Baylee visited an ear, nose and throat specialist today and the verdict is in. After months of suffering through swollen tonsils, they and her adnoids are coming out next Friday, on the 21st.
Baylee was very disappointed that they weren't being removed today. The tough Kim Possible look in the picture is no act. She's ready to enter the hospital and get those annoying things removed. It helps, however, to know she'll be getting a little get well present. It also helps that she has no idea how sore her throat will be afterwards.
My heart goes out to Baylee, but it goes out to Allison as well. It's not easy watching your child enter the doors of the operating room, a place where Mommy isn't allowed to go. I so remember when Ron was two and he'd already been to the doctor eight times in his young life with his tonsils. A surgery date was set up and we arrived that morning with new house slippers and firetruck pajamas. He looked so sweet walking beside me and had no idea what lay ahead.
My heart broke when the nurse pulled him from my arms and carried him away. His arms were reaching for me as he cried. I cried myself until they brought him back. He was irritable and refused to eat or swallow. He wouldn't speak, but merely grunted. The first words I heard out of his mouth were the next morning at home when I got up from the breakfast table to do something, turned around and saw him in my chair. "I'm eating your breakfast!", he told me. My tears fell as I told him to go right ahead, eat it all.
I'm not saying this to make it worse on Allison. Whether I said anything or not, I know my tender hearted daughter. I know her tears will fall next week even if 1,000 of us told her it was no big deal. It's still her baby going to surgery, even if it's a simple, routine procedure. I'm glad she is full of that much love.
As for Baylee, her Kim Possible persona will kick back in and she will be no worse for the wear. She's a tough little cookie and will face this as an anticipated adventure. And I'm sure she will feel much better in the years ahead. I just hope it doesn't change her distinctive raspy voice.
All will be well, Baylee Girl. Memaw is making cinnamon vanilla ice cream for your big moment. I love you, sweet girl. I love you, too, Allison, and my shoulder is waiting for you.
do you want me to cry? I already have to block it out or I will melt. I too hope that raspy voice is saved. It will be wierd to have her any other way.
Poor girl!!! It will be a hard one for you both--but she will feel so much better! Wish we could bring her some jello.
I had mine out when I was 18 and they say the older you are the worse it is. Lucky me. But Baylee sounds tough and she'll come out just fine! I'll say a prayer Friday that all goes well.
My tonsils were removed during Christmas break, a month before my 16th birthday. I was in the hospital 3 days. I fainted and tried to swallow something liquid and it came out my nose. I lived on Aspergum for weeks. Good for Baylee that she doesn't have to wait that long.
Can you picture Baylee goofy from the medicine? She will have everyone cracking up! I'll be saying prayers that she recovers from the soreness fast. She will be fine.
My tonselectomy was a horror story from beginning to end. What makes little kids so resilent (sp?)? They get over things so quickly as if nothing was ever wrong. Oh, to be 3 again.
Sissy, I remember you did have a time of it. I also remember Shelley was very young when she had her tonsils removed. I remember her being really bosy while in the hospital. She also did great because she was younger. Shelley, if you are out there, say something....even if it's bosy.lol
I too hope Baylee still has her unusually raspy voice. I'll keep mommy and daughter in my prayers.
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