Guest post - Randee - duh!!!
Sorry, Sharon! I was trying to resist posting this video until after your birthday but I knew I'd forget if I didn't get it done over the 3-day weekend. Happy Birthday Sharon!!!!
We went to a small town for dinner on Friday. The town is known for their little fried chicken place and there was a 45-minute wait. We decided to take a walk around the block and I took this video of Sophia. 1 Bohemian skirt +1pair of pink boots + 1 "High Maintenance" Purse = one cute little Miss Priss. She got lots of attention to from the patrons who were waiting for a table!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sharon!

Sharon, my friend, have a wonderful birthday with your husband (they share the same one, just like Allison and Brian!) and enjoy your trip. I will miss you and can't wait to hear all about how you celebrated and where. I am so blessed to have you in my life. And, as always, you are so photogenic!
Happy birthday, Sharon, with love!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Happy Birthday, Baylee!
Baylee is one excited little 4-year-old today. She has waited for this day to come for a long time. She was over yesterday for awhile and told me several times that her birthday is tomorrow and she would be four. She is spending this special day with her family for a quiet (???) celebration.
Baylee had her birthday party at my house this past Sunday. She had a blast! Her friends were here, two sets of grandparents were loving all over her, and she had birthday cake, ice cream and presents. What more could a little girl want?
Baylee and Sophia enjoyed sharing a raft as she looks sweetly into the camera.
Baylee and her friend Katie held hands and jumped off the diving board. They are so cute together. And now, as of today, they are both four!
This picture is a reenactment of what happened the day before when Allison entered her kitchen to find Sophia on a stool and eating Baylee's birthday cake. Brian suggested that she bake another one, but Allison thought the damaged one was perfect. We all got a laugh out of it and none of us were afraid to eat after Sophia. Baylee asked for a pound cake topped with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. Does that sound like a 4-year-old?
I love that my granddaughters have this picture of them with the three women who love them the most, their Mom and both of their grandmas. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is what a blessing looks like. For all of us.
Happy birthday, Baylee Girl! I know you will enjoy your day with your family. I'll be calling to sing the birthday song and ask how it feels to be four. Memaw doesn't remember. I love you, sweet girl!

Happy birthday, Baylee Girl! I know you will enjoy your day with your family. I'll be calling to sing the birthday song and ask how it feels to be four. Memaw doesn't remember. I love you, sweet girl!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Robin's A Home Wrecker

I should be ashamed to post this picture. Unfortunately, a blog addict usually forgoes any sense of decency that might be present. So, here before you is an orphan that the Great White Hunter snared tonight. This baby could possibly belong to opossum #1 and 2, that met a similar fate. The city will come tomorrow to carry off this small creature, most likely away from its mommy. Unless opossum #3 that I've seen stalking our back yard is the actual parent of said baby. We're infested and I see no end in sight.
I had my reservations about Robin setting a trap for this baby. I've watched his cute way of walking around, and sitting to munch on a morsel of cat food. He is kinda cute. Most baby animals are cute, excluding reptiles, amphibians, and insects. But cute baby opossums grow into big hideous opossums who tear into our garbage and scatter it all over. Still, I feel some sadness about a possible separation between mother and child.
I know it's silly to give human feelings to an opossum. Yes, he's scared. He has a built-in instinct for survival. Whether he feels this great tenderness towards his mother, I don't know. I just know how I feel. And I feel guilty. I am an accomplice. Sure, it was Robin who set the trap, the Big Man Hunter who can capture a small, defenseless baby in his caged trap. But I'm just as guilty because I haven't opened the door and released the poor thing.
We've created an orphan. I'll probably have nightmares tonight.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My Date with Baylee
Baylee and I had a marvelous time shopping and dining for her birthday. She kept telling me it was a day just for the girls and the girls were both in pink. A pink girls day. I like that.
Baylee chose Steak 'N Shake for her birthday lunch celebration. I placed the chef hat on her head and snapped a picture while we were waiting for our food. She could hardly eat. Her excitement was greater than her appetite. But it wouldn't be any better if we shopped first and ate later because she was anxious to play with her new treasures.
I led Baylee down the "girls aisle" at the store. I asked if she wanted a doll, she said no and walked straight ahead without looking at the sweet faces in the cute clothes just waiting to be taken home and loved. She walked with a purpose and when she got to the aisle where all the animal toys are displayed, she stopped. She knew what she wanted. I should have known. Baylee and animals just go together.
She chose a sweet little lamb that moves its head and baa's. Her next choice was a plush pony who drives an ice cream truck. In Toyland, animals can do anything. As we walked to the register, she told me, "Mama will be so mad because this is too many dollars." I assured her we had stayed within budget.
I was so proud of Baylee (all my grandchildren are this way) for being so selective and expecting one thing. I have to remind them we still have money for something else. Let's face it. Most kids roar into a toy store like a freight train, tossing items into the cart with both hands. She said no to most things she examined, until finally finding the right one. It says a lot about how she is raised. I appreciate that.
I so enjoyed my pink day with just the girls. We had so much fun and I especially loved hearing, "Thank you for inviting me, Memaw", and "You are the best Memaw ever". YOU are the best Baylee ever and I love you!!!

