If you are reading this, my name is Cheryl and I am a blogalcoholic (sorry, I am already getting carried away).
This is a day late for Mother's Day, I want to acknowledge and pay tribute to three women I just adore. I felt I needed to let them know how I feel and how much happiness they have brought into my life, by letting me be a part of the most "important" part of their lives.
I was particularly sad yesterday, as I can no longer tell my mother how much I love her, so I thought I will tell the three of you how much love and admiration I feel towards each of you. My mother passed away in 2003. She was an exceptional lady. At the age of 83 she drove her car, lived independently, swam at the Y, bowled, wizard at bridge, had a huge realm of friends and as Peggy knows, could stay up late with the best of us for a game of Boggle. She had so much patience and caring during some very hard time taking care of my father with Alzheimer's. She then turned around to watch her son (actually son-in-law) who she adored, slowly die of cancer. I loved her very much.
This all brings me to the point of why I am "guest" blogging, to tell these three wonderful mothers in their own right......PEGGY, RANDEE AND ANGELA, that they are extraordinary women, mothers (and memaw). I see so much of Peggy's standards in Randee and Angela, but with a such a wonderful twist of their own. They both have the most adorable (and very pretty!) children ever made. They spend so much time with each one as my mother did with me. No story or activity in their children's lives takes a back seat to anything else. That makes a child feel so special when a mother shows such interest in a sometimes uninteresting conversation. I know my mother did that many many times with me and I remember it all. My mother was a stay at home mom. Looking back...how important that was to me! She was always there. I can see that same quality in Randee and Angela's children now growing up. I could see that difference the minute I met Peggy and her daughters. There is a certain closeness a stay at home mom shares with her children. I am not condemning working mothers. They have just as much love for their children. I just admire them for sacrificing the extras another income can bring in. I say this because of the special "extras" my mother was able to do for me by staying home.
I think the biggest compliment I can give the three of these women is the deep faith they have developed. This was started and instilled from their mother Peggy. My parent's were not over the top religious people, but they too instilled a good Christian background into me. When I met Peggy, she enhanced it and oh so broaden my love for God.
PEGGY - you have done such a wonderful job of raising three beautiful (inside and out) children. You and I have always said our mother's could see no wrong in their sons - but now I can see how much more "reality" can be discussed with daughters. I guess it is just an "unspoken" dialog between mother and daughter......how special!
RANDEE - God broke the mold when he created you. I could see you were destined to be a "mommy" from the minute I met you. What a difference your children will make in this world because of your love, laughter, wit and like Angela, endless energy. Jude is already light years ahead with his exceptional personality. Don't let anyone or anything discourage you to be anything else than who you are now.
ANGELA - You are the mom everyone only can wish to be. Determined, talented, concerned and very meticulous. All with one purpose in mind...love for your family. You see the personality in each one of your children. You give each child the time to be proud and develop that personality. With their faith and determination and love from you, this world will be forever grateful. I see something amazing coming from them all.
There you have it. My rambling might not make a lot of sense to everyone, as I do not have the writing talent like this family does, but they all know me and understand what I am trying to say. After all, this is for each one of them.
Since my mother is no longer here, I see a little bit of her in each one of you. Thank God you are all in my life .... FOREVER.....
Love you
FYI I am really bad at attaching pictures so the only one I have of my mother managed to come across the wires with my brother also in it....oh well, you get the picture right? lol
Cheryl that was an awesome tribute to all 3 of them! And how true everything you said is! They are 3 great mothers and great friends. I am proud to have Angela as my brother's wife and to have her as my neice and nephews mommy. I am also proud/blessed to have Peggy and Allison as part of my extended family.
Cheryl that was an awesome tribute to all 3 of them! And how true everything you said is! They are 3 great mothers and great friends. I am proud to have Angela as my brother's wife and to have her as my neice and nephews mommy. I am also proud/blessed to have Peggy and Allison as part of my extended family.
I'm so proud I hit the button twice.
Cheryl, darn you. You little
s--t! (I remember you saying those same words when, with tears in your eyes, you admired the scrapbook I made for you). Oh, to be able to live up to the beautiful tribute you gave. My daughters do, I'm not always so sure of myself.
Thank you, friend, for allowing the three of us to have the friendship and the mother without stretch marks in our lives. You are truly a blessing and heaven sent. I love you.
I loved your mom, too. What an exceptional woman! She encouraged me so much about my book and then her daughter (you, my friend) carried it over the top. Thank you!
We can't mention Mother's Day without revealing what a terrific mother Cheryl has been to what society would label her step-sons. I've seen her bring them deeply into her heart and love them like her own. That's what Cheryl does. And they love her back. Duh! Who wouldn't? How lucky those boys are to have her.
Cheryl, I really needed that. I have had a really hard couple of nights and I seem to be stressed to the max. But you have just re-fueled me for another day.
I LOVE YOU, Lady. You are such a wonderful friend. I'm glad you are in our lives.
Wow, why didn't I think of that! Cheryl you said it well! I've always thought you were good at expressing yourself. You are such a wonderful friend to my sister and her daughters. I love you!
Cheryl, what a wonderful surprise! I only wish I felt like all those things everyday that you described about me. You are a cherished Mom II. I've said it before, we are lucky to have you in our family!
And, I wish I had known your mother more. She was such a firecracker the one time I met her in Texas. I know you miss her. LOVE YOU CHERYL!
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