Pastor Bill and Jan had dinner with us this evening at Angela and Clayton's home. Bill was the pastor of our church in Grand Prairie during the 1980s. It was wonderful seeing them again, We had a great time catching up with everyone.
Their daughter, Rachel, lives in Colorado with her husband and two adorable children. William is living in Chattanooga, and Paul is in Yemen learning Arabic as part of his ministry. Bill and Jan work together in a ministry of church planting and reaching those who are in need. They just returned from Uganda and the needs there are great and they met many wonderful people.
It was great to learn that Bill and Jan live only about 30 minutes away from Angela and Clayton. Lake Lanier separates their cities. They had some wonderful suggestions as Angela and Clayton search for a church home after their recent move to Georgia.
Jan has taken up art so she and Angela had much to share. Check out Jan's art and pottery at http://www.janlevinart.com/.
Kudos to Angela who made a fabulous spinach lasagna, homemade garlic butter for the French bread, and for complimenting me on the artful way I arranged the salad. I didn't know I had it in me!
He was the pastor in the 80's? He looks so young! That's neat that y'all found them. Being a SDA means you have friends and family everywhere you go!
Wasn't his last name Levin or something like that? I remember you talking about him and you referred to him as Pastor Levin.
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