Add a fun group of women, lots of delicious food, and a paradise back yard and you have a pool party at Deborah's house. Only one woman ventured into the heated pool while the rest of us were too busy visiting. We met new friends and discovered that all of Deborah's friends blend in nicely with one another.
We munched on sandwiches of turkey and chicken salad, salad and cole slaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, queso and chips, cheese ball and crackers, a fruit patter with a sinfully delicious dipping sauce, and all kinds of strawberry desserts. I don't think anyone left hungry. We sat at tables by the pool and the weather cooperated perfectly. Not too hot, not too cold.
It is obvious that Deborah and Larry love flowers. The yard had every kind of bloom imaginable and were tended to carefully. The colors were beautiful and it was such a relaxing place to be. Her home, too, was very inviting and lovely.
I was happy to meet Larry after hearing so much about him. It's obvious that he loves our Deborah very much. He says he hates to be away from her. I'm sure we all wished our husbands could say the same! Mine probably relishes my absence for awhile, until his stomach starts growling.
Donna and I were the last to leave at 6:00. We carried out containers of food before everyone carted off their dishes. I made it home with a strawberry and angel food cake dessert that was planned for Robin but he may not get it all.
Thank you Deborah for a delightful party and for being such a gracious and fun hostess. We love you!
Angela I think this house was in the same neighborhood as Natalie's former home in Arlington.
We had such a great time. Thanks Deborah for the great time! I loved meeting every one.
Thanks everyone for making my party a HUGE success. Had too much fun. Let's do it again next year. Love all of you so much.
Next year my foot! I want it on a monthly basis. I just love your back yard. Jude saw the pictures - not knowing that was where I was yesterday - and he said "I want a backyard like that!". Brian said, "me too!"
It is a yard to be envied. Maybe if my book idea takes off I can get that for my family.
Thank you again for making me hungry! :)
Glad y'all had fun!!
I think that you can tell a lot about a person when they are forced to handle things under diress - our hostess had not one, not two but three catastrophic events occur before we got there Saturday afternoon - and she was still the epitomy of grace and did her hosting duties beautifully!! She was actually able to laugh while she was telling us about the macaroni on the parking lot, the shattered storm door from the rock the weedeater slung into it and how she tried so hard to impress everyone that knows her and knows she cannot cook when she attempted a very hard dish to make - tea - that's right tea - after probably boiling the water to 400 degress she quickly emptied it into an innocent unsuspecting glass pitcher which sounded like a gun going off as it exploded all over her kitchen countertops, ran down the cabinets all over her fresly scrubbed white ceramic tile floor and yet she was still happy to see all of us - that says a lot about Ms. Debroah!! If anything catastrophic happens to me, she's the one I want with me cause she'll figure a way out!! Even though we met friends from all different areas and walks of Debbie's life, the concensus was overwhelming in that we all dearly loved this woman and another very unexpected thing happened about the same time - we discovered after being around one another for a short while that we felt like we were old friends as well that just hadn't seen one another in a long time and Debbie was that link that pulled all of us together - even had a couple of sisters interested in going to Vegas with us which would be great!! the more the merrier!! I personally would like to request everyone submit their recipes on the dishes they brought as I loved everything there but Debbie darling, I'm good on the tea recipe so don't send yours!! I would love to get together again in the near future and as we are talking about paying our way out there a party at a time, if any of you are interested in joining us for our poker parties, the admission fee is $20 and you can buy up to $25 in chips - the $20 admission fee goes into the Vegas Fund and the $25 is to buy chips to play with - my sister, Trish, as Debbie can attest to, is an excellent dealer in all games and especially Texas Hold'em - when we go to Vegas this time we want to get real adventurous and try our luck at one of the smaller poker tables but we don't want to go out there and look like country bumpkins trying to play - we have a lot of fun so if that is something any of you think you might be interested in doing, consider this your open invitation - we haven't decided where or when our June meeting will be held but I will put the word out as soon as I know - It's a fun way to spend time with friends and not spend a lot of money and there's always snacks, appetizers, mixed drinks, soft drinks, etc. Another thing that would be fun is if we all submit our recipes, to appoint someone who is good with putting things together and a great knowledge of Word and let's put together a cook book with some of our favorite tried and true recipes that we take to church functions, or covered dish luncheons or fix for our family - you can get some of the best recipes that way so someone be thinking if they would be interested in doing that!! Once again, it wase so wonderful to meet you Peggy and your daughter Randee and your sister Donna and thanks for taking the picture of us because the one Debbie was supposed to take, didn't take so that's the only one we have of us and I appreciate it - very nice to meet you and I hope we get to be able to get together again in the near future - Paula
OK Paula, get your own blog - just kidding dear. You are a great writer!!! You need to let us have a peek into your life. E-mail us your blog address when you get one.
The is the other Paula. You don't know her well enough to be rude...just kidding.
Loved the party and would love to go to Vegas with all of you. If you go in 2009, I'd love to plan on going too. Enjoyed meeting all of Deb's friends. I hadn't seen Linda is such a long time and she is so witty and smart. Just like I remembered her. Enjoyed seeing Larry again. I probably hadn't seen him since the 70's.
Thanks Peg for the pictures and thanks Deb for having us into your home. Your backyard is beautiful!
Deb I wish I could have joined you and your friends. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time, not to mention wonderful food! I was so glad I got the chance to meet you once and hope to see you again.
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