Or . . . how I wrecked our vacation with emergency surgery. Or . . . how to get out of wearing a bikini at the beach at 50+ years old, which I was dreading (How I wish I could see myself through Robin's eyes). It was a year ago today that Robin rushed me to the hospital after spending only one night in our condo. I've never heard of a health problem that could manifest itself so quickly and escalate into a life-threatening situation, unless it was a heart attack or stroke. I simply awoke with an extended stomach and soon the pain began. It was two days later that I came out of my stupor, having lost the time in between.
A section of my small intestines was removed to cut out the kink that was obstructing its function. Today, I'm good as new, except for an 8-inch scar that is no longer sore and a mountain of medical bills that are far from being paid off. A week in the hospital, with three days in ICU, is not cheap. Why does it cost so much to leave with LESS small intestines than I arrived with?
And should I pay for the appendix they removed without consulting me first? Although it took away the possibility for further abdominal surgery in the future, I never asked for us to be separated. Not that I miss it. Nor do I miss the small intestines that ended up in an incinerator. What I do miss is the financial freedom I enjoyed before the vacation from hell.
A year has passed and I guess I can't use the surgery as an excuse not to work. That's the biggest disappointment of all.
you look so sad and small. I was a wreck one year ago today. I was sure Robin was lying to me about how bad it really was so my 8-month pregnent selt wouldn't get in the car and go and get you!
I am so glad you are doing so much better.
love you
I just enlarged the picture you have on this blog and got sick all over again.
When Randee left a message on my email to call her, I swear my heart stopped.
Thank God everything went well.
love you
I enlarged it too and you look so small and sickly. You poor thing! I'm glad all that is over with for you.
Now then, why didn't you have your appendix and the parts of your small intestines pickled and put next to your uterus??
LOL, Cristal! Why didn't I think of that?
Cristal doesn't forget a thing!!!
Yes I'm so glad you are feeling good. I too was sick about your being in the hospital and going under the knife. I remember how you hate that!
Don't scare us like that ever again! I'm so glad you got to the hospital when you did.
Now let's keep the kinks in your bedroom and not in your intestines.
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