Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Call Me Granny Clampitt

Elly Mae would be more flattering, but I'm trying to be honest. I received a letter and contract to allow access to my home property for drilling purposes. No, there won't be an unsightly oil rig in my back yard, although I doubt I would actually find one unsightly. But they do hope to draw oil beneath my home and are willing to pay for it.

This is part of the Barnett Shale and all the wells that are now operating in North Texas. We will be paid upfront depending on our lot size, and receive 20% royalties for the life of the well. Even with the soaring gas prices, I can't see making a fortune since everyone in my city probably received the same letter and contract. We will be attending a meeting this week to learn more.

Just the same, it's nice to know we might be sitting on a wealth of oil. The wealth will go to those who have the expense of drilling, but I'll take whatever they throw my way. And I won't jump up and rush to Beverly Hills when I get my first check. Unlike Granny, I know where I belong and where I fit in the best. I think this Texas Girl will just sit back and relax on top of all my oil and dream bigger dreams. Black gold, Texas tea . . .


Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately that out of my favorite sister-in-law's (Angela) family that you are my favorite????

angela | the painted house said...

This is interesting!

Anonymous said...

go granny go

stand in line, cristal, I've had to suffer years with this woman to get what I deserve.

I love you mommy, you know that! Watch my kids on Wed for me still??

Peggy said...

Cristal, that was all a piece of fiction. Still your fav?

I'll watch the kids only because I'm having withdrawal.

Anonymous said...

Sissy, you are my favorite sister.

Peggy said...

The benefit of being your ONLY sister is that I'm also your favorite. You're my favorite, too, Donna.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean you can BUY the condo in Bandera????

Peggy said...

That condo in Bandera will be secured with my first royalty check!!!! There's nowhere I'd rather be!

Anonymous said...

WHAT? FICTION?? But I already had cars and colors picked out.

And yes, you're still my favorite (only) brother's favorite (only) mother-in-law.