She chose a sweet little lamb that moves its head and baa's. Her next choice was a plush pony who drives an ice cream truck. In Toyland, animals can do anything. As we walked to the register, she told me, "Mama will be so mad because this is too many dollars." I assured her we had stayed within budget.
I was so proud of Baylee (all my grandchildren are this way) for being so selective and expecting one thing. I have to remind them we still have money for something else. Let's face it. Most kids roar into a toy store like a freight train, tossing items into the cart with both hands. She said no to most things she examined, until finally finding the right one. It says a lot about how she is raised. I appreciate that.
I so enjoyed my pink day with just the girls. We had so much fun and I especially loved hearing, "Thank you for inviting me, Memaw", and "You are the best Memaw ever". YOU are the best Baylee ever and I love you!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Happy Birthday, Callan!
Callan John
Our wait was finally over,
The result was mighty fine!
As your Daddy announced the arrival
Of my grandchild number nine.
As tears streaked your Mommy's face,
She held you to her breast.
And together you forged a bond
As you settled in peaceful rest.
Your presence is still a blessing
For we all love Calle Bear;
With your captivating eyes of blue,
Blond locks of curly hair.
You're such a happy baby,
The cutest smile adorns your face.
And those eager little arms
Are always ready to embrace.
You have a sunny disposition,
Never much to fuss about.
That you are loved and wanted,
You never had a doubt.
God surely blessed this family
When He gave us YOU to love.
For you're a gift from heaven,
Finely crafted from above.
Have a wonderful first birthday, Callan. I love my little guy so much!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
15 Years, BB, and Counting

Fifteen years ago today I met Cheryl at a grief recovery seminar. Neither of us had any idea our life was about to change even more. This time, for the better. Much better. I couldn't have gone through the grieving process without her support and understanding. Our Story, posted this time last year, is adding more chapters all the time.
Cheryl, this is dedicated to you and our friendship. You inspire me, you lift me up, you encourage, you listen, you understand, you help in so many ways, and you accept your less than perfect friend the way she is. I cherish you as a friend and an incredible woman. Cheers, BB. Fifteen years and no end in sight.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Girls Night Out
A group of us enjoyed another Girls Night Out. It was spur of the moment so many "girls" in our group had other plans. We look forward to them joining us next time to meet the newest "girl" on the block, Jan. Jan just moved back here from Oklahoma and lives very close to the area where we usually meet for an evening of fun and laughter. My niece, Shelley, is Jan's daughter and she was in town to help Jan and Kenneth get settled into their new home. This is why we threw together a little party at the last minute.
Tomorrow is Jan's birthday so she got to wear the tiara that Patty bought for the birthday girls to wear. We had a few little gifts for her to open and we all helped her eat a chocolate birthday treat that was loaded with calories and taste! Yummy! It is wonderful having Jan so near and available to party with us. She is so much fun!
Here are cousins Allison and Shelley. Both are picture perfect, bubbly, and keep us older gals on our toes. The only thing better than having a night out with the girls is being able to have a daughter or two join the fun.
This is my sister, Donna, with Jan the birthday girl. Oh, how we laughed! One of these days we are going to be thrown out of a restaurant.
Finishing up the group tonight are Patty and me. I kind of felt bad about how long we sat around the table laughing when I saw the crowd outside waiting for a table. But I didn't feel bad for long!
We all went to Jan's new house to give our stamp of approval to the decorating she and Shelley had already accomplished. Each room was beautiful. If it were me, I'm sure there would have been unpacked boxes everywhere. We got to spend some time with Kenneth and he was very gracious about all the women who piled in on him.
Happy birthday, Jan! We are thrilled to add your smiling face to our crazy group. You will fit in perfectly!

