Jude thrilled us all yesterday by having special music during the church service. His visiting grandparents from Missouri got to witness his talent and were just as proud of Jude as the rest of us.
I sat there remembering when Allison and Ron would sing for the church with their grandfather playing the piano. Watching Jude just flooded me with memories of days gone by and I wondered how the years could rush into the past so quickly. But the legacy continues with this next generation of singers and speakers.
The young man who stood so erect and proudly sang his song doesn't resemble the little guy who loves to visit and wrestle with Papa. I'm happy to say he knows how to act when given the situation. And there's not a shy bone in his body! But then, no child raised by Allison would lack in confidence, acceptance, and complete love.
Thank you, Jude, for your wonderful contribution to the church service. Jesus is so proud of you, too.
What a talent! I am so proud of you Jude. You have a wonderful voice and so much personality. Love you
jude you are sweet ilove you.
ashton i love you reallyashton
Jude that was SO good and cute!! What a great voice!!
He did so good! Loved it!
That's my boy! I love the way he smacks his lips right before he starts singing. He reminds me of peepaw. Love him!
Perfect, Jude! I loved it! And, you CAN be anything God wants you to be!!
Oh my goodness! Jude is so confident when he is singing for Jesus! I'm so proud of him. He must have the love of music in him like his mom did at that age. Takes me back! I love you Jude!
God Bless! What a special little boy you are. Sing On! Love ya!
Peggy, while lying in bed trying to go to sleep Mike said, "I guess Peggy isn't going to make me that German Chocolate cake."
I guess you better get right on it! :)
Cristal, would you like the recipe? I'll be baking this week for an employee birthday. Why don't you come visit one weekend and we'll send you home with a cake we both made???? Mike will be putty in your hands ;)
im so glad to see the musical talent still running through our family ;)
jude got some talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a cutie
What's wrong with Betty Crocker???
Betty Crocker will do in a pinch.
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