Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lunch with a New Friend

What a wonderful lunch date I had today with Sharon. She is the proud mother of Rachael, one of Angela's close friends. I was invited to her home and we visited awhile before heading out to lunch. She is a very easy woman to get to know and share with. Angela told me I'd come away feeling so comforted and I did.

Sharon is one of the most beautiful and spiritual women I've ever met, and I've had the privilege of meeting quite a few. She has a wonderful relationship with God and one can see it in her countenance. She's both gentle and strong and that's a super combination.

I guess I'm not a blogger addict because I forgot to take my camera. I wanted so much to get a picture of Sharon and I together to show our daughters. And to post here. From Sharon's, I went to Allison's and then to Jude's graduation from Wee School. Still no camera. But I will get pictures from Allison to post.

Thank you, Sharon, for the lunch, and especially for the friendship you so freely extended. No wonder Rachael is so close to her mother. You are two peas in a pod. Today was a blessing.


Anonymous said...

That's always special when you make a new and good friend. And I'm sure after losing her husband so suddenly she could use a new good friend too.

Now then, what kind of grandma are you that you FORGOT your camera at your grandson's graduation?....I'm still picking you and the 3 kids up at the airport, don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Glad you have another girlfriend. Can't have too many. Will she join us for girl's night out?

Anonymous said...

You can never have enough friends. She sounds wonderful. I am sure you could give her some help on the aftermath feelings that accompany losing your spouce. We both know how important that is and how bonding it can be in a relationship. Hope to meet her one day.

angela | the painted house said...

I am so glad that you two were able to get together! Sharon is such a wonderful lady. Rachael doesn't fall far from the sweet tree!