We all went to Jan's new house to give our stamp of approval to the decorating she and Shelley had already accomplished. Each room was beautiful. If it were me, I'm sure there would have been unpacked boxes everywhere. We got to spend some time with Kenneth and he was very gracious about all the women who piled in on him.
Happy birthday, Jan! We are thrilled to add your smiling face to our crazy group. You will fit in perfectly!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sleeping in the Buff
This might be TMI for some people, but I will try to be discreet. It's simply a subject I am curious about since most of what I hear and read indicates that sleeping nekkid is passe. I'd appreciate your comments on this.
I grew up believing that married couples slept in a natural state. Of course this wasn't something I witnessed, but I knew it to be true. My parents didn't bother with pajamas and for all I know, they still don't.
When my oldest daughter was about to be married she asked my Dad what was the secret of his long, happy marriage to my Mother. Allison wanted words of wisdom, something she could incorporate into her own marriage. My Dad told her, "sleep naked".
Shortly after, we all gathered for a lingerie party for Allison. She opened some beautiful gowns and teddies. One box, though, was very light. As she tore into the wrapping and opened the box she noticed it was empty. But on the bottom of the box was a message from her grandfather: "sleep naked".
I totally understand what my Dad was getting at. It's the electrifying experience of feeling skin against skin, an intimacy that is shared and unique to their own relationship. It's a special closeness. And, of course, there's the comfort. No clothing is getting twisted or confining during sleep. It's the same sense of freedom as skinny-dipping, providing one has a private place to do so.
When I lived alone I always wore a nightshirt. There was no one to cuddle with and I felt secure knowing that if someone broke into my home I wouldn't appear ready. Since it was up to me to be the protector in my own home, I took certain precautions. When I take vacations with friends I always pack pajamas. We have no interest in it being any other way. But marriage is a different story. Each couple must decide what is best for them and their comfort. Personally, I don't understand getting dressed for bed.
However, I do know the drawbacks to sleeping in the buff. One never knows when a child will have a nightmare, get sick, or appear bedside for some special attention. On those occasions, I left a gown at the foot of the bed so I could dress in a hurry and take on my motherly role. Then there's the threat of a tornado. I have nightmares about a tornado hitting my house during the night, sucking me up in its funnel and depositing my nude body in a tree for all the world to see. And there's my stomach. I love to sleep on my side. Unfortunately, my belly sleeps on the bed beside me. Not pretty. If it weren't for the sheet, I'd be forced to wear a nightshirt for that reason alone.
Most sleepwear is not husband-friendly. He wants something appealing, we want comfort. Teddies that fit like they should are not made for comfort. They are made for modeling. They are designed to look so good that they are soon removed and we are back in our comfort zone. If I were to sleep in something it would be a shapeless, roomy gown that gave me freedom of movement, one that my husband would call a granny gown. I'm serious about my sleep.
So, why do most couples that I hear about sleep in clothes? Am I missing something here? Is there a negative side that I don't know of? Can sleepwear really be comfortable? Until someone sets me straight on this and can prove my Dad wrong about the secret of a happy marriage, I will be sleeping teddy bare.
I grew up believing that married couples slept in a natural state. Of course this wasn't something I witnessed, but I knew it to be true. My parents didn't bother with pajamas and for all I know, they still don't.
When my oldest daughter was about to be married she asked my Dad what was the secret of his long, happy marriage to my Mother. Allison wanted words of wisdom, something she could incorporate into her own marriage. My Dad told her, "sleep naked".
Shortly after, we all gathered for a lingerie party for Allison. She opened some beautiful gowns and teddies. One box, though, was very light. As she tore into the wrapping and opened the box she noticed it was empty. But on the bottom of the box was a message from her grandfather: "sleep naked".
I totally understand what my Dad was getting at. It's the electrifying experience of feeling skin against skin, an intimacy that is shared and unique to their own relationship. It's a special closeness. And, of course, there's the comfort. No clothing is getting twisted or confining during sleep. It's the same sense of freedom as skinny-dipping, providing one has a private place to do so.
When I lived alone I always wore a nightshirt. There was no one to cuddle with and I felt secure knowing that if someone broke into my home I wouldn't appear ready. Since it was up to me to be the protector in my own home, I took certain precautions. When I take vacations with friends I always pack pajamas. We have no interest in it being any other way. But marriage is a different story. Each couple must decide what is best for them and their comfort. Personally, I don't understand getting dressed for bed.
However, I do know the drawbacks to sleeping in the buff. One never knows when a child will have a nightmare, get sick, or appear bedside for some special attention. On those occasions, I left a gown at the foot of the bed so I could dress in a hurry and take on my motherly role. Then there's the threat of a tornado. I have nightmares about a tornado hitting my house during the night, sucking me up in its funnel and depositing my nude body in a tree for all the world to see. And there's my stomach. I love to sleep on my side. Unfortunately, my belly sleeps on the bed beside me. Not pretty. If it weren't for the sheet, I'd be forced to wear a nightshirt for that reason alone.
Most sleepwear is not husband-friendly. He wants something appealing, we want comfort. Teddies that fit like they should are not made for comfort. They are made for modeling. They are designed to look so good that they are soon removed and we are back in our comfort zone. If I were to sleep in something it would be a shapeless, roomy gown that gave me freedom of movement, one that my husband would call a granny gown. I'm serious about my sleep.
So, why do most couples that I hear about sleep in clothes? Am I missing something here? Is there a negative side that I don't know of? Can sleepwear really be comfortable? Until someone sets me straight on this and can prove my Dad wrong about the secret of a happy marriage, I will be sleeping teddy bare.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Happy 30th Anniversary, Patty & Dave!

