon, he turned and walked away. I'm sure he felt very special knowing so many people had given him a small fortune. No, you may not borrow Jude for your own church service. He is ours. He stays here.
Baylee had her moment of glory by, as Allison put it, bringing her Kim Possible persona to church. How the angels must have rejoiced as the super heroine entered the sacred doors of our church. I just hope her mission wasn't to keep an eye on Jude.
Lastly, we have Sophia, all innocence and pink cotton candy. She is proudly wearing a dress that belonged to cousin Juliet. With the wind in her hair and gently lifting the soft pink layers of her dress, she is neither stealing money meant for the Lord's work, or conquering the universe. She was there to be her sweet, happy self and looking adorable in the process.
I've never said my grandchildren were perfect. But I've thought it many times.
yes, it was a fun day at church. We lasted until 11:30 then my time was up and I carried my 3 children out of the sanctuary one of which was crying.
Jude or Baylee? I know it wasn't Sophia. They are so cute!!!!
It was probably Jude after he realized he was loosing out on all that loot! He worked so hard and got nothing!
Sophia looks adorable! And Baylee looks hilarious! She must love her Kim Possible!
How's Baylee feeling? Did she get over the tonsilectomy??
Baylee is recovering well. To our delight, her raspy voice is still present.
That's good! I love a raspy voice!
What a coincidence! Ashton took up offering at church last Sabbath, too. What big boys!
Did Ashton try to keep his?
Sophia was the one "fussing" she wanted to alone time with mommy and her milk jugs. I have not lost so much modesty to nurse in church, although I have been tempted.
baylee went for her check up yesterday and aside from her addition to ice cream and her sense of entitlement to it daily, she is 100% recoverd.
I see nothing wrong with giving a child ice cream everyday.
But then again, I also do not have any children!
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