My lovely friend, Sharon, and I met for lunch today to celebrate her birthday next week on September 2. We're both going to be out of town so we decided to meet together one more time before we leave. Sharon asked me how I managed to fit in lunch with her while preparing everything so I can get away for a week. I had to admit that I selfishly needed to see her. There is such a calming peace in her presence and I needed a healthy dose of it before I could even think about finishing the tasks ahead. Sharon is my booster shot, my B-12, my therapist, my Prozac, my minister, my good friend and now, my sister. I asked her to adopt me as her sister and she graciously agreed. She needs to meet Donna now that she has joined our sisterhood!

We discussed the possibility of a fun trip with our daughters, Rachael and Angela. Are you girls up to this? We might beat you in the best friends game. We think we'd have a ball, the four of us spending some quality time together.
Sharon, my friend, have a wonderful birthday with your husband (they share the same one, just like Allison and Brian!) and enjoy your trip. I will miss you and can't wait to hear all about how you celebrated and where. I am so blessed to have you in my life. And, as always, you are so photogenic!
Happy birthday, Sharon, with love!
Happy Birthday Sharon! And husband!! Have a great one!....from Angela's sister-in-law
just leave me out of your fun plans. 5th wheel!
Happy birthday, Mama Sharon! Thanks for being such a good friend to my mamacita. I'm all in for a trip!
I guess since Sharon is my sister, I could come too. I'll bring along 5th wheel:)
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