My precious friend Patty and her husband Dave are celebrating 30 years of marriage today. What an awesome event! I spoke to both of them and they feel the years have passed very quickly. At least they didn't say it felt like a century instead! I'm so proud of them for this fantastic milestone! Way to go, guys!
Thomas the Birthday Boy
The cupcakes were delivered to the birthday boy today. He had all his new birthday toys out playing with them and was delighted to show them off to me. His party at Chuck E. Cheese was a big success.
This picture is a good view of his new T shirt, compliments of Aunt Dee and family. It proudly announces his new age. He's getting too big!
Here's Thomas with his Mom. She was commenting on how tall he's getting. It won't be long until he surpasses her in height. Why do they grow up when we aren't looking? Notice the missing teeth as he attempts to devour a cupcake.
So glad my boy had a happy birthday!

So glad my boy had a happy birthday!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Happy Birthday, Thomas!

"Memaw, when you asked me if I wanted a doll, I said no. Dolls are for girls. I like girls, but I don't like girl toys."
I thought that was a healthy explanation.
Thomas asked for cupcakes instead of homemade ice cream. Once those are made and delivered there will be more pictures of the birthday boy!
Happy birthday, Thomas. I love you!!!
Friday, August 08, 2008
What an Awesome Day!
When I decided to play hooky from work today and go to the farm to see some relatives I haven't seen in awhile, I had no idea how good the day would be. At a moment's notice, Sharon was ready and willing to come with me. I was anxious for her and my parents to meet. She fit in so perfectly.
It's obvious from this picture that my mother has adopted Sharon. It made me so happy that they hit it off so well. It says volumes about both of them.
Here's cousin Floyd and his wife Linda. Floyd's father and my mother's mother were brother and sister. I met Floyd in my teens when he was stationed in Fort Hood. We teased each other unmercifully. I don't see him often since he lives in California but the teasing still begins when we see each other. I was delighted to meet his wife of almost two years. Linda and Floyd seem perfectly matched. Welcome to our crazy family, Linda.
Look at these lovely sisters. I'm very proud of this picture of Aunt Dorothy and my mother. And they aren't just lovely, they are a hoot. I don't know when I have laughed so hard!
Here's Sharon with Farmer John. My dad had traded in his shorts that displayed his cute legs for overalls so he could change the oil on his car for their trip to Cleburne tomorrow for their annual cousins reunion. He complained that he was dirty, but he still looks handsome in farmer clothes.
Mother fed us well and Dad (Sugar) entertained us on the piano. We shared memories and laughed. The time got away from us quickly and Sharon and I had to leave. I wish so much that we all lived closer together and could have this much fun on a regular basis. My endorphins are happy today.

