I was so proud of our little birthday girl today. She kicked her legs with excitement as she saw people coming through the door that she recognized. She had no idea that the party was in her honor or that she'd open presents. She was just happy to see her home fill with friends and family.
Her Mom, Allison, did a wonderful job making chimichangas with an avocado dipping sauce, rice, a big fruit bowl, and chips and dips. She even extended herself to making a second birthday cake when the first one came out of the oven and failed due to a lack of baking powder. Allison pulled out ingredients for a second try and couldn't remember if she'd added oil and water to the second cake or if it was the first one she remembered adding it to, so she added more and it, too, failed. I asked why she didn't try for a third time and she assured me she was going to but had run out of eggs. Fortunately, I brought ice cream and cookies for dessert. And there was cake left from Sophia's family celebration on Wednesday.
The big hit for the kids was the bouncey house Allison and Brian rented for the day. The kids had a ball jumping and sliding down the inflatable slide. I got in on the fun and soon there was a new game called, "let's jump on grandma". I was tackled and crawled over and had several sets of bare feet in my face. We had so much fun and the kids' laughter was music to my ears. I've noticed the soreness is already setting in and I have a feeling it will be a chore crawling out of bed tomorrow. Grandma isn't as young as she used to be.
All the mothers were shown by Allison how to make tutus for their daughters. That went over very well. The moms had fun choosing the colors and putting it together, and the girls looked adorable in their new costumes. Allison had many colors to choose from and an assortment of ribbons and bells. It was such a neat activity for a little girl's birthday party. Kudos to my creative daughter!
Sophia wasn't into the unwrapping of gifts but the contents of the packages really grabbed her attention. She got a lot of neat toys and clothing and was very sweet about sharing her new treasures with her guests. She's a precious little girl and deserved this wonderful first birthday party. We love you, Sophia.
you are fast!. Thanks for provideing the sweets. I don't know what I'd do without you. You failed to mention that it started at 12noon and ended at 5:30! that is one long party!
Looks like so much fun! Poor titer and the cake. Thank goodness for Memaw's treats. Wish we could have been there.
I love the tutu's. Sophia looks adorable in hers. And that's such a cute picture of her asleep in it! As far as the cake goes.....Betty Crocker!!
As far as the cake goes, I think it was perfect. Have cake on their actually birthday and then have ice cream and cookies for the party. Except for Natalie Belz who broke into a crying fit when she found out there was no cake. I'll never do that again. She was so cute.
what a good Mama you are to be so vigulant baking the cake (s). I thik the last picture of Sophia shows the sucess of the party, the end to a perfect day.
Looks like the birthday girl was tuckered out. Sweet picture.
I'm with Cristal - a mix!
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