My weekend started off like every weekend has started off for the the past 8 weeks - a trip to the doctor. I started working at Jude's school after spring break and ever since we have been on 5 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids. My stay-at-home kids have entered the world of germs and their systems are revolting. Sophia - my 18-month-old - has really had a time with it. She started peeing out her rectum on Tuesday evening which provided lots of fun for the wonderful ladies who had to keep her while graduation services took place. They said she cleared the room! Sophia gets that from her father's side of the family.
She continued to have the loose boonda all week. I took her to her pediatrician on Friday and the DR said that it was probably caused from her drinking too much apple juice so take her off of it for good until she can get all the good stuff back into her gut. I told the DR that I would be in next week for a broken toe because as soon as I give her the water in the morning instead of the AJ she will throw it down and it usually lands near or on my foot. It is her cup of Joe in the morning. She is a bear until she has her cup of apple juice.
So I got home from the DR and gave her some "UNCH" and 15 minutes later it was on my stairs - she had vomited it all over the place. I then started her on a BRAT diet (Banana, rice, apple sauce and toast) and she seemed to be ok. Saturday came and she could not keep anything down. She hated the water. She was sleeping most of the day and now not only was she having diarrhea but she was throwing up too.
This morning she woke begging for ice water and she downed the 8 ounces without complaint. Soon the water was all over me, her and my couch. I gave her some Gatorade and she took one sip and it went too. To top it off when she woke she did not have a wet diaper. Usually her diaper weighs as much as she does.
I took her to the ER and 5 hours and $100.00 later she was showing signs of my little Sophia. Those people that work at the children's hospital are saints. Not many people can say that they had a pleasant experience at the ER with an 18 month old. Sophia is still not 100% but she is getting her color back and she is getting her rolls back on her legs.
Subject changer
Baylee loves the movie "Enchanted" we watch it together at least once a week, it is our bonding time. Last night all the tvs were occupied so I set up the van DVD player in the kitchen and turned on the movie. I went upstairs to get some stuff done (read the blogs) and Jude came upstairs and said "You have to come see Baylee!
" I went down and this is what I saw:
Poor girl, "Put me to Bed!!"
Subject Changer
I did a craft this evening. I am not a crafty person so when I do something and finish it it is quite an accomplishment. It is just a bracelet. I did the pink one, the brown was my example. Guess what all the ladies in my family are getting this year in their stocking this Christmas?????
Baylee thinks it is so beautiful.
Poor Sophia....Hope she is doing better. You handled that really well, I would have been a mess. What did they say it was?
Baylee is beautiful!
BTW, if everyone had to leave the room because of the armoma sophia left, it wasn't her dad's side of the family. Her mother's side has been known to clear rooms too!
Good post Randee, give us more!
Poor Sophia! Glad she got some good medicine. Maybe this will cure her.
Baylee is so cute! How on Earth can anyone fall asleep in that position? Too funny!
Love the bracelets. I'm not crafty either.
And yes, blog more!
Poor Sophia. She has had a time of it the last few weeks.
That picture of Baylee with the head phones reminds me of you, Randee, listening to Olivia Newton John 8 track tapes (kinda makes you feel old, doesn't it). Of course you were awake) That was sweet of Jude to think you'd want to see and take a blog picture of her like that.
Thanks for the update. We want more!
My poor Sophia! She breaks my heart, as they all do when sick.
I don't see how Baylee slept in that position either. Funny girl.
Yes, I want stocking stuffers! They turned out too cute. Teach me.
Thank you, Allison, for being such a super guest blogger.
Jude is so thoughtful and for a kid his age and being a boy it amazes me how he loves babies. He's a sweet boy!
Poor pitiful Sophia! Hope she's feeling better by now!
Loved the bracelets.
How can Baylee sleep like that? I'd need major pain meds in the morning if I slept like that!
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