Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Box of Surprises

Patty and I were sitting at the kitchen table last night with coffee when Robin checked the mail. He carried in a box and handed it to me and right away I recognized Angela's handwriting. Then I noticed it was also addressed to Patty and Cheryl, with a note to open before our Bandera trip next weekend.

Well, I tore into the box and you've never seen two more excited women! Then I called Cheryl and told her about it and her excitement just escalated. What a precious thing my daughters did for us! Inside the box were three picture albums for all three of us, and three pairs of slippers, a package of candy, a tin of milk bath, a movie (chick flick), and a set of Victoria's Secret perfume samples. Inside a card, Angela wrote:

Bandera is for . . . . .

- Watching movies in your pajamas.

- Eating chocolate for breakfast.

- Taking long milk baths.

- Padding around the condo in slippers.

- For making memories - take lots of photos.

- Being girlie and swapping perfume.

How perfect is that? Angela put a lot of work into our albums. Each one starts with our home city with a destination point of Bandera. There are scrapbook dividers that she made to organize our pictures into those of deer, eating, playing Yahtzee, forever friends, sharing coffee, and movies. It is so special and pushed our excitement level into orbit when I thought we were already there.

Patty took her slippers and album home with her last night so the box shows mine and Cheryl's and the goodies the three of us will share. Cheryl told me over the phone that if any of the candy is missing when she arrives that one of us is dead. Cheryl takes her candy very seriously.

Thank you, my precious daughters, for making our fun week even more exciting. I love you both so much.


Anonymous said...

Just when you think you can't get more excited, here come Peggy's daughters with their own excitement for us.....THANK YOU Angela and Randee. This is such a special time for us and you two make it even more fun joining in with excitement for us.....

I love you both so much......

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY 3 more days!!!!!

angela | the painted house said...

Wow! It got there early! Cheryl, you are such a good friend to not be mad at Mom and Pat for opening it up without you! :)

Hope you all have fun with the goodies!

Anonymous said...

What a neat gift! Y'all have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Wow what an easy way to get such glowing thanks. Truth be told, Angela put my name on the package for a small debt forgivness. Anglela, thanks for making it so special. Angela is always so thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

Peggy has the best daughters! Beautiful and thoughtful. That pretty much describes these two women! Love you girls!

Anonymous said...

We love you too, Donna. We are what we are today because of the awesome women in our lives. We have such great examples.