Parker will be joining our family this week when I pick him up at the airport on Thursday. Parker has always had a place in my heart. He won me over when I first laid eyes on him at Angela's house. His unique, sweet face and his playfulness were a hit with me. Angela knew how smitten I was with Parker that one Christmas she gave me an apron and she had painted his face on it.
One odd, yet endearing, trait about Parker is that he will fetch spit wads and return them to the one, usually Angela, who tossed it across the room. That's unusual for a cat who has the reputation of doing what it wants and not following orders.
When Angela approached me about giving Parker a home I was reluctant since she was also offering Jack, a frisky feline I'd met when i visited them in September. Jack managed to get into my suitcase and eat homemade bread I'd brought from Nanaw to Angela. He also brought blood on me a few times. He'd bite playfully, yet hard enough to break the skin, each time I tried to pet him. Yet he loved sleeping with me while I was there. Well, Jack ran away again and this time only Parker was offered to us. I was so tempted but Robin had reservations.
We have our Foster cat Weasil living with us. Weasil is not the most hospitable cat. He loves us and is very happy in our home, but he doesn't care for children or other animals. At times, he doesn't care for us. We can think he's in the mood for a good rub only to be bitten when our hand gets close to him. Weasil has attitude. I wasn't sure he would get along with Jack or Parker, but especially Jack. Now that Jack has taken off in search of greener pastures (I think he knew they were trying to get rid of him) I decided to really push Robin's buttons about how much I love Parker and how he would fall in love with him, too.
He finally relented and told me to do "whatever I want". Which I did. I wrote Angela an e-mail and told her we would take Parker off her hands. Not that Parker was a problem to her. He was just being denied the full attention he was used to since Callan came upon the scene. The vet suggested that the move and the busier schedule had had a stressful effect on Parker. I'm sure he will adjust and soon be happy as ever in a home with grandparents who have the time to spend with him. Every cat that crosses our threshold is loved and pampered. Robin even has an assortment of cats who arrive at our back door every day for rubs and food. I have no doubt that Robin will be as smitten as I am once Parker joins our loving home.
We're having a cat! If anyone wants to plan a shower for us, we will appreciate the gesture. Welcome, Parker! We can't wait to see you!
Congratulations! I wish I would have pushed harder for you to take kiggy.
Congratulations! There needs to be more people like you out there. Love ya.
THANK YOU, Mother! Parker is excited about getting his "wings" and arriving at his new home. Parker is a good and sweet cat, but he starving right now for some love. I'm so glad that you and Robin are opening up your hearts and home. And I'm especially happy that I will still be able to see Parks.
Kiggy terrorized Toby, she would have killed Weasil. Weasil's a wuss. Is that spelled right?
Parker is going to have it made! You have always talked about him. I will bring a little "kitty shower" gift when I arrive.... I'm glad, you need a cuddler like Parker.
Lucky cat!
Our 4 "loving" cats have decided to throw the shower. We will drop them off on your curb then speed away. You don't know where we live, right??
Now that I'm barely among the living again and have gotten caught up on everything it looks like y'all had a great Christmas. Candyce and Cameron are just gorgeous. I think they get more beautiful every time I see them. The pics of Bailey and Sophia are cute too. And Allison, last week Ashton kept talking about his "favorite boy cousin" and "the one who's closest in age to him" Jude!
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