We began our outing with a relaxing spa pedicure. Ah, it was heavenly sitting side by side and getting our feet and legs massaged. Then Angela opted for a bold orange polish and I did the French pedicure. From there we enjoyed a delicious vegetarian lunch. I had a Veggie Philly that was to die for. The sandwich consisted of mushroom, onions, green peppers, and cheese in a delectable sauce. And these healthy eating establishments don't serve fries or chips with their sandwiches. The side was a mixed green salad, all very good and enjoyable. Angela had a vegetable plate with salad.
We traveled to a quaint little town and did some antique browsing and Angela came home with a few treasures she found. You will need to check out her blog for additional pictures of our day. I know she captured one picture that might require its own blog post.
The time passed too quickly and we needed to head home, but I still had no surprise for the kids. We'd seen a nice Farmer's Market and orchard and decided to stop there on our way home. The aroma coming from within had our mouths watering and we followed the smell to a counter full of hot fried apple turnovers. Definitely not on Angela's vegan menu, but she let me splurge and buy one for the kids. I also bought them a bag of fresh peaches. Ashton and Juliet were thrilled with their surprises.
Our bonding continued even though we arrived at Angela's house and had kids to bathe and feed, and a kitchen to put back together after the painters left. We bonded in there until about midnight. I'm sure this subject is a post in itself, too. Again, keep checking Angela's blog.
Few things are as special as a close mother/daughter relationship and I'm so blessed to share it with both my daughters. The trip was perfect to me since I got lots of quality time with the grandchildren and a delightful day with just my daughter. God is good.
I'm glad you had a great time. I'm sure the kids loved having you there. Even though they don't understand this chemo thing I think they're enjoying all the family and friends who are coming to visit.-----And wash dishes, and fold clothes, and give baths, and change dirty diapers, and basically be Angela's slave....oh, you know I'm kidding Ang!
BTW Angela, I love the necklace you were wearing in those pictures. Did Clay give it to you? And what's hanging off of the heart?
Cristal, my mother gave it to me for Mother's Day--there are three hearts in each of the kids' birthstones hanging off the larger heart. I love it! Clayton gave me nothing for mother's day. Not even a card.
Mom, your account of your stay is lovely--if not a big lie. :) You are kind to say our cleaning the kitchen was bonding even though I was mad the whole time. I loved having you here--next time I hope it is under normal circumstances. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the help! Love you!
Sounds like a good day for the two of you. I also know those kids loved having you there. I missed you and I hardly see you:)
I missed her too Donna. I kept saying, glad your back and look how far away we are! With the messenger, it feels like she is in the room with me.....
NICE TOE NAILS!!!! Angela, are you sure these women work when they come to "help out". We need to see more pictures of someone wearing a bandana and make up running off the face from sweat!
I know your mom loved every minute
Angela, I'm assuming you're under "Peggy". What a sweet and thoughtful gift from your Mom! I love that necklace. And what is up with Clay? Yes, he had chemo before Mother's Day but the cards are out 2 months in advance. Do I need to have a "talk" with him?
Yep, that was me under "Peggy." Whoops.
Cristal, you are like Peggy and me. We tend to take up for our sisters-in-laws. We love our brothers, but we also know how they can be.
Clay may be blood but us women have to stick together!
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