Mother fed us well and Dad (Sugar) entertained us on the piano. We shared memories and laughed. The time got away from us quickly and Sharon and I had to leave. I wish so much that we all lived closer together and could have this much fun on a regular basis. My endorphins are happy today.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Opossum No. 2
My Date with Thomas
I had a date today with a handsome, much younger, man and I enjoyed every minute of it. He was none other than my oldest grandson, Thomas, who will be 7 this Saturday. We had our traditional lunch and shopping trip. I was told he was up and ready to go, wondering why Memaw wasn't already on his door step.
Check out those baby blues. And two missing teeth never looked so good! He dug through all the Lego toys, Bionicles, and transformers. He was very careful in making his final decision.
Here he is striking a pose with some sort of laser gun or transformer fighter gun. I'm stumped. But he can tell you exactly what it is, how it works, and who uses it.
Unfortunately, this youngster chose McDonalds for lunch. The older grandchildren have more discriminating tastes. But I walked away with more money in my wallet.
Thomas wanted to come back to my house and spend the day with us. He told me Papa Robin would love his toys, which he did. He showed off everything and assembled the Lego car and track in no time, by simply following the instructions. I didn't know guys did that. Anyway, he's really into Legos like his Dad was. His Dad said Thomas can actually build more creative things with Legos than Ron could. He's made his own transformers that actually transform. He also designs transformer outerwear out of empty soda cartons. I admire this because a transformer looks like a foreign subject to me.
I, too, sat in the floor and watched this genius create. One thing I do understand is that he can transform my face into a big smile. What a great day with a special guy!
It rained on us a little as we drove home and we got into a conversation about lightening and its dangers.
Thomas: "You have two chances with lightening. The second time you're hit, you end up in heaven."
Memaw: "I want to go to heaven. Heaven would be a wonderful place to be."
Thomas: "But in heaven you won't be able to see your grandson."
Memaw: "Well, I want all my kids in heaven with me."
Thomas: "But if you go to heaven first, you will be lonely. Wouldn't you rather live on earth with your grandchildren? In heaven, you can't come back. If you do come back you will scare your grandchildren because you'd be a ghost."
Memaw: (Are we back to scaring grandchildren? I can't win for losing.) "Don't worry. I think I will stay here with my grandchildren."
Then he asked that I define the word deny. I told him when we deny something we are either telling the truth or lying. He couldn't grasp that concept and I gave many examples. He finally ended that conversation by telling me he was confused. I was beginning to get that way myself.

It rained on us a little as we drove home and we got into a conversation about lightening and its dangers.
Thomas: "You have two chances with lightening. The second time you're hit, you end up in heaven."
Memaw: "I want to go to heaven. Heaven would be a wonderful place to be."
Thomas: "But in heaven you won't be able to see your grandson."
Memaw: "Well, I want all my kids in heaven with me."
Thomas: "But if you go to heaven first, you will be lonely. Wouldn't you rather live on earth with your grandchildren? In heaven, you can't come back. If you do come back you will scare your grandchildren because you'd be a ghost."
Memaw: (Are we back to scaring grandchildren? I can't win for losing.) "Don't worry. I think I will stay here with my grandchildren."
Then he asked that I define the word deny. I told him when we deny something we are either telling the truth or lying. He couldn't grasp that concept and I gave many examples. He finally ended that conversation by telling me he was confused. I was beginning to get that way myself.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Caged Animal

He's trapped and scared and I don't like having to witness it. Sure, it didn't bother me enough to refrain from taking his picture while in helpless captivity. That's a real blog pitfall. We will sacrifice a lot for the sake of the blog.
I guess my aversion to opossums started in my teens. My dad had a beard at the time and was driving a very old 1949 Pontiac with a sun visor over the windshield. You've got to visualize this. He was driving home from work one night and saw an opossum. Knowing how much I love cats he assumed I'd fall equally in love with this hideous creature. He stopped the car, chased the thing until he caught it, then drove with it hanging out the window and my dad clutching its tail.
My brother, Gene, was the first to be humiliated by this sight. Dad drove to the 7-11 where Gene worked and pulled right into the lighted parking lot with the opossum hanging from his window. I don't think Gene acknowledged this man as his father.
His next stop was home where I was doing homework in my bedroom. He knocked on the door and told me he had a critter for me. Expecting a furry, soft cat, I opened my door in a hurry. What I saw was this gnarly opossum baring his teeth. Then Dad laughed, told me the story of how he caught it and how he brought it home. I was mortified. But I still think Gene got the worst end of it.
So, I'm not overly fond of opossums. You just don't see cuddly opossum plush toys. They just don't have the look that endears us to them. Their hair resembles mine when it's been wet and allowed to dry naturally into an ugly haphazard mess. And that hairless tail! How awful is that? They have absolutely no redeeming qualities. Yet, the sight of that poor thing in a cage, helpless and full of fear, has touched a chord of pity in me. It's not his fault that his lot in life was to be a hideous opossum. He can't help how he looks.
I'll be going through this again. Once the city picks him up, we will get the cage ready to trap the other cat food thieves. It might even be harder on me next time because you do see plush toys in the likeness of raccoons.
Sharon's Back!

My new friend, Sharon, was out of state during the month of July and I really missed her. Now that she's back, we wasted no time meeting for lunch. We had catching up to do, plus we're still learning so much about each other. Sharon is like a soothing balm for troubled times. She has a special way of relating to me that makes me feel as if I can shove off all my problems while in her presence. She also sees good things in me that I didn't know existed and we all need a friend like that!!!
Welcome back, Sharon! Special just doesn't seem adequate enough to describe your friendship and the person you are. Just know you are loved and appreciated! You are also very photogenic! Every picture of you comes out great.
Welcome back, Sharon! Special just doesn't seem adequate enough to describe your friendship and the person you are. Just know you are loved and appreciated! You are also very photogenic! Every picture of you comes out great.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Rhyme Time
I wrote the following poem when my son Ron was a child. I thought it was a good time to share it since his own son has a birthday next week. Actually, I have two grandsons having a birthday this month so it's appropriate to honor boys today.
This Moment
This moment while you slumber,
Lying peacefully in your bed,
I bend down closer to you
And plant a kiss upon your head.
Tonight you're just a little boy,
All exhausted from your play.
Sleeping soundly and preparing
To face another day.
This moment I stand in silence
Thinking how grand you are to me.
Remembering little things you've done,
You're all a son should be.
I smile when I think
Of all the clever things you say,
And how your expressions change so much
In that boyish little way.
Oh, this moment, my dear little son
Is passing quickly before my eyes.
Soon morning will ease the darkness
And the sun will warm the skies.
If only time would pause awhile
Instead of rushing at its pace.
To give me time to look again
Upon your youthful face.
But tomorrow will come and go,
And one day when you awake,
I'll no longer see a child
For a man's place you will take.
Oh this moment is so important
I must grasp it while I can!
Before my child grows up
From a boy into a man.
- Peggy Chrusciaki
Circa 1978
This Moment
This moment while you slumber,
Lying peacefully in your bed,
I bend down closer to you
And plant a kiss upon your head.
Tonight you're just a little boy,
All exhausted from your play.
Sleeping soundly and preparing
To face another day.
This moment I stand in silence
Thinking how grand you are to me.
Remembering little things you've done,
You're all a son should be.
I smile when I think
Of all the clever things you say,
And how your expressions change so much
In that boyish little way.
Oh, this moment, my dear little son
Is passing quickly before my eyes.
Soon morning will ease the darkness
And the sun will warm the skies.
If only time would pause awhile
Instead of rushing at its pace.
To give me time to look again
Upon your youthful face.
But tomorrow will come and go,
And one day when you awake,
I'll no longer see a child
For a man's place you will take.
Oh this moment is so important
I must grasp it while I can!
Before my child grows up
From a boy into a man.
- Peggy Chrusciaki
Circa 1978
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