Patty captured a few pictures that I failed to get. Of course I couldn't take one of myself sleeping or my backside with a perfect view of my droopy jammies. I'm swallowing a lot of pride here to post this most unflattering picture of my broad, flat butt. I spent a week with two friends who were blessed with rounded bottoms and I guess Patty couldn't resist portraying my lack there of.
I took the pictures of the deer with Patty's camera since they were on my side of the car. I zoomed in and caught a trophy picture.
At last, a picture of me walking out of the store as a proud owner of a new laptop. It's performing like a jewel!
You have a cute body. At least your sweats are tight. I desire droopy.
So nice of Patty to capture your bottom.
those pants are big enough to fit a pair of depends in them.
Mike has no butt either. I'm sure y'all wanted to know that.
I just re-read my comment. Duh...I mean't aren't tight.
Dee, you are rotten!
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