Even though we tremble at the thought of cancer, it is only a slight nuisance for God. Nothing, no matter how great, or devious, or alarming, is a match for our Creator. In February I posted "Don't Mess With Clayton". I warned that he is armed with a heavenly presence and a slew of Prayer Warriors. I was right. Not because I'm all-knowing, but because I know God.
The insidious cancer that invaded his body, affecting the bone marrow and putting him in stage 4 lymphoma, is now gone. How is that possible? Are chemo treatments that effective? What about the healthy vegan diet? What about fervent prayer? What about God?
It is my firm belief that God is present during all our life experiences. The good and the bad. The healthy and not so healthy. And I believe God can take whatever human means we give to Him and work miracles. He was there through the chemo treatments and the sickness that followed them. He was there as Angela washed organically-grown vegetables until her hands were raw and sore. He was there for three young children who aren't old enough to understand the changes, but knew their lives needed to remain the same. He was there and heard the prayers of a loving wife, their children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends and a host of bloggers, many who haven't met them but whose hearts were touched. He revealed Himself in a PET scan.
We are humbled and grateful that God healed Clayton and restored his family. We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe that God traveled every step of this rocky path with Clayton and Angela. We rejoice in His goodness and mercy. No one can mess with them or any of us when we are backed by the army of heaven.
I challenge anyone to deny the existence of God. The proof is in the scan. The proof is in the tears of a relieved wife who had kept a prayer on her lips each moment. The proof is in Clayton who allowed himself to be used as a tremendous testimony of God's healing power. The proof is in the peace each of us knows as we trust God with the solutions to all that ails us. To God be the glory and honor forever.
With only 4 chemo treatments and a stage 4 cancer there is NO way God did not do this! Praise the Lord!!
Thank you, Mother, for a well-written post about an extraordinary blessing from God. Beyond ecstatic is what we are. PRAISE THE LORD!
Wow. Are you Angela's mother? Wish I could articulate like you two.
Yes God is with us every step we take when we allow Him that space. I'm so thankful for this healing. Such a special family. Wish I could hug them all.
I haven't commented much since the news of Clay's healing. I am just in awe of God's love for you and your family. Angela, I cry everytime I think of you and Clay resuming your happy life together. Your and Clay are so special. You are such a witness to the answer of prayer.
Even though prayers are not always answered the way we would like them to be, God still has a silver lining for each of us. That "I" can testify to.
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