Sunday, November 18, 2007

Venison Anyone?

The Great White Hunter came home a hero today. His head and chest are a little bigger, too. He got a buck this morning and it's concealed in the two ice chests Robin is posing beside. I'm taking his word for it. He didn't want me to view the contents and that was fine with me. I have no desire (and neither do you) to see a once beautiful deer after it has been field dressed.

Robin will cut out the best parts and give the rest away. I won't be dining on Mr. Buck because I have a mental block about most meats. More than likely, his son will cook it for him and they will share the thrill of eating this poor little woodland creature.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not against hunting. I'd have to be a vegetarian to say I was against hunting. Not just a vegetarian, but someone who also shuns leather in all its forms. But I don't have the stomach to take out a deer or even a cow and I do love indulging on filet mignon once in awhile. I'm the one who has to be far removed from the slaughter and all the ugly processes that finally bring the animal to the meat counter. I don't want to eat something I just saw walking through the woods or pasture.

Robin also brought home another little trophy. It's the skull of a bobcat. He found the carcass and decided he wanted its head. The head was boiled for about three hours to remove all hair, skin, and other decomposed parts and the stench was horrendous. He knew not to bring it to my kitchen for the boiling process. Now, he has to bleach it white and reaffix the jawbone and the teeth that separated from the skull during its hot bath. He's especially proud of the two large fangs which he pointed out to me through its plastic bag. Don't ask me where it will end up once it has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. I'm even afraid to ask.

Robin's not through hunting. He has tags left for another buck and two doe. So don't fret, the slumber parties aren't over yet.


Anonymous said...

Yes, venison for me! I love the way my Dad has his done. But I can't think about it while I'm eating it.

And GROSS!! Where did he boil this skull?? And what did he do with the boiled off hair and skin? So many questions to ask, yet I don't want to know any of the answers.

Tell him to hang it next to your pickled (or stuffed) uterus.

Anonymous said...

LOL Cristal!

Congratulations Robin!

angela | the painted house said...

Congrats, Robin, on murdering that innocent buck, who was enjoying his carefree life in the woods, frolicking amongst the bunnies and squirrels. Now somewhere in a dark hollow a doe and fawn mourn the senseless death of their husband and father--their rock and protector. Why, oh, why, dear God, they wail up to the heavens.

Now when are those steaks going to be ready?

Peggy said...

LOL, Cristal and Angela.

DiamondDeb said...

Don't you and Pat party too hard before Donna and I get there. I guess Dec 7th is a good day for everyone. HAPPY THNAKSGIVING TO ALL THE FAMILY. Love ya.

DiamondDeb said...

Oh by the way Larry and I love deer meat.

Anonymous said...

Cristal - you are crazy!

I've always said that I could have been a vegitarian if I didn't like hamburger and chicken so much. I think if I could have decided it when I understood the process, I'd have chosen to be vegetarian. Maybe some day I will give it up again, until then slather my burger with mayo and a heap of grilled onions. Thanks

Peggy said...

Welcome back, Deb! Don't be a stranger! I'm so looking forward to our slumber party